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The assassination of Kara Lynne by the cowards at Limited Run Games


A cult full of the mentally ill.


That’s an eye-opening article. I avoid all things Potter, so wasn’t really aware of the extent of the JK Rowling witch hunt. These people are insane.

Surely this Hogwarts game is likely to be shit, though. I assumed it was from the Just Cause people, but Wikipedia tells me it’s a different Avalanche, the ones that made Hannah Montana and Disney Infinity. Is it actually worth all the fuss or is it just a tool to antagonise the loonies?


That’s an eye-opening article. I avoid all things Potter, so wasn’t really aware of the extent of the JK Rowling witch hunt. These people are insane.

Surely this Hogwarts game is likely to be shit, though. I assumed it was from the Just Cause people, but Wikipedia tells me it’s a different Avalanche, the ones that made Hannah Montana and Disney Infinity. Is it actually worth all the fuss or is it just a tool to antagonise the loonies?
Off topic, but your avatar is from one of my favorite albums of all time. I tip my hat to you and your fine taste in art.


Gold Member
A ‘book artist’ in Toronto by the name of Laur Flom has set himself the task of memory-holing Rowling. He is rebinding Harry Potter books, giving them new covers that make no mention of the witch’s name, and even removing her name from the copyright and title pages inside.

The aim, he says, is to ‘help out’ people who are fans of Harry Potter.

For a cool £140, you can purchase one of Flom’s lovingly purged Potter books.

avengers seriously GIF
Sounds like copyright infringement to me.


Gold Member
It's unreal. We had a notice a few weeks ago telling us we had two pregnant males that had special requirements. Now, it's pretty clear the pressures the NHS is under right now. It's the biggest news in the UK.

As you can imagine most wards are split into male and female areas when using bays. This is for patient privacy and dignity etc. Now the one entire location you don't need to split into this type of sexed accomodation is maternity right? They can make maximum use of the square footage, not worry about the ratio of female nurses (which is predominantly female) and easily share equipment between beds.

However, both - and I stress both of these 'males' were unhappy with this and expected an entire hospital could change in the space of 8 hours or so, in order to give them seperate, private locations with access to all medical equipment and a seperate delivery suite. What else do pregnant women sometimes need when they have a baby? Blood transfusions right? Now, blood transfusions for pregnant women are not just based on the blood type, they also needs to have additional components specific to pregnant women.

So they were very patiently told that they needed to be on the system as female. For their own safety. Can you imagine how that went down? Yeah not well, and both still wanted registering as males. Which meant if any blood was orders, it was ordered under their registered sex which was 'M'. Frankly, it's getting ridiculous and dangerous. Suppliers are talking about adding two fields in health systems (phenotypic sex and birth sex), the first one would purely be admin and the second would be the one sent to medical analysers, lab systems, oncology systems, radiology systems etc.

Tip of the iceberg my friend. And I deal with some of this shite daily. Like they want to be called Mx. <Name> or they complain that systems that are 10 years old dont allow you to use 'Miss' or 'Mrs' when you select Male as the sex.
I guess they don't believe in "democracy," Who would've thunk it.

Tea Time Drink GIF


One of the green rats
They can't ever cancel the Harry Potter brand since its too big, but they will keep trying to remove Rowling from her life's work just because of her gender views and one day, that may happen

Its quite disturbing
And those gender views are basically there are biological women who have different needs than non biological women.

I’m mean it’s pretty insane to think people vehemently oppose this.


Still trying to understand it all but it seems like the real enemy for this loud group should be feminism, no?

One group wants to highlight everything that is great about being a woman.

Another group goes: ”There is no woman”.

Then there is screaming and shouting.

To me it seems kinda leftfield to turn Harry Potter and the world Rowling created into the archenemy.
Still trying to understand it all but it seems like the real enemy for this loud group should be feminism, no?

One group wants to highlight everything that is great about being a woman.

Another group goes: ”There is no woman”.

Then there is screaming and shouting.

To me it seems kinda leftfield to turn Harry Potter and the world Rowling created into the archenemy.
You'd think that more women would speak up and defend JK... But as we've seen, a lot of women are on the side of trans activists.

I know that black people find it offensive if white people wear black face.

Why aren't more women standing up and saying that they're offended by men trying to "impersonate" them?


You'd think that more women would speak up and defend JK... But as we've seen, a lot of women are on the side of trans activists.

I know that black people find it offensive if white people wear black face.

Why aren't more women standing up and saying that they're offended by men trying to "impersonate" them?
Wait what? Isn’t the public toilets and shower rooms etc a big talking point among women?
Anyway there is no talk at all about this where I’m at so I’m just going by the internet noise.
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The vast majority of people would agree with this, including me. It's illegal for people under the age of consent in every state, and fewer than 250 are performed per year on people under the age of 18. It is, in fact, the consensus position of the left.

But it's absolutely baffling how you would get THIS very reasonable statement out of the unhinged psychotic one Kara posted. The woman said she thinks there are more cross dressing perverts waiting to assault women in bathrooms than "real" trans. It's a looooooong fucking walk between that and "I just don't think kids should get surgery until they're 18".

And yet you're like the 100th person in this thread to invent this same exact strawman out of whole cloth, when it bears no relation to anything being argued by any party involved.

Ok obviously, but why does no one show this same outrage when people take their kids to sexualized hetero shit, which they do all the fucking time. I saw Eyes Wide Shut in the theater and there were crying kids in the theater.

That said some people do like to pretend that all drag shows are sexual, they do have kid friendly drag shit. They used to read story books to kids at the library here it was perfectly cute.

You're not doing great on the logic department yourself. You haven't addressed a single real argument anyone has made.
You are well out of touch with what is going on.
First of all, I don't know anyone aho would take their kids to eyes wide shut. People of the right would be just as outraged with that as the drag queen shows. Most people on the right just don't want their kids exposed to any sexual stuff, regardless of if it's hetro sexual stuff or gay sexual stuff.
They want their kids watching innocent kids TV shows like Peppa Pig or Paw Patrol.
There are some people who don't care about protecting their kids from that. At the end of the day it's up to them to raise their kids how they want. However, people are noticing that some people arnt just happy with doing it to their kids they try and creep it into other people's kids. Drag queen book reading to children. Not only that, like was seen in Australia they had a drag queen reading a book about a girl who wants to dress up like a boy. Why would they need to have drag queens reading books? Then why have it be a book about Gender?
I'm sure it was just a massive coincidence.

As for "Gender Affirming care", you are way off.
Hormone blockers are typically given to kids at 10 or 11 years of age. These hormone blockers will absolutely have life lasting effects on how their body matures as they age. These effects are non reversible.
Children are then given hormone treatment like testosterone or estrogen at 16 years of age. Again, this will have a massive effect on them later in life including making them sterile in some cases.

Mastectomy in children (got to love how they call it "top surgery" instead of Mastectomy) is done under the age of 18, and has been done as young as 12.
The procedure is getting more and more popular in young children.

As I said, cutting a young girls breasts off is just disturbing.

We have laws in place to stop children drinking at a young age, stop them getting tattoos, smoking, having sex,.voting, etc etc, because they lack the maturity to make these decisions that can effect them in life before they are mature enough to know exactly what they are doing.
All people on the right are saying is don't do any of this shit to them until they are adults and know exactly what they are doing. We don't care what an adult does to themselves. Tattoo your face, be a porn star, smoke, drink, have gender reassignment surgery, whatever.
Just because a Dr in a white coat is doing it doesn't make it ok. Joseph Mengala was a Dr and wore a white coat as well.
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You'd think that more women would speak up and defend JK... But as we've seen, a lot of women are on the side of trans activists.

I know that black people find it offensive if white people wear black face.

Why aren't more women standing up and saying that they're offended by men trying to "impersonate" them?

Women have been speaking up for quite a while now. Why do you think there has been a significant rise in the use of the term "TERF"? It's just that, as shown with various policies, very few are listening.


Many fans of J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" books are questioning the removal of the author's name from some copies of her iconic book series by someone in Toronto

How much I hate these articles. They don't find stories, they create new ones from the ground up.

How many is many fans? 10? 1000? 10k? 1M?
Did the autor of this article has counted it?
How many fans of HP doesn't care?
How many HP fans are against this nonsense?
Why listen only voices from one side? When articles from HP fans that want to stop this madness?


Men defending the radical feminists that hate them, stripped them off their rights and are now trying to gate-keep their privilege.

Grab some popcorn and let them eat each other you morons.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
You are well out of touch with what is going on.
First of all, I don't know anyone aho would take their kids to eyes wide shut. People of the right would be just as outraged with that as the drag queen shows. Most people on the right just don't want their kids exposed to any sexual stuff, regardless of if it's hetro sexual stuff or gay sexual stuff.
They want their kids watching innocent kids TV shows like Peppa Pig or Paw Patrol.
This is true of everyone. Most people wouldn't do that, it's just very obviously bad parenting, and those people are the exceptions, as is the case with people taking kids to drag burlesque or whatever.

But if we're being honest with ourselves, parents taking kids to R rated movies with sex in them is probably at least 1000 times more common than them taking them to drag burlesque, but only the latter gets the sort of moral panic and hours of hand wringing on Fox news every time one video surfaces of some idiot that did it.

However, people are noticing that some people arnt just happy with doing it to their kids they try and creep it into other people's kids. Drag queen book reading to children.
Did you seriously just jump from "sexualized drag shows" to "reading books to children" as if they're the same?

Drag Queen Storybook stuff is perfectly wholesome and it's popular because kids respond to camp and costumes and funny voices. They love that shit for the same reason they love Blues Clues.

As for "Gender Affirming care", you are way off.
Hormone blockers are typically given to kids at 10 or 11 years of age.
They're not "typically" given at all. Fewer than 5% of trans kids under 18 get puberty blockers.

These hormone blockers will absolutely have life lasting effects on how their body matures as they age. These effects are non reversible.
Children are then given hormone treatment like testosterone or estrogen at 16 years of age. Again, this will have a massive effect on them later in life including making them sterile in some cases.
Again, only in a relatively small percentage of cases.

And yes transition during adolescence will have a profound effect on the rest of their lives, but also tremendous benefit if they truly are going to live their lives as a trans person. They will develop secondary sex characteristics of the gender they will be living as and they will be able to pass for that gender socially in ways that those that transition later often can't and they'll be happier, experience less bigotry, and fewer professional obstacles. Other than their partners, they may never even need to tell anyone they're trans and live normal lives, which is a huge blessing for those people.

I do think it's incredibly important to get it right and if you were to put a kid through this and they grew out of it, then that's absolute malpractice. But there are some cases where it's obviously correct. These might be outliers but they exist.

Reasonable minds can disagree on that point of course, and if you haven't encountered one of these kids who are just obvious trans from 3 years old, I wouldn't blame you. The important thing here is to remember we do all agree when it comes to 95% of cases and this isn't the epidemic it's made out to be.

Mastectomy in children (got to love how they call it "top surgery" instead of Mastectomy) is done under the age of 18, and has been done as young as 12.
The procedure is getting more and more popular in young children.

As I said, cutting a young girls breasts off is just disturbing.
In the sense that 0.013% is more common than 0.011%, yes, but these cases are so incredibly rare, only a couple hundred per year nationally.

That said, we're probably in agreement that minors shouldn't be allowed to get gender affirming surgery, as there's no real long-term benefit in terms of the result. "Just wait" seems like the correct policy on that.

We have laws in place to stop children drinking at a young age, stop them getting tattoos, smoking, having sex,.voting, etc etc, because they lack the maturity to make these decisions that can effect them in life before they are mature enough to know exactly what they are doing.
Yeah, of course I don't think kids should be able to do any of this simply because they "decide" to.

All people on the right are saying is don't do any of this shit to them until they are adults and know exactly what they are doing.
I wish that was all these people were saying, but it's not. Most people on the right and the left agree with this, actually, and I MOSTLY agree myself, but I personally think there are rare exceptions.

But that isn't "all" people on the right say. They often misgender trans people, say they can never be the gender they want, characterize them as perverts, and accuse them of corrupting children. This sort of all or nothing thinking makes it very tough to have reasonable discourse.
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This is true of everyone. Most people wouldn't do that, it's just very obviously bad parenting, and those people are the exceptions, as is the case with people taking kids to drag burlesque or whatever.

But if we're being honest with ourselves, parents taking kids to R rated movies with sex in them is probably at least 1000 times more common than them taking them to drag burlesque, but only the latter gets the sort of moral panic and hours of hand wringing on Fox news every time one video surfaces of some idiot that did it.

Did you seriously just jump from "sexualized drag shows" to "reading books to children" as if they're the same?

Drag Queen Storybook stuff is perfectly wholesome and it's popular because kids respond to camp and costumes funny voices. They love that shit for the same reason they love blues clues.

They're not "typically" given at all. Fewer than 5% of trans kids under 18 get.them.

Again, only in a relatively small percentage of cases.

And yes transition during adolescence will have a profound effect on the rest of their lives, but also tremendous benefit if they truly are going to live their lives as a trans person. They will develop secondary sex characteristics of the gender they will be living as and they will be able to pass for that gender socially in ways that those that transition later often can't and they'll be happier, experience less bigotry, and fewer professional obstacles.

I do think it's incredibly important to get it right and if you put a kid through this and they grew out of it, then that's absolute malpractice. But there are some cases where it's obviously correct. These might be outliers but they exist.

Reasonable minds can disagree on that point of course, and if you haven't encountered one of these kids who are just obvious trans from 3 years old, I wouldn't blame you. The important thing here is to remember we do all agree when it comes to 95% of cases and this isn't the epidemic it's made out to be.

"More and more common" as a relative metric, but limited to just a fraction of a percent of kids who are seeking care. Incredibly rare.

Yeah, of course I don't think kids should be able to do any of this simply because they "decide" to.

I wish that was all these people were saying, but it's not. Most people on the right and the left agree with this, actually, and I MOSTLY agree myself, but I personally think there are rare exceptions.

Bit that isn't "all" people on the right say. They often misgender trans people, say they can never be the gender they want, characterize them as perverts, and accuse them of corrupting children.

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This is true of everyone. Most people wouldn't do that, it's just very obviously bad parenting, and those people are the exceptions, as is the case with people taking kids to drag burlesque or whatever.

But if we're being honest with ourselves, parents taking kids to R rated movies with sex in them is probably at least 1000 times more common than them taking them to drag burlesque, but only the latter gets the sort of moral panic and hours of hand wringing on Fox news every time one video surfaces of some idiot that did it.

Did you seriously just jump from "sexualized drag shows" to "reading books to children" as if they're the same?

Drag Queen Storybook stuff is perfectly wholesome and it's popular because kids respond to camp and costumes and funny voices. They love that shit for the same reason they love Blues Clues.

They're not "typically" given at all. Fewer than 5% of trans kids under 18 get puberty blockers.

Again, only in a relatively small percentage of cases.

And yes transition during adolescence will have a profound effect on the rest of their lives, but also tremendous benefit if they truly are going to live their lives as a trans person. They will develop secondary sex characteristics of the gender they will be living as and they will be able to pass for that gender socially in ways that those that transition later often can't and they'll be happier, experience less bigotry, and fewer professional obstacles. Other than their partners, they may never even need to tell anyone they're trans and live normal lives, which is a huge blessing for those people.

I do think it's incredibly important to get it right and if you were to put a kid through this and they grew out of it, then that's absolute malpractice. But there are some cases where it's obviously correct. These might be outliers but they exist.

Reasonable minds can disagree on that point of course, and if you haven't encountered one of these kids who are just obvious trans from 3 years old, I wouldn't blame you. The important thing here is to remember we do all agree when it comes to 95% of cases and this isn't the epidemic it's made out to be.

In the sense that 0.013% is more common than 0.011%, yes, but these cases are so incredibly rare, only a couple hundred per year nationally.

That said, we're probably in agreement that minors shouldn't be allowed to get gender affirming surgery, as there's no real long-term benefit in terms of the result. "Just wait" seems like the correct policy on that.

Yeah, of course I don't think kids should be able to do any of this simply because they "decide" to.

I wish that was all these people were saying, but it's not. Most people on the right and the left agree with this, actually, and I MOSTLY agree myself, but I personally think there are rare exceptions.

But that isn't "all" people on the right say. They often misgender trans people, say they can never be the gender they want, characterize them as perverts, and accuse them of corrupting children. This sort of all or nothing thinking makes it very tough to have reasonable discourse.

"They can never be the gender they want."

I think that is the issue most people have with the whole transgender issue.
It is something people want. It is not a biological scientific issue. It isn't even an issue of who they are physically attracted to. "I want to be a woman and sleep with a woman." Is one of the hardest things for people outside of that community to get their heads around. "I feel like a woman.. That is what matters"
But, and this is why the biological argument comes up, you dont feel like a woman, because you have never been a woman, you dont know what it feels like to be a woman, you dont have periods, you dont have a biological urge to carry children, literally what it means to be a woman in science is to want to bare children.
So, not a "Woman"
This is what the trans community can't accept. They are no better than flat Earthers. And they should be treated like flat Earthers.
This is the point science tries to make to this community.
Just like a woman who wants to be a man does not know what it is like to have a huge hit of testosterone, to feel like they just need to fuck something no matter what and learn to control that urge. The reason many men commit sexual assault, or sexually harass other people is because they have poor self-control.. A woman who wants to be a man can never know what it is like to try to control themselves and be decent human beings. A transwoman has never been rock hard and not known what the fuck to do.

And again, we have these women who want to be men who want to sleep with men.
"I am a gay man in a woman's body." No, you are not.

Not wanting to play army, or play with dolls, liking the clothes of the opposite sex, or feeling significantly closer to how humanity has decided sexes should identify does not make a person "Born in the wrong body" It is just society that is the issue. If a man wants to dress like a woman and wear make-up and enjoy all aspects of culturally female society, it doesnt make them a man born in a woman's body. It makes them Prince.

And no one would have an issue with the trans-community if they didn't insist on trying to fuck with science. "I want to be the opposite sex" is not an issue to anyone. It is. "I want to be the opposite sex. You have to treat me like I am the opposite sex and I am going to impose my viewpoint on society, despite the fact that I am a walking contradiction."
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Gold Member
Gender surgery/transition should not be allowed until they are an adult and make the decision themselves. End of story. Most places probably have a 16 or 18 year age requirement even to just get a tattoo.

Put it this way. Depending where you live, drinking, a driving a car, gambling etc... you arent allowed until you are probably a minimum of 16 years old. It might even be 18, 19 or 21.

When someone commits a crime, minors are given different sentences because it is assumed by society they arent fully developed in mind to know right from wrong so society cant grill them to the full extent of an adult aged penalty.

Yet an 8 year old, 11 year old or 15 year old can call the shots with their parents for gender transition like it's a no brainer? Absurd. But hey, do what you want if the law allows it. Just dont be a whiner if a life changing medical procedure backfires later in life and you're stuck with it.
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Harry Potter 'book artist' who removes J.K. Rowling's name is within his rights: legal experts

An individual in Toronto says he will remove J.K. Rowling's name from "Harry Potter" books and "re-bind" them for a fee — legal experts weighed in on the "artistic" activity.

More like "autistic" activity.

marching time is running out GIF by David Firth
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Gender surgery/transition should not be allowed until they are an adult and make the decision themselves. End of story. Most places probably have a 16 or 18 year age requirement even to just get a tattoo.

Put it this way. Depending where you live, drinking, a driving a car, gambling etc... you arent allowed until you are probably a minimum of 16 years old. It might even be 18, 19 or 21.

When someone commits a crime, minors are given different sentences because it is assumed by society they arent fully developed in mind to know right from wrong so society cant grill them to the full extent of an adult aged penalty.

Yet an 8 year old, 11 year old or 15 year old can call the shots with their parents for gender transition like it's a no brainer? Absurd. But hey, do what you want if the law allows it. Just dont be a whiner if a life changing medical procedure backfires later in life and you're stuck with it.
While I mostly agree, if a kid feels better from a depression, behaving like a girl, let them. But no surgery. This is another topic and it must be made when they are 18+ and with mental therapy together always.


Gold Member
While I mostly agree, if a kid feels better from a depression, behaving like a girl, let them. But no surgery. This is another topic and it must be made when they are 18+ and with mental therapy together always.

I dont know much at all about gender swapping surgery, but it sure doesn't seem like something that can be just turned off or reversed back to the original way. And even if it can, it seems like something that will take a while.

That's why I brought up something as common as tattoos. That is simply a skin deep change. And if someone hates it that much, then just get it lasered off later. Aside from some scarring, thats the extent of it. Nothing biological is changed, no pills, no pipes changed etc.... Yet even tattoos have a 16 or 18 year old minimum age required in probably most places. Yet when you hear about someone 10 years old doing life altering medical stuff to change its crazy.


You'd think that more women would speak up and defend JK... But as we've seen, a lot of women are on the side of trans activists.

I know that black people find it offensive if white people wear black face.

Why aren't more women standing up and saying that they're offended by men trying to "impersonate" them?
Because people can lose their jobs and even get arrested for misgendering someone, some are starting to speak up though.


Boss Mog

If you think about it, mario bros is also a story about a queen being dragged around from castle to castle and i never seen anyone saying that it's not for children.

So in a way...
You should go apply to Snopes or Politifact, you seem to have the logic of their "fact checks" down.
This is true of everyone. Most people wouldn't do that, it's just very obviously bad parenting, and those people are the exceptions, as is the case with people taking kids to drag burlesque or whatever.

But if we're being honest with ourselves, parents taking kids to R rated movies with sex in them is probably at least 1000 times more common than them taking them to drag burlesque, but only the latter gets the sort of moral panic and hours of hand wringing on Fox news every time one video surfaces of some idiot that did it.

Did you seriously just jump from "sexualized drag shows" to "reading books to children" as if they're the same?

Drag Queen Storybook stuff is perfectly wholesome and it's popular because kids respond to camp and costumes and funny voices. They love that shit for the same reason they love Blues Clues.

They're not "typically" given at all. Fewer than 5% of trans kids under 18 get puberty blockers.

Again, only in a relatively small percentage of cases.

And yes transition during adolescence will have a profound effect on the rest of their lives, but also tremendous benefit if they truly are going to live their lives as a trans person. They will develop secondary sex characteristics of the gender they will be living as and they will be able to pass for that gender socially in ways that those that transition later often can't and they'll be happier, experience less bigotry, and fewer professional obstacles. Other than their partners, they may never even need to tell anyone they're trans and live normal lives, which is a huge blessing for those people.

I do think it's incredibly important to get it right and if you were to put a kid through this and they grew out of it, then that's absolute malpractice. But there are some cases where it's obviously correct. These might be outliers but they exist.

Reasonable minds can disagree on that point of course, and if you haven't encountered one of these kids who are just obvious trans from 3 years old, I wouldn't blame you. The important thing here is to remember we do all agree when it comes to 95% of cases and this isn't the epidemic it's made out to be.

In the sense that 0.013% is more common than 0.011%, yes, but these cases are so incredibly rare, only a couple hundred per year nationally.

That said, we're probably in agreement that minors shouldn't be allowed to get gender affirming surgery, as there's no real long-term benefit in terms of the result. "Just wait" seems like the correct policy on that.

Yeah, of course I don't think kids should be able to do any of this simply because they "decide" to.

I wish that was all these people were saying, but it's not. Most people on the right and the left agree with this, actually, and I MOSTLY agree myself, but I personally think there are rare exceptions.

But that isn't "all" people on the right say. They often misgender trans people, say they can never be the gender they want, characterize them as perverts, and accuse them of corrupting children. This sort of all or nothing thinking makes it very tough to have reasonable discourse
So we pretty much agree, however what I am saying that it doesnt matter if its rare, it shouldnt happen full stop.
Let kids grow to be an adult to figure out what they really want to be before they are drugged or cut up.
To think that the administration of hormones wouldn't effect their decision making abilities is wrong.
Testosterone gives you a high, makes you feel energetic and active. Give that to a young girl and she is going to feel alot more upbeat, so of course she is going to think that this is what she wants.

On top of that, these things start off small and grow. We have already seen a massive uptick in kids thinking they are non binary, pan sexual, one spirit etc. You are pandering to the daydreams of children. My kid thought he was Bob the Builder and walked around with his tool belt on. If he had been indoctrinated at that age that infact he was correct and he was Bob the Builder, and that everyone was calling him Bob the Builder, you don't think that would fuck with his mind?

Simple rule. Let's not sexualize kids in any way, hetro, gay, whatever. Let them enjoy their childhoods without indoctrination or grooming.
Let's not administer drugs or knives to kids until they are an adult and can make those life altering decisions on their own.

If not I have another solution.
If Doctors think what they are doing is 100% correct and OK, and they believe the kid wants it, let's take away any protections under the law and make Drs legally liable if those kids grow up and regret what was done to them.
We will then see how many Drs are so confident in their diagnosis and treatment.
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Gold Member
So we pretty much agree, however what I am saying that it doesnt matter if its rare, it shouldnt happen full stop.
Let kids grow to be an adult to figure out what they really want to be before they are drugged or cut up.
To think that the administration of hormones wouldn't effect their decision making abilities is wrong.
Testosterone gives you a high, makes you feel energetic and active. Give that to a young girl and she is going to feel alot more upbeat, so of course she is going to think that this is what she wants.

On top of that, these things start off small and grow. We have already seen a massive uptick in kids thinking they are non binary, pan sexual, one spirit etc. You are pandering to the daydreams of children. My kid thought he was Bob the Builder and walked around with his tool belt on. If he had been indoctrinated at that age that infact he was correct and he was Bob the Builder, and that everyone was calling him Bob the Builder, you don't think that would fuck with his mind?

Simple rule. Let's not sexualize kids in any way, hetro, gay, whatever. Let them enjoy their childhoods without indoctrination or grooming.
Let's not administer drugs or knives to kids until they are an adult and can make those life altering decisions on their own.

If not I have another solution.
If Doctors think what they are doing is 100% correct and OK, and they believe the kid wants it, let's take away any protections under the law and make Drs legally liable if those kids grow up and regret what was done to them.
We will then see how many Drs are so confident in their diagnosis and treatment.

Your Bob the Builder example is perfect.

When I was a kid, I liked big trucks. So I wanted to be a bus driver or fireman. I remember a movie called The Big Bus. It made no sense to me what the movie was about but I remember it had a giant bus in it (it turns out it is a comedy movie not meant for kids). Also, I had a big red metal Tonka fire truck as well as a Fisher Price plastic fire station with a ringing bell.

That means nothing as my career choice when I got older turned out to be your typical boring business degree.

It would be silly for me to force myself, and for parents to enforce it to be either career just because I liked it at age 6.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
So we pretty much agree, however what I am saying that it doesnt matter if its rare, it shouldnt happen full stop. Let kids grow to be an adult to figure out what they really want to be before they are drugged or cut up.
There is no reason for surgery ever. But hormones in certain cases CAN actually help those kids live happier healthier lives, the question is really a matter of "can you reliably tell which kids those are."

For me the answer to that is "Not always, but sometimes."

But again, we can agree to disagree on this. I have evolved on it over time based on personal experience so I'm not here to judge.
To think that the administration of hormones wouldn't effect their decision making abilities is wrong.
Yeah, and puberty also affects decision making. The people I am talking about are the ones for whom it doesn't seem like a decision at all but a constant reality of their existence from birth.

On top of that, these things start off small and grow. We have already seen a massive uptick in kids thinking they are non binary, pan sexual, one spirit etc.
Yeah, and of course how we define gender roles and definitions is cultural. This is actually very different than the sorts of kids I was talking about.

I respect the fact that not everyone feels comfortable in rigid gender roles, but I do lament that as we open up this space for the non-binary, we've ended up narrowing our cultural understanding of the binary. I've always been in favor of a wide binary, that has space for the butch without having to take her womanhood or the twink without having to take his manhood.

But these things aren't the same as being trans, they often have nothing to do with dysphoria, they're just about how people understand themselves and want others to understand them.
If he had been indoctrinated at that age that infact he was correct and he was Bob the Builder, and that everyone was calling him Bob the Builder, you don't think that would fuck with his mind?
People shouldn't label kids too early, yeah. I've seen parents that do that and it's not the right way to handle it.

I know a family who has a kid that we all think is overwhelmingly likely trans (insists on wearing dresses, only identifies with female characters in shows, only plays with dolls and girls toys, mostly only plays with girlsmat school). And the parents don't push anything on him, nor do they tell him no he can't. They just let him do his thing. If he some day comes out to them of course they will have their support but they're real careful not to try to lead him on any of it.

Simple rule. Let's not sexualize kids in any way, hetro, gay, whatever. Let them enjoy their childhoods without indoctrination or grooming.
No one is arguing otherwise. I'm just saying selective outrage can undermine that point.
If not I have another solution.
If Doctors think what they are doing is 100% correct and OK, and they believe the kid wants it, let's take away any protections under the law and make Drs legally liable if those kids grow up and regret what was done to them.
We will then see how many Drs are so confident in their diagnosis and treatment.
It's actually not unheard of for people to sur their parents or doctors over this.
And they say these people aren't mentally deranged....
I am going to start claiming I am a lion. I want the surgery. And I want all the other lions removed from the zoo because they wont treat me like a real lion.. Of course I will need my food cooked, because I am a special lion.. and no one can tell me I am not a fucking lion... dont bring science into this..
I am going to start claiming I am a lion. I want the surgery. And I want all the other lions removed from the zoo because they wont treat me like a real lion.. Of course I will need my food cooked, because I am a special lion.. and no one can tell me I am not a fucking lion... dont bring science into this..
Can we go on safari and shoot the lion? And then take a photo of our trophy kill?
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