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The assassination of Kara Lynne by the cowards at Limited Run Games

Or even worse they try to pass it off as healthy:

I assume this is what people mean when they refer to "fake news" and "misinformation"?
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yeah looking even 30 seconds into this you find that she's following some really fucked up people on tiktok and is clearly a shitty person all together.

but that doesn't mean it should be legal to fire her for what she does privately
Guilt by association. Call me old fashion, but I need a little more than people you "follow" and a tweet or two to come to the conclusion that someone is a "shitty person."
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Or even worse they try to pass it off as healthy:


I wonder, in 20 years from now (assuming the bubble is burst and we don't end up like a Demolition Man society) how will people view these things? That decade of woke? Will anyone remember those years with nostalgia? Will any woke media produced during that time become a "cult classic"? Like 70's nazisploitation movies or something?

Or will everyone try to forget and pretend it never existed?


Neighbours from Hell
The sad thing is, I don't see there being a bridge on this divide any time soon. There is a segment of the populous that has a completely different worldview. It's impossible to come to common ground when you can't even agree on the basic principles of truth. If two groups are trying to reach a destination and they can't even agree what defines north, south, east, and west, you're never going to reach your destination.

There are people who believe that there are no differences between a trans gender and a biological sex. If we can't bridge that gap, then there will never be common ground because it will always come back to that disagreement.

Let's take for example one of the more recent "controversies" around JK Rowling, where people called her transphobic for opening a women's shelter for victims of domestic abuse, but it was for biological women only.

You could start off with a reasonable debate. Trans activists will argue that trans women who are victims of abuse should have a place they can go for help. Then others will counter and say that women who've experienced abuse at the hands of men are often highly traumatized and need spaces away from men so they can heal. Any if they're sharing spaces with trans women--ie biological men, they aren't going to feel safe, because they're going to be surrounded by the same sex they were just abused by. Not allowing them to heal.

But then activists will just say "Well they aren't biological men, trans women are women. So they wouldn't be sharing a shelter with biological men, they'd be sharing spaces with women."

When you reach that point, there's just nowhere the argument can go after that if people can't even reach a common ground that there are differences between biological sexes. And until that happens, this divide will continue because every debate ultimately ends up boiling down to point of contention.
I wonder, in 20 years from now (assuming the bubble is burst and we don't end up like a Demolition Man society) how will people view these things? That decade of woke? Will anyone remember those years with nostalgia? Will any woke media produced during that time become a "cult classic"? Like 70's nazisploitation movies or something?

Or will everyone try to forget and pretend it never existed?
the people who promoted this crap will say it was "well-intentioned" and will wave away personal responsibility by saying things like "you have to remember, society used to x-phobic and y-phobic and z-phobic, so this was primarily a response to that" and then will start rifling off some positive correlations that effectively changes the topic of the conversation.

already having these conversations with people.

ps a lot of the people against this crap are really dumb too. there's really no good "side" in this.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Those Cosmo covers will forever he disturbing.

They could be construed as irresponsible in my mind, but then, Cosmopolitan isn't trying to be an authority on, or even a serious source of information for, health.

I'm tired of the conversation in the public sphere myself. If a public person or government official advocates healthier lifestyles or diets, or proposes things like limiting overtly high levels of sugar in processed food and beverages, part of the population reacts aggressively citing personal freedoms. On the other hand, people then criticize culture mags, et al, like Cosmo when they're accepting of obese people. It's a pointless circular "debate" that always ends in the same way.

I'm like, if someone wants to be fat, be fat. Doesn't affect me. They're going to probably die sooner than others, and likely face some gnarly health issues as they grow older, but it's their business. Whatever. It's not like obesity is a contagious, transmissible disease that mutates if unchecked. Obese people aren't overwhelming healthcare networks, depriving others of timely care, treatment, and surgeries. They're just fat people. *shrug*
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I think the laws may need some refinement. Taking a step away from bathrooms, the outcome of too lenient policies in another space has created more victims - in both women and trans women. There are people taking advantage of these policies to prey on others and not enough is being done to protect the innocent - be they trans women or women. I'm not sure what the answer is - education, stricter polices, - but things are not working well as-is.
Prisons are kind of another matter, but this also speaks to the larger problem that prisons as an institution are too lenient on sexual assault almost by design.


Despite the initial pathetic statement still not a peep out of those LRG scumbags.

They're just going to ride it out then.

They win, purple paedo wins.

Not much coverage from the mainstream gaming media either, and they're usually all over anything with even the slightest whiff of lgbtqhhdswyikfgj too.
They could be construed as irresponsible in my mind, but then, Cosmopolitan isn't trying to be an authority on, or even a serious source of information for, health.

I'm tired of the conversation in the public sphere myself. If a public person or government official advocates healthier lifestyles or diets, or proposes things like limiting overtly high levels of sugar in processed food and beverages, part of the population reacts aggressively citing personal freedoms. On the other hand, people then criticize culture mags, et al, like Cosmo when they're accepting of obese people. It's a pointless circular "debate" that always ends in the same way.

I'm like, if someone wants to be fat, be fat. Doesn't affect me. They're going to probably die sooner than others, and likely face some gnarly health issues as they grow older, but it's their business. Whatever. It's not like obesity is a contagious, transmissible disease that mutates if unchecked. Obese people aren't overwhelming healthcare networks, depriving others of timely care, treatment, and surgeries. They're just fat people. *shrug*
I generally agree with everything you said, but I did want to add some information. I spent 14 years working for the primary government health agency in a first world country. I can tell you for a fact that by far the largest budget was the health budget, bigger than roading, policing, justice, education etc. I can also say that 70% of that spend was to treat preventable illness, much of that being lifestyle based. We are spending a very significant amounts on dialysis treatments, which are rising year on year due to obesity. So I do agree, let people live how they want to live - but it really is somewhat unfair that the people that behave responsibly are being asked to pay, and normalising obesity is simply not the move.


Resident Cheap Arse
So, on the Limited Run Games side of things

It seems they're now blocking requests to cancel outstanding orders. It seems likely that, as the below user suggests, this is likely the result of a run on cancellation requests following their firing of this employee and their ugly attempt to do it publicly in an effort make a PR gain from throwing her under the bus.

LRG's Tweets remain locked to prevent anyone commenting and their Reddit and Discord have been pretty heavy handed in trying to stamp out any discussion of the issue.
I generally agree with everything you said, but I did want to add some information. I spent 14 years working for the primary government health agency in a first world country. I can tell you for a fact that by far the largest budget was the health budget, bigger than roading, policing, justice, education etc. I can also say that 70% of that spend was to treat preventable illness, much of that being lifestyle based. We are spending a very significant amounts on dialysis treatments, which are rising year on year due to obesity. So I do agree, let people live how they want to live - but it really is somewhat unfair that the people that behave responsibly are being asked to pay, and normalising obesity is simply not the move.
What I don't understand is that the same people who constantly argue against for profit medical care and greedy drug prices and why isn't health care free in America are the same people that want to normalize the most expensive options that make doctors and pharmaceutical companies the most money.

Ways to treat obesity
Exercise: free
Surgery to remove fat: expanding the potential customers to now include children per AAP guidance, and thousands of dollars
Diabetes medication: thousands of dollars over the course of your life

Ways to treat body/gender issues
Support groups and volunteer organizations: free
Therapy: $50-100 a session
Sex change operation: $25k

Hmm I wonder what solutions doctors are going to promote, the ones that make them thousands and thousands of dollars, or the ones that make them nothing? Especially when there are plenty of useful idiots to carry their water and make the expensive choices the accepted ones.


They could be construed as irresponsible in my mind, but then, Cosmopolitan isn't trying to be an authority on, or even a serious source of information for, health.

I'm tired of the conversation in the public sphere myself. If a public person or government official advocates healthier lifestyles or diets, or proposes things like limiting overtly high levels of sugar in processed food and beverages, part of the population reacts aggressively citing personal freedoms. On the other hand, people then criticize culture mags, et al, like Cosmo when they're accepting of obese people. It's a pointless circular "debate" that always ends in the same way.

I'm like, if someone wants to be fat, be fat. Doesn't affect me. They're going to probably die sooner than others, and likely face some gnarly health issues as they grow older, but it's their business. Whatever. It's not like obesity is a contagious, transmissible disease that mutates if unchecked. Obese people aren't overwhelming healthcare networks, depriving others of timely care, treatment, and surgeries. They're just fat people. *shrug*

except they are, many conditions that require hospitalisation are closely tied to obesity.

Without making value judgements about individuals and their choices governments and health officials should be in the business of giving advice and setting policy that reflects objective reality.


Gold Member
So, on the Limited Run Games side of things

It seems they're now blocking requests to cancel outstanding orders. It seems likely that, as the below user suggests, this is likely the result of a run on cancellation requests following their firing of this employee and their ugly attempt to do it publicly in an effort make a PR gain from throwing her under the bus.

LRG's Tweets remain locked to prevent anyone commenting and their Reddit and Discord have been pretty heavy handed in trying to stamp out any discussion of the issue.

Can they do that if there is the option to cancel a preorder?


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
except they are, many conditions that require hospitalisation are closely tied to obesity.

Without making value judgements about individuals and their choices governments and health officials should be in the business of giving advice and setting policy that reflects objective reality.

I don't doubt they occupy beds and demand a not-insignificant amount of care providers' time, but I doubt there's a hospital in the nation with all of their critical care beds taken by people with obesity-related ailments.

But perhaps it happens sometimes. As someone who has been in healthcare IT for years I haven't seen it happen myself yet.
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I don't doubt they occupy beds and demand a not-insignificant amount of care providers' time, but I doubt there's a hospital in the nation with all of their critical care beds taken by people with obesity-related ailments.

But perhaps it happens sometimes. As someone who has been in healthcare IT for years I haven't seen it happen myself yet.
They definitely don’t generally take beds in aged care facilities, I can say that for sure.


So, on the Limited Run Games side of things

It seems they're now blocking requests to cancel outstanding orders. It seems likely that, as the below user suggests, this is likely the result of a run on cancellation requests following their firing of this employee and their ugly attempt to do it publicly in an effort make a PR gain from throwing her under the bus.

LRG's Tweets remain locked to prevent anyone commenting and their Reddit and Discord have been pretty heavy handed in trying to stamp out any discussion of the issue.

Cretins. Hope they all end up on welfare before long.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
They champion science

I remember there was a study published that "diversity and tolerance" camps/training was essentially useless and actually reinforced racially motivated thought. Meanwhile forced collaboration by creating mixed work/social teams that are goal oriented weakened racially motivated thought.

Doesns't seem to have put a dent on the guilt industry...
Has this been posted yet?

And the rest of her tweets regarding the situation:

I just want to say a quick thank you to everyone who has reached out to me these past few days. I've read all of the 100's of DM's and watched all the youtube videos. I've been extremely overwhelmed over this entire situation and needed time for me. I appreciate you all.
I know a lot of people are waiting for my statement about the whole situation.
Tbh I’m still pretty hurt.
Luckily I already had a trip planned for this week to be with my family for my sisters wedding.
Once I get back home on Monday I’ll sit down and talk.
I want my story to be a long format video type of content. Not some robotic press release. I want people to ask me the “hard” questions. I always tried to be candid and as transparent as possible with the LRG community and I will continue to do so.
Im not sure who I want to bring in for this. There are dozens of media outlets in my inbox right now and I truly don’t want to be used for someone else’s agenda. From either side. Until then, please know that I am okay and surrounded by love and support. Thank you
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Gold Member
Sounds like she is going to unleash - warts and all. I wish her the best, the big talking point will be what that person said in the discord which I believe will be bullshit but maybe it has been going on a while.

From what I've read the LRG customers actually liked her and she was responsive especially on outstanding orders.


Gold Member
So, on the Limited Run Games side of things

It seems they're now blocking requests to cancel outstanding orders. It seems likely that, as the below user suggests, this is likely the result of a run on cancellation requests following their firing of this employee and their ugly attempt to do it publicly in an effort make a PR gain from throwing her under the bus.

LRG's Tweets remain locked to prevent anyone commenting and their Reddit and Discord have been pretty heavy handed in trying to stamp out any discussion of the issue.

They really want people to chargeback?


Gold Member
They really want people to chargeback?
LRG is a bit of a weird one. Their prices will be agreed on scales and determine the cost breaks I imagine. They only order through committed sales I believe. They probably consider the contract made at the point of order. As far as I know they dont retain stock in the normal fashion.


this is the definition of insanity. a person gets fired of a job because of expressing excitment about a game that is coming out. what a time to be alive.
that company is no better than the people behind the attack. this people are sick and evil.


Neighbours from Hell
Against my better judgement recently I got into a "debate" with someone about JK Rowling, and really early on it was apparent it was going to go nowhere. Their view on so many aspects were just so out there.


Gold Member
Against my better judgement recently I got into a "debate" with someone about JK Rowling, and really early on it was apparent it was going to go nowhere. Their view on so many aspects were just so out there.

I can't say 'view', because when you really hate someone your reasons are pretty much obscured by the hate.

Or either they just follow someone's opinions so much that forget about their reasons. This is a damage social media cause to people's will.


The sad thing is, I don't see there being a bridge on this divide any time soon. There is a segment of the populous that has a completely different worldview. It's impossible to come to common ground when you can't even agree on the basic principles of truth. If two groups are trying to reach a destination and they can't even agree what defines north, south, east, and west, you're never going to reach your destination.

There are people who believe that there are no differences between a trans gender and a biological sex. If we can't bridge that gap, then there will never be common ground because it will always come back to that disagreement.

Let's take for example one of the more recent "controversies" around JK Rowling, where people called her transphobic for opening a women's shelter for victims of domestic abuse, but it was for biological women only.

You could start off with a reasonable debate. Trans activists will argue that trans women who are victims of abuse should have a place they can go for help. Then others will counter and say that women who've experienced abuse at the hands of men are often highly traumatized and need spaces away from men so they can heal. Any if they're sharing spaces with trans women--ie biological men, they aren't going to feel safe, because they're going to be surrounded by the same sex they were just abused by. Not allowing them to heal.

But then activists will just say "Well they aren't biological men, trans women are women. So they wouldn't be sharing a shelter with biological men, they'd be sharing spaces with women."

When you reach that point, there's just nowhere the argument can go after that if people can't even reach a common ground that there are differences between biological sexes. And until that happens, this divide will continue because every debate ultimately ends up boiling down to point of contention.

I don’t think we should be seeking to bridge the divide tbh. Most reasonable people tend to try and “meet halfway” but you’re talking about dealing with people who are t reasonable and keep trying to push the Overton window further and further.

Treating people fairly doesn’t require us to deny objective reality. Recognising that biological sex exists isn’t bigotry.


Neighbours from Hell
I can't say 'view', because when you really hate someone your reasons are pretty much obscured by the hate.

Or either they just follow someone's opinions so much that forget about their reasons. This is a damage social media cause to people's will.
Well, there are some people who genuinely don't know what JK has said and just go along with the narrative because they assumed it's true. There have been people who've put out articles who thought she was this awful transphobe and when they looked into it found it had no merit.

And then there's people who think the use of the term "women" to describe someone or any gendered language is transphobic. Which was the case in this particular debate I had. I was told "Having an issue with the term 'pregnant people' is transphobic because it denies the existence of trans people when you say the term woman." There's going to be no getting through to those people, they're gone.
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Gold Member
So, on the Limited Run Games side of things

It seems they're now blocking requests to cancel outstanding orders. It seems likely that, as the below user suggests, this is likely the result of a run on cancellation requests following their firing of this employee and their ugly attempt to do it publicly in an effort make a PR gain from throwing her under the bus.

LRG's Tweets remain locked to prevent anyone commenting and their Reddit and Discord have been pretty heavy handed in trying to stamp out any discussion of the issue.

Cowards. Reap what you sow and swallow that misguided pride.
I think it's fucked up to go digging for dirt of salary workers to get them fired over their political beliefs, but this isn't about Harry Potter and you're downplaying what they found. She is clearly a transphobe.

Now if she's not letting that influence her work, and she's not using LRG as a platform to amplify that viewpoint then there's no reason to involve her employer. She's not the head of the company, she probably makes like $60K a year. But let's at least be honest, she doesn't like trans people.
piss off


Well, there are some people who genuinely don't know what JK has said and just go along with the narrative because they assumed it's true. There have been people who've put out articles who thought she was this awful transphobe and when they looked into it found it had no merit.

And then there's people who think the use of the term "women" to describe someone or any gendered language is transphobic. Which was the case in this particular debate I had. I was told "Having an issue with the term 'pregnant people' is transphobic because it denies the existence of trans people when you say the term woman." There's going to be no getting through to those people, they're gone.

We need to just ignore these people. They are a tiny minority we don’t need to accommodate them at all just because they’re noisy.


So, on the Limited Run Games side of things

It seems they're now blocking requests to cancel outstanding orders. It seems likely that, as the below user suggests, this is likely the result of a run on cancellation requests following their firing of this employee and their ugly attempt to do it publicly in an effort make a PR gain from throwing her under the bus.

LRG's Tweets remain locked to prevent anyone commenting and their Reddit and Discord have been pretty heavy handed in trying to stamp out any discussion of the issue.

Hope people start doing chargebacks through paypal and their banks, there's really no reason you shouldn't be able to cancel an order if it hasn't been shipped.


Gold Member
And then there's people who think the use of the term "women" to describe someone or any gendered language is transphobic. Which was the case in this particular debate I had. I was told "Having an issue with the term 'pregnant people' is transphobic because it denies the existence of trans people when you say the term woman." There's going to be no getting through to those people, they're gone.

It's unreal. We had a notice a few weeks ago telling us we had two pregnant males that had special requirements. Now, it's pretty clear the pressures the NHS is under right now. It's the biggest news in the UK.

As you can imagine most wards are split into male and female areas when using bays. This is for patient privacy and dignity etc. Now the one entire location you don't need to split into this type of sexed accomodation is maternity right? They can make maximum use of the square footage, not worry about the ratio of female nurses (which is predominantly female) and easily share equipment between beds.

However, both - and I stress both of these 'males' were unhappy with this and expected an entire hospital could change in the space of 8 hours or so, in order to give them seperate, private locations with access to all medical equipment and a seperate delivery suite. What else do pregnant women sometimes need when they have a baby? Blood transfusions right? Now, blood transfusions for pregnant women are not just based on the blood type, they also needs to have additional components specific to pregnant women.

So they were very patiently told that they needed to be on the system as female. For their own safety. Can you imagine how that went down? Yeah not well, and both still wanted registering as males. Which meant if any blood was orders, it was ordered under their registered sex which was 'M'. Frankly, it's getting ridiculous and dangerous. Suppliers are talking about adding two fields in health systems (phenotypic sex and birth sex), the first one would purely be admin and the second would be the one sent to medical analysers, lab systems, oncology systems, radiology systems etc.

Tip of the iceberg my friend. And I deal with some of this shite daily. Like they want to be called Mx. <Name> or they complain that systems that are 10 years old dont allow you to use 'Miss' or 'Mrs' when you select Male as the sex.
It's unreal. We had a notice a few weeks ago telling us we had two pregnant males that had special requirements. Now, it's pretty clear the pressures the NHS is under right now. It's the biggest news in the UK.

As you can imagine most wards are split into male and female areas when using bays. This is for patient privacy and dignity etc. Now the one entire location you don't need to split into this type of sexed accomodation is maternity right? They can make maximum use of the square footage, not worry about the ratio of female nurses (which is predominantly female) and easily share equipment between beds.

However, both - and I stress both of these 'males' were unhappy with this and expected an entire hospital could change in the space of 8 hours or so, in order to give them seperate, private locations with access to all medical equipment and a seperate delivery suite. What else do pregnant women sometimes need when they have a baby? Blood transfusions right? Now, blood transfusions for pregnant women are not just based on the blood type, they also needs to have additional components specific to pregnant women.

So they were very patiently told that they needed to be on the system as female. For their own safety. Can you imagine how that went down? Yeah not well, and both still wanted registering as males. Which meant if any blood was orders, it was ordered under their registered sex which was 'M'. Frankly, it's getting ridiculous and dangerous. Suppliers are talking about adding two fields in health systems (phenotypic sex and birth sex), the first one would purely be admin and the second would be the one sent to medical analysers, lab systems, oncology systems, radiology systems etc.

Tip of the iceberg my friend. And I deal with some of this shite daily. Like they want to be called Mx. <Name> or they complain that systems that are 10 years old dont allow you to use 'Miss' or 'Mrs' when you select Male as the sex.
So, on the Limited Run Games side of things

It seems they're now blocking requests to cancel outstanding orders. It seems likely that, as the below user suggests, this is likely the result of a run on cancellation requests following their firing of this employee and their ugly attempt to do it publicly in an effort make a PR gain from throwing her under the bus.

LRG's Tweets remain locked to prevent anyone commenting and their Reddit and Discord have been pretty heavy handed in trying to stamp out any discussion of the issue.

Honestly, this is probably the best response to people wanting refunds and/or cancelling orders due to the current firing fiasco. Our society is brimming with people making rash decisions based on amplified perceived slights. Seriously, monocles dropping left and right. Hands wringing constantly. It's embarrassing. Someone got fired and people with almost zero knowledge of what it was like to work with said person have found a way to take arms over something that doesn't involve them in the slightest. Honestly, why should LRG take any time and effort to turn their shipping operations upside down just to cancel a bunch of orders that would have otherwise been left open the moment all the outraged customers had their minds distracted by the next inconsequential crisis? And for those that are super serious, yeah, returning it once it has arrived is still an option. I wonder how many will stick to their convictions after those convictions have been tested by a mild inconvenience. My guess is that most won't go through with it because they don't mean it enough to do anything substantial. They're just "internet" outraged, but deep down they know it's a stupid nothing-burger of a story.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Honestly, this is probably the best response to people wanting refunds and/or cancelling orders due to the current firing fiasco. Our society is brimming with people making rash decisions based on amplified perceived slights. Seriously, monocles dropping left and right. Hands wringing constantly. It's embarrassing. Someone got fired and people with almost zero knowledge of what it was like to work with said person have found a way to take arms over something that doesn't involve them in the slightest. Honestly, why should LRG take any time and effort to turn their shipping operations upside down just to cancel a bunch of orders that would have otherwise been left open the moment all the outraged customers had their minds distracted by the next inconsequential crisis? And for those that are super serious, yeah, returning it once it has arrived is still an option. I wonder how many will stick to their convictions after those convictions have been tested by a mild inconvenience. My guess is that most won't go through with it because they don't mean it enough to do anything substantial. They're just "internet" outraged, but deep down they know it's a stupid nothing-burger of a story.
Impressive how your outrage here is against the outrage resulting from the firing of a person due to a personal crusade of a deranged Twitter dweller that made a huge deal of noise about a 7 years old tweet (whose content was far from outrage worthy) and guilt by association (even if remote) rather than the firing itself.


Neighbours from Hell
It's unreal. We had a notice a few weeks ago telling us we had two pregnant males that had special requirements. Now, it's pretty clear the pressures the NHS is under right now. It's the biggest news in the UK.

As you can imagine most wards are split into male and female areas when using bays. This is for patient privacy and dignity etc. Now the one entire location you don't need to split into this type of sexed accomodation is maternity right? They can make maximum use of the square footage, not worry about the ratio of female nurses (which is predominantly female) and easily share equipment between beds.

However, both - and I stress both of these 'males' were unhappy with this and expected an entire hospital could change in the space of 8 hours or so, in order to give them seperate, private locations with access to all medical equipment and a seperate delivery suite. What else do pregnant women sometimes need when they have a baby? Blood transfusions right? Now, blood transfusions for pregnant women are not just based on the blood type, they also needs to have additional components specific to pregnant women.

So they were very patiently told that they needed to be on the system as female. For their own safety. Can you imagine how that went down? Yeah not well, and both still wanted registering as males. Which meant if any blood was orders, it was ordered under their registered sex which was 'M'. Frankly, it's getting ridiculous and dangerous. Suppliers are talking about adding two fields in health systems (phenotypic sex and birth sex), the first one would purely be admin and the second would be the one sent to medical analysers, lab systems, oncology systems, radiology systems etc.

Tip of the iceberg my friend. And I deal with some of this shite daily. Like they want to be called Mx. <Name> or they complain that systems that are 10 years old dont allow you to use 'Miss' or 'Mrs' when you select Male as the sex.
This ideology can not be fully adopted without totally disrupting daily life. There's only so far it can go.

Imagine if this ideology was adopted with missing people or murder suspects. Which hasn't happened yet, because everyone knows if someone went missing and instead of identifying them as trans and you just used their gender identity, they'd never be found because everyone would be on the lookout for natal men/women. Same with a murder suspect to be on the lookout for. Also, crime data. 99% of people who commit sexual assaults are men and 96% of sexual assault victims are women. Crime data is important for a variety of reasons. To study criminality, patterns, understand who's committing crimes and why. If we start adjusting data for someone's gender identity, the stats are going to be totally skewed and nothing in regards to crime data would start to make sense anymore. It would render crime data irrelevant and obsolete.

It's a physical impossibility to completely adhere to this ideology. There's always going to have to be exceptions.

Imagine there being a pill that cures some type of illness and some ingredient in the pill that has a negative effect on one of the sexes for whatever reason and is only recommended to be taken by one of the sexes. Then what would those who adhere to this ideology do? Just let people become harmed or ill by taking a medication because we were afraid to tell them they shouldn't take the pill? I'd think it's unlikely, but who knows. We're already starting to tell people it's perfectly healthy to be obese and eat whatever you want.

Either way, it's going to reach its breaking point eventually. Either with lawsuits, an unsustainable level of denialism where societally we can no longer function, or people being harmed in one way or another because of overall confusion about identifications of others.
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Impressive how your outrage here is against the outrage resulting from the firing of a person due to a personal crusade of a deranged Twitter dweller that made a huge deal of noise about a 7 years old tweet (whose content was far from outrage worthy) and guilt by association (even if remote) rather than the firing itself.
LOL. I'm not outraged.
Harrison Ford Shrug GIF by Star Wars
It's going to be interesting to see how this woman responds to all of this, given that she's a community manager who is generally the sort of person who handles bad PR. Already we're seeing the wise decision to carefully weigh her options.


Gold Member
Not everyone is crazy.

A ‘book artist’ in Toronto by the name of Laur Flom has set himself the task of memory-holing Rowling. He is rebinding Harry Potter books, giving them new covers that make no mention of the witch’s name, and even removing her name from the copyright and title pages inside.

The aim, he says, is to ‘help out’ people who are fans of Harry Potter.

For a cool £140, you can purchase one of Flom’s lovingly purged Potter books.

avengers seriously GIF


A ‘book artist’ in Toronto by the name of Laur Flom has set himself the task of memory-holing Rowling. He is rebinding Harry Potter books, giving them new covers that make no mention of the witch’s name, and even removing her name from the copyright and title pages inside.

The aim, he says, is to ‘help out’ people who are fans of Harry Potter.

For a cool £140, you can purchase one of Flom’s lovingly purged Potter books.

avengers seriously GIF

Laur Flom is a printmaker and book artist from Tkaronto/Toronto, Ontario. They have recently received their BFA in printmaking from OCAD University. Their practice is largely conceptual, exploring themes surrounding identity, queerness, and masculinity.

Could have saved time by simply writing "Laur Flom is a mental cunt".
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