Hello, everyone. I was just reading my friend's Facebook page today because it was her birthday. She is overseas at the moment, but returning to Japan next week. I was getting a bit confused at understanding some of the messages on her page by our mutual friends when it came to 楽しみにしてる.
Person A: 誕生日おめでとう!!!来月会えるの楽しみにしてるよ
Birthday Girl: ありがとう 私も会えるの楽しみにしてるよ~
I can understand this one at least bit
"Happy birthday, I look forward to meeting you next month."
"Thanks, me too."
Person B: 誕生日おめでとう〜 私も来月アキちゃんに会えるの楽しみにしてるよ! (Relative of Person A)
Birthday Girl: ありがとう!もうすぐ帰国です。結婚式楽しみにしてるよ
"Happy Birthday, I as well, look forward to meeting you next month!"
"Thanks, I'll be back soon"
Then I get confused at the wedding part...
Is birthday girl referring to herself or Person B? (I didn't know about this, so I want to congratulate the right person

I understand you can cut away 私の/私は if the speaker/listener clearly know whats going on, but this type of grammar always confused me when I saw past examples of 楽しみにしてる comments on Facebook, if the speaker was actually talking about themselves or about the listener...