Just got back from the oral part of my Japanese midterm. Still focused heavily on 尊敬語 and 謙譲語.
It turned out to be a roleplay where I was an intern at Sony and I was going out to eat at a restaurant with my boss.
There were things like opening the door for him (「お入りください。」

, making sure to decline at first when he offers to pay, making sure I choose something on the menu that's cheaper than what he chose, offering to get him tissues when he spilled his drink (「ティッシュをお取りしましょうか」

, pointing out where the bathroom is (「あっちらでございます」

, and offering to show him when he was still confused (「ご案内しましょうか。」

. I had to hold back a laugh at that last one because he had taped a bathroom sign to the classroom wall and it was only about 10 feet away.
I mostly nailed the 尊敬語 but I missed a couple of opportunities to use 謙譲語. Like when he asked what I was going to eat, I said 「そばを食べます」 instead of 「そばをいただきます」, but I caught my mistake in time to say 「コーヒーをいただきます」 for the drinks.
All in all, it was kinda fun, actually.