So what is repentance?
I will use myself as an example. I grew up in church, was baptized, received the holy spirit, and believe in God and Jesus died on the cross for our sins. I feel I am a good person that really puts others before himself and will go out of his way to not do any wrong upon others. Yet I curse, love to drink and party, love my fair share of porn and currently don't go to church.
Some of those sins I feel remorse about and some I don't. If I never turn away from my sins am I condemned to hell? And I know I am not supposed to judge but I see quite a few Christians that do go to church but do a few things that I would consider a sin.. What makes them better than me?
Well here's your main issue, you really seem to have a very twisted sense of "sin". Eating, drinking, and being merry is no sin. Hell, getting drunk isn't a sin, no matter what you were led to believe. You're more open to sin in those situations, but I go out to drink and party, and I can't really think of any particularly egregious sin I've committed under the influence. Even the act of viewing porn isn't particularly sinful, it's the objectification of what's on screen that's the inappropriate part.
Y'see, sin is when you start treating people like things, including yourself. Those who go to church are neither more or less worthy than you. Them going to church does not necessarily do anything if they sin like you say, but what matters most is the intent. But don't concern yourself with the sins of others. Unless it directly effects your life, then there's really no reason to concern yourself with it. Go to your local priest or pastor and ask him about your brand of reconciliation and see if it fits your spiritual needs.
Here's the short of it: the "Lake of Fire" doesn't exist. Hell is simply a construct, an idea, a concept for "distance from God" What matters most is trying your best to close the gap created by sin. Don't worry about who's closer or further away from God by this definition, because trying to quantify it as mortals is impossible. Just focus on making that gap as small as possible. As a normal human being, it's impossible to not have a good wide gap, but that's okay, you can still strive for it, and it's the
striving that matters most of all.
Remember at the end of
Dr. Faustus that at the end of it all, God still took Faustus back, even after a life of sin and lack of faith. Keep your faith in something, you'll make it through just fine.