It's a good site, but that's exactly how I used to get JLPT lists. Just rows of kanji. You know what you do now? Go one by one, looking each up in whatever resource you have, and then:
1. Write them 1000x. Stroke order.. I don't know how much Japanese writing you intend to do in real life.. but if you learn the stroke order for all of those you will never have to look up the stroke order of any kanji again. You will know basic radicals and order to decipher (almost) anything.
2. Say them 1000x. Readings? You will get on/kun/whofuckinknows reading. You'll get example words and you'll memorize those in your writing practice while saying them out loud.
3. Quiz yourself 1000x. Using just the list, flash cards, random example sentences, whatever your method is.
Sometimes you'll get example words with kanji you don't know along side. You will then look that up. And do the same three steps. For every new kanji. You will inevitably learn just as many kanji not on the list as there are on the list.
And you will love it.
Do that everyday for a few hours for a few months and that's it. You've condensed years of living as a Japanese person into less than half a year.
What I recommended was amazonJP, not US. They have a decent kindle section I buy from often, though not everything has a kindle version. Kids books I'm not sure but there seem to be some. Though if you can find people selling them on US, go for it.
Maybe I can read Shin Sekai Yori in Japanese.