mujun said:
Really? You've had foreigners basically try to start a fight with you in the street?
All I ever get is a nod or "Hello".
I never said ALL foreigners sucks, I said I hate that kind of foreigners that just like to fuck around with people because they think they are 'powerful' in Japan, when in their home countries they would get beaten up for doing the same bullshit. And if I didn't act at all when this guy started to mess with me, was because I don't wanna have any problems that later involve police, because of visa problems and whatever the hell that could cause.
And I don't try to be Japanese at all (no, really), though I do indeed have mostly Japanese friends and I'm all day talking in Japanese, I also have a couple very good foreigner friends I met here and I don't think of them as any lesser friends than my Japanese friends.
And yes, I don't know where you live, but where I live, besides the many foreigners that just nod their heads or say Hello (which I usually answer back, though I don't usually say Hi by myself as I have never done that in any other country and don't see the reason to do it here, but I don't wanna be a jerk either..), I have also had bad luck enough to meet some really retarded foreigners. That I can remember now...
1) An Spanish guy from the same city I am. We became friends, then he made a Japanese girlfriend and told me he didn't want to hang anymore because he'd rather be with Japanese people (the fuck?)
2) An American guy in a club, I was dancing with a friend and he was talking with some girls. My friend started to talk with them and introduced me to them. I ended up chatting all the time with the girls (one of which is my current gf) and the guy got so pissed off he started to call me gay and wanted to start a fight in the middle of the club. Everybody else were Japanese with a couple other foreigners, and all were looking at him like "wtf is wrong with this dude?".
3) Some random guy started to stalk me (seriously), following me for about 20 minutes. I was a bit worried (he was way bigger than me and I don't like fights to begin with), so I got to a street full of people, waited there and asked him what was wrong. He told me he had to go, but that he would have beaten the fuck out of me because I was trying too hard to be Japanese because he heard me talking in Japanese in my phone.
Seriously... the fuck?
(And btw, I'm not the kind of foreigner from that comic, thanks god!... I would have had it much easier if I lived in my home country, and I don't look bad imo so I didn't come to get pussy either
