From Genesis through Revelation, Gods men came on the scene and consistently said, Heres the key: Repent.
From the steps of the ark, Noah didnt look out at the crowd and say, Something good is going to happen to you! No, he said, Repent (
Genesis 6).
It wasnt for saying, Im okay, youre okay, that Joel was confronted by the high priest. It was because he said, Rend your heart. Get right. Repent (see
Joel 2:13).
Daniel was in the lions den not because he said, Inch by inch, anythings a cinch, but because his message was, You have been weighed in the balance and found lacking (see
Daniel 5:27).
Jeremiah was in the pit not for preaching, The me I see is the me Ill be, but for calling a nation to repentance.
John the Baptist lost his head not because he preached, Smile, God loves you, but because he told people to turn from wickedness and repent (
Matthew 3:2).
When Jesus Himself came on the scene, the first message He would bring would not be, God loves you and so do I, but, Repent, the kingdom of God is among you (see
Mark 1:15).
In the Book of Revelation, we read that the two witnesses will be killed and left lying in the streets of Jerusalem not because their message is, Gods in His heaven and alls right with the world, but because, dressed in sackcloth, they will call people to repent (
Revelation 11).
We need to understand that the key to unlocking the full blessing of salvation is found in repentance.
What is repentance?
Its a word that simply means to change direction. In other words, if you were going to the left, you go right; if you were going down, you go up. Contrary to popular belief, repentance is not an emotion. Its an action. Most people think repentance means feeling bad. But to repent simply means to change directionnot a quarter turn, but a total about-face.
Godly sorrow works repentance, Paul says, but the sorrow of the world leads to death.
If you go to Pelican Bay penitentiary, youll see people who are really sorrysorry they robbed that bank, sorry they murdered that man. But have they repented? Not necessarily, for theirs is primarily the sorrow of the worldsorrow about being caught. That is why the lower house of one state legislature passed a bill forbidding weight-lifting in its penitentiaries. Innately realizing the lack of true repentance, legislators concluded that weight-lifting in jail produces nothing more than super criminals. Praise God, in the hearts of many inmates, there is true repentancebut in the majority of instances, such is not the case.
Paul identifies two kinds of sorrowworldly sorrow that leads one to be hung up with guilt, and godly sorrow that leads to repentance. I believe these two types of sorrow can best be illustrated by looking at the stories of two men remarkably similar in many waysboth having left everything to follow the Rabbi from Galilee, both having walked with Him for three years. After failing on the same exact day, however, one experienced worldly sorrow that led to death; the other godly sorrow that led to repentance and salvation.
Hung Up by Guilt
Determined to betray the One with whom he had walked daily, to whom he had listened closely, Judas cut a deal in the temple and sold his Master for thirty pieces of silverthe price of a slave. But after placing an identifying kiss on Jesus cheek, sorrow filled the heart of the man from Cariothnot the godly sorrow that leads to repentance, but the sorrow of the world that would culminate in his death.
Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself
Matthew 27:3 (a)
Judas didnt repent to the Lord. He repented in himself, perhaps regretting nothing more than the messiness of the situation. He took the silver to the temple and tried to return it. The priests, however, would have nothing to do with it. So Judas hurled it to the floor of the temple in an act that demanded their participation due to the fact that only the priests were allowed in the temple.
Then, after forcing the priests to deal with the blood money, this one who was hung up by guilt hanged himself on the branch of a tree.
Old Testament aw clearly prescribed that the punishment for one who bore false witness was to be the same punishment unfairly borne by the person about whom he lied (
Deuteronomy 19:1619). Therefore, knowing Jesus was about to be nailed to a tree, Judas, either intentionally or subconsciously, hanged himself on a tree.
Held Up in Glory
At the same time Judas was betraying Jesus, Peter was denying Jesus. In fact, theres a remarkable parallel between Judas and Peter.
Both were called devils by Jesus.
Of Judas, Jesus said, Have not I chosen you twelve and one of you is a devil? (
John 6:70)
And to Peter, He said, Get thee behind me, Satan, when Peter insisted Jesus would not die (
Matthew 16:23).
Jesus warned both Judas and Peter they would fail.
He who dips his bread with Me will deny Me, He said concerning Judas (see
Matthew 26:23).
Before the cock crows, youll deny Me thrice, He said to Peter (see
Matthew 26:34).
Both were given opportunity to turn from their sin.
Friend, what seekest thou? Jesus asked Judas in the Garden of Gethsemane, thereby saying that even then He considered Judas a friend (
Matthew 26:50).
And as Peter cursed in the courtyard, Jesus looked at him (
Luke 22:61)not, I believe, with a look of condemnation, but rather with a look that said, Peter, I know what youre doing. But remember what I told you. Im not through with you.
Both repented.
Judas repented in himself (
Matthew 27:3).
Peter wept bitterly (
Matthew 26:75)not a tear or two, but a deep, heaving cry.
Yet one man goes down to the bottom of the heap in the history of humanity, better for him if he hadnt ever been born (
Matthew 26:24), while the other is elevated to a position of admiration, a pattern for spiritual leadership, an inspiration to you and me.
Whats the difference?
Simply this: Judas repentance was the sorrow of the world that says, Look at the mess Im in. Peter, on the other hand, repented to the Lord and changed directionalthough not fully immediately.
On Easter Sunday, there was new hope infused in Peter. But his repentance was still incomplete, for although Peter knew Jesus was risen, due to his failure, he felt he could never again be used in ministry. That is why, in
John 21, we see him returning to his old occupation as a fisherman. Others went with him and fished all night. In the morning, they saw a Figure standing on the shore.
Children, He called to them. I like that! He didnt call them sinners, backsliders, or rebels. He called them children. Have you caught anything?
No, they answeredwhich is not surprising, since any time we return to the old pastimes, the old habits, the old ways, we always end up with nothing.
Cast your net on the right side He said. Why the right side? Because whatever Jesus tells us to do is always right.
Over the right side the net went, returning so full it almost sunk the boat.
At last recognizing the One on the bank as the Lord, John identified Him to Peter, who grabbed his coat and swam to shore.
After breakfasting on roasted fish and bread prepared by His hand, Peter didnt hear Jesus say, Im disappointed in you. I cant use you. Im through with you. No, Peter heard Jesus say, Do you love Me, Peter? Feed My lambs. Feed My sheep. Tend My flock.
And all the while, what did Peter have in his hand as he stood on the shore talking to Jesus? He had a wet, soggy coat, for Scripture says Peter grabbed his coat before swimming to shore (
John 21:7). If you were about to go for a swim, would you grab your coat? This perplexes meuntil I see Peters coat as an emblem of repentance.
You see, when Peter heard Jesus say, Forget fishing. Get back to shepherding. Im not sending you to fish in the sea. Im telling you to feed My lambs, Peter didnt have to say, Okay, Lord. Just let me get my coat out of the boat. No, Peter had his coat in hand so he would have no reason to ever go back to the boat again.
Godly sorrow works repentance. Repentance means you dont return for your coat.
Repentance means you rip her name out of your address book, brother. It means you go to the cupboard and throw away that which you were keeping as a little something to help your next celebration on a special occasion. It means you turn your back on the magazines or movies, people or activities you know compromise your walk.
Godly sorrow works repentance. And repentance brings salvation. Judas went down to hell. Peter went on to greatness. Both repented. One felt bad because of the mess he was in. But the other turned his back on that which held him previously, determined to walk in a totally new direction. Oh, thats not to say Peters life was easy. In fact, he, too, ended up on a treenot hung up by guilt, but crucified upside down on a cross for the sake of the One who not only hung on a tree for him, but rose and lived within him, empowering him to live a life of incredible impact and ministry.
Godly sorrow works repentance, which brings salvation never to be regretted. Paul knew this. Peter knew this.
And so can you.