bigmit3737 said:
I'm looking for something equivalent to, "Welcome to the team", when used in a jokingly manner.
For example, I did something stupid, and then my friend makes similar mistakes.
Also, I'm still looking for the word, "total debt", used to keep a tab on bets between friends.
Thank you.
Well, My 辞書 gave me 累積債務 as "cumulative debt", though I'm not sure if thats what your looking for. My other guess is just 借金の合計 but you'll probably need someone else to clarify that, since I'm only JLPTN4

I hope that helped a little anyway...
As for the "welcome to the team" thing, I'm not too well versed in Japanese colloquialisms. I don't think I've heard the English expression before either, but I'm guessing its a bit like "join the club"?
.JayZii said:
I have my Japanese oral final on Thursday. It's a 10 minute conversation with my Japanese teacher and I don't really know what to expect. I've never had to hold a conversation more than a few sentences, much less with a native Japanese speaker.
Really I don't think you have much to worry about. Your teacher probably knows how good your Japanese is, and they'll adjust their language to a level you can understand. Just review what you've practised and you'll be fine. That's all you need for the oral ^^
I just had my first Korean oral so I'm feelin' you there. Just do it like those other conversations, I'm not sure what kind of level you're at but remember your introduction - you ALWAYS need that. Your not going to suddenly have to converse about the politics surrounding the nuclear crisis at Fukushima. The time goes really fast, and usually these orals don't last ten minutes anyway, at least in my experience.