Hasn't school time been increasing?
It's not like kids are doing better according to the international tests.
I get it, but why are we making schools into these vast institutions responsible for curing every youth social ill.
Schools cannot do this. They're barely funded for the basic subjects as is.
I know, I grew up in the inner city.
If you want schools to be this magical panacea of social ills you're looking at the wrong place.
The biggest issue with student performance is poverty and that's bigger than schools.
Wanna improve this? How about ending the drug war, which is a huge focus of gang activity.
The school itself doesn't have to be a cure. It's a profile place that the child spends their time away from elements that would harm their development. And often it's the only place they receive two decent meals. You take away that 5th day then you need somewhere for them to go and spend time other than on the streets.
Sure there are other issues that have a greater impact on their upbringing than simply going to school but that doesn't mean you toss the kids into the fire BEFORE you fix those other issues.