Yeah my neighbors are a lot more into euro cars than I am

I'm still definitely in the minor leagues compared to them though. Won't say much more than that
I debated posting that pic for a while, but it was legitimately the first pic I took of the car. I had a feeling you guys would pick up on the background
But back to the reason I posted

the car is partially crippled right now due to what I think is a missing fuse - the car is displaying similar symptoms to some of the other owners with the fuse problem. I wanted to get some insight (since I remember beast786 also had one on here) and maybe share in a not so brilliant moment that utterly crushed my enthusiasm for the thing.
I should probably be more angry about it but I'm still kind of laughing at how absurd it is. The car still drives, just that some of the electrics don't seem to be functioning properly, possibly due to a <$0.10 fuse. But that little oversight has me worried that I may be overlooking some other possible issues with the car however.
Thanks! And yeah I've been pretty light on the throttle so far, it's interesting how the dealer never mentioned a proper break in even when I asked him about it.
They've also taken the time to say quite a lot of opposite of what owners have been saying about their cars, which I found a bit odd. But the sight of them frantically flipping through a manual to look for an answer to a question I asked should have told me everything.
I've actually bumped into the gas door problem in another Nissan before, it sounds like it's the same case here (where after tightening it you'll have to drive it for a few miles for the light to deactivate) and a very active tire pressure sensor that went off quite a few times.