Sengakus have always been a part of the treaty. Japan pays billions for American bases and Japanese people (especially in Okinawa) bear the burden hosting American troops. Seems a bit unfair Japan has to bear that for decades and then America would not uphold its part of the deal (but the deal is mainly to stop a war anyways I'd say).
American monitors the bank I'm assuming because it's a threat to the American based WB and the current balance of power. Id say it has little to do with Japan.
As an aside, Abe's reinterpretation of the constitution is seen as a way to drag Japan into America's conflicts.
(Don't mean to imply that I'm for the post-war security alliance, just that an American revision of their "duty" in it seems unfair. It'd be different if they left Okinawa and gave back the 25% or so of the island they control. Perhaps this could be (or is?) its own thread though.)
I made this post here because most of the news I'm reading is in Japanese and I'm trying to get a clear understanding of what's going on and see if I interpreted everything correctly.
The new agreement allows 自衛隊 to attack even in circumstances outside of self defense and allows 自衛隊 to move about freely. If I read correctly, Japan couldn't attack without being attacked first, but now that stipulation has been removed.
This allows Japan to attack when America is attacked but does it also allow Japan to attack first.
And if I remember correctly, at the recent conference where Abe made his speech,
there seemed to be tension between him and the Chinese international relations diplomat regarding 尖閣諸島 and AAIB. Abe said he's not happy with AAIB and he needs them to be more transparent or something along those lines. And I think it was during this same conference that a Chinese official said that those islands belong to China (It could have been a different conference though).
If I'm understanding this carefully, America gave Chinese a heads up before they officially announced the pact and Obama also treaded carefully in his speech when talking about the checks toward IAAB. Abe doesn't seem to be treading as carefully, or maybe that's just my misunderstanding.