Also, sad news: pretty much 90% sure I'll be selling my Evo in a week and a half to a close friend of mine. :\ He is going to take it down to 2800~ lbs and put like a 6466 on it and take it up to around 700 whp, so it'll be more of a drag car than a track car.
It's not like I want to, but I'm going to use the money to go even crazier with my investing. Probably gonna quit my job in 2-3 weeks too. At this point I make more in some weeks working the stock market than I do in a month at my job, lol. :/
I will definitely be buying another Evo sooner rather than later. My friend has a really clean, awesomely modded Evo 9 that I helped build/tune, so I'll probably get that from him in a few months.
Next up: C6 Z06 and maybe an E39 M5 to go along with it. I really love the E39 M5 and it'd make a great alternative 'comfortable' daily driver to go along with my Z06. Also, my GF is selling her Civic and buying her IS-F really soon so I'll get to daily that once in a while too when she feels like driving one of my manual transmission cars.