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The Big Ass Superior Thread of Learning Japanese

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Desiato said:
Anyone got their JLPT results yet? I did, passed N1! :D

i missed N2 by two points! which, seeing as i took it hungover on my birthday with little prospect of success, is actually better than i was expecting. at least i can be pretty confident for the next time now.

of the people i know who took N2 this time, one failed by one point, two failed by two (including me) and one passed by three.


paid requisite penance
345triangle said:
i missed N2 by two points! which, seeing as i took it hungover on my birthday with little prospect of success, is actually better than i was expecting. at least i can be pretty confident for the next time now.

of the people i know who took N2 this time, one failed by one point, two failed by two (including me) and one passed by three.

Sorry to hear that. You'll get it next time, no question!

Got the N1 by a hair. You need 100/180 to pass. I got 105. Of the people I know took the test and got their results, one failed (by a considerable margin apparently), and the others passed. One got more than 140.

I'm kinda ashamed that my score is so low even though I technically passed. I'm considering taking it again in December. Still, I'm happy :D.


What's the N1? Back when I took the test some 4 years ago it was just "level 1", "level 2", etc... I took level 2 and passes with quite a lot of extra points, but I don't think I wanna even try level 1. Lots of worthless kanjis to remember.




Mik2121 said:
Should I say
糞スレageんな、sage。。。?    一応お約束ということで


Gacha-pin said:

Should I say
糞スレageんな、sage。。。?    一応お約束ということで




Bomber Bob said:
Old JLPT Level 1+

which I've failed. :(

oh well, the reading section was like impossible to me :(




Mik2121 said:


I like this thread a lot. I can ask native English speakers something about English in Japanese and more, someone will answer it in Japanese :D



Gacha-pin said:
I like this thread a lot. I can ask native English speakers something about English in Japanese and more, someone will answer it in Japanese :D








Masked Man

I said wow
Desiato said:
Anyone got their JLPT results yet? I did, passed N1! :D

Kilrogg said:
Got the N1 by a hair.

Furoba said:
So did I, high N1 five!

合格おめでとうございます!\(^^)/ 履歴書の更新はお忘れなく♪


louis89 said:

なれたら、わりと打ちやすいよー でもスマホのほうが打ちやすいと思うんだけどー


ちなみに、俺って結構使うよね?w わかってると思うけど、一応念のため・・・先生とか目上の人と喋るときは使わないように・・・wてか、つかったらあかんw




Masked Man said:
合格おめでとうございます!\(^^)/ 履歴書の更新はお忘れなく♪




Starting learning Japanese this last month has given me huge respect for anyone who has mastered a second language. Huge props to you guys doing the N1. N5 is challenging enough for me. I'm willing to putting in a lot of hard work but its difficult to imagine ever learning all those kanji. I'm up to about 50 but its getting a lot harder to keep learning new ones whilst retaining all the others. Remembering the different readings is by the far the most challenging aspect.


Furoba said:




僕やったら、「そこそこ難しかったくせに、聴解はあまりにも簡単だと・・・」って書くんだけど、それもそれで、あかん気がするw 失礼っていうんかね。

Masked Man

I said wow
Furoba said:


それなら何も変わっていないみたいですねw 自分もN1級を受けたとき、まさに同じように感じたのです。

そして自分もそろそろ漢検を受けようかと思っているので、漢字勉強会でも作りましょうか?;) お互い頑張りましょう!

Mik2121 said:

僕やったら、「そこそこ難しかったくせに、聴解はあまりにも簡単だと・・・」って書くんだけど、それもそれで、あかん気がするw 失礼っていうんかね。


&#65288;&#20351;&#12356;&#26041;&#12399;&#20840;&#28982;&#20998;&#12363;&#12426;&#12414;&#12379;&#12435;&#12289;&#12381;&#12371;&#12418;&#12424;&#12429;&#12375;&#12367;&#12362;&#39000;&#12356;&#12375;&#12414;&#12377;&#65289;m(_ _)m


Mik2121 said:







louis89 said:


Masked Man said:

Masked Man

I said wow
Mik2121 said:



Masked Man said:



Edit: I just noticed that since I started with the all-Japanese posts, other people has stopped posting in English. I didn't meant to do that! If anyone got any question, don't worry, go ahead and post whatever it is in English. These Japanese posts are just to practice a bit, and get to use more Japanese (mainly for those who might not be able to write in Japanese on a daily basis because of where they live, etc..)


So I've started my journey into learning Japanese. I have ordered all of Heisig's books and using his method I have started learning the hiragana. I assume with regards to the Kanji his 1st book along with Anki are all I will be needing for now as a complete beginner?

Also does anyone have any suggestions for learning actual words and phrases, the OP seems dedicated to reading more than anything. I know some people say you should learn to read before learning to speak but I'd rather do abit of both. What's the point of knowing how to read a specific word if I don't know it's meaning.

Thanks in advance!


Jintor said:
The all Japanese posts are frightening, but inspiring also :<

I've looked at his site a few times. I like his writing style it's very funny and unique. But the website is really confusing and his explanations can be quite long winded. It's really just a blog as I can find no real lessons. Other than his philosophy I didn't find it very helpful but it was inspiring and shows that you can achieve the goal if you are really dedicated.

Hopefully I can start putting his philosophy into practice when I have a basic grasp of the language. Right now it would be no use to me as I can neither read or speak more than 10 words. The idea of playing a game or watching an anime in pure Japanese right now seems pretty pointless.

Edit: Yay finally a member, only took me 3 years lol!


lol, I was talking about the posts in this thread. They're frightening... but the fact that I can recognise some of the kanji and the sentence structures is reassuring.

I was trying to read the Persona 4 card in the other thread. I got the first two sentences... ish... well, not really.


Jintor said:
lol, I was talking about the posts in this thread. They're frightening... but the fact that I can recognise some of the kanji and the sentence structures is reassuring.

I was trying to read the Persona 4 card in the other thread. I got the first two sentences... ish... well, not really.

Lol I just re-read your post and now I feel silly.

How long have you been studying Japanese to be able to almost read a few sentences? The only Kanji I can recognize in their posts is &#26085;&#26412; :p


Randomizer said:
So I've started my journey into learning Japanese. I have ordered all of Heisig's books and using his method I have started learning the hiragana. I assume with regards to the Kanji his 1st book along with Anki are all I will be needing for now as a complete beginner?

Also does anyone have any suggestions for learning actual words and phrases, the OP seems dedicated to reading more than anything. I know some people say you should learn to read before learning to speak but I'd rather do abit of both. What's the point of knowing how to read a specific word if I don't know it's meaning.

Thanks in advance!
It really depends on the person. Some people learn more by just reading textbooks, other people learn more if they actually practice the language by reading books or watching movies in said language.

If you wanna learn actual words and phrases, I'd suggest jumping straight into either:

1) A book that includes furigana (so you spend less time trying to understand what kanji are you reading).

2) Some internet forum. I wouldn't suggest 2ch as they use way too many internet slang though. Like some of the stuff gacha-pin and I have been using around here (&#12473;&#12524;age ,sage etc..) which actually reminds me I'll probably make another post explaining some of the internet slang used in Japan. I'd also recommend getting an account on mixi and join some communities for people studying Japanese. Or just communities for whatever you like, that way you'll be sure you'll only be reading Japanese :D.

3) Games like Professor Layton, but obviously in Japanese. I have the 3DS one (which is AWESOME, btw) and I've already learnt a few words here and there. The Zelda games for DS also have furigana if you touch a word. Pretty nice stuff.

I would obviously also suggest getting a good electronic dictionary to look up kanjis or the 'Kanji sonomama Rakubiki jiten' title for DS, which you might or might not find around on some stores... But if you'll be using just your computer, use this site:

http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/cgi-bin/wwwjdic.cgi?1C (wwwjdic)

It's great, it has lots of examples and the database is huge. You can search words in English to get the translation in Japanese, or the other way.

Other than that.. the best and most expensive way to learn lots of words and phrases is by going to Japan, make a bunch of friends there and just hang out with them. Otherwise, I'd say the best way (for me at least) is getting into some website like mixi, make friends there and just keep reading whatever. If you get to add a bunch of friends to your friend list, you can also read their diaries and whatnot, so you also get to read more 'personal' stuff (I say this because of the words they use, which aren't the same as when they post on community threads).

If you want a mixi account, send me your email via PM and I'll invite you :)


Mik2121 said:

Wow, thanks for this!

That dictionary site will be really useful and I'll look into getting that Nintendo dictionary as well. The idea of playing a game in Japanese now seems strange as I literally only know like 20 Kanji and some of the hiragana lol. I might as well jump in feet first though. So Professor Layton and the DS Zeldas are good for beginners. That's good as I love Professor Layton and I haven't played the fourth Layton yet so that should be some good motivation. Pokemon is supposed to be good for beginners to right?

I really don't think I am at the level to join any Japanese speaking/writing forums or communities. But I will definitely look into it when I become a bit more proficient. At the minute I would like to finishing learn the kana, whilst continue to learning new Kanji. I was thinking of watching some anime without the subs as well. Something that I've seen before so am aware of the general gist of the conversations and story.


Randomizer said:
Wow, thanks for this!

That dictionary site will be really useful and I'll look into getting that Nintendo dictionary as well. The idea of playing a game in Japanese now seems strange as I literally only know like 20 Kanji and some of the hiragana lol. I might as well jump in feet first though. So Professor Layton and the DS Zeldas are good for beginners. That's good as I love Professor Layton and I haven't played the fourth Layton yet so that should be some good motivation. Pokemon is supposed to be good for beginners to right?

I really don't think I am at the level to join any Japanese speaking/writing forums or communities. But I will definitely look into it when I become a bit more proficient. At the minute I would like to finishing learn the kana, whilst continue to learning new Kanji. I was thinking of watching some anime without the subs as well. Something that I've seen before so am aware of the general gist of the conversations and story.
I believe the more recent Pokemon titles have two methods of text display: Kana only (hiragana and katakana) or Kanji+Kana. But the one with Kanji doesn't have furigana. So you're stuck either just reading kana, or having Kanjis that you might potentially not understand (not many of those thankfully).

If you don't know much Japanese, the all-kana one could be helpful. But I personally don't like to use it because sometimes actually seeing the Kanji is more helpful 'cause you can better guess what they're saying (remember many Kanjis have the same pronunciation).

You can also tell from the phrase, but still, sometimes all-kana is a bit messy, and it's easier to understand if you're native, rather than foreigner.
MIK - I have soul silver and thats kana only :( At first I thought it would be easier but now I think the kanji might be better. If I see the kanji I can probably tell what kind of attack it is etc.

Side note: I'm reading &#31379;&#12365;&#12431;&#12398;&#12488;&#12483;&#12488;&#12385;&#12419;&#12435; in class. Vocabs not that hard, nor is the kanji (but you can also get it with furigana). Its working well for me as a way to break into Japanese novels.

louis89 said:




shanshan310 said:
MIK - I have soul silver and thats kana only :( At first I thought it would be easier but now I think the kanji might be better. If I see the kanji I can probably tell what kind of attack it is etc.



Pokemon only had kana? That blows. And yeah, it's harder to understand, at least for me :p
Mik2121 said:


&#12354;&#12426;&#12364;&#12392;&#12358;&#65342;&#65342;&#12288;I was actually looking around the website for the registration button :p Now I can find it!






shanshan310 said:









Edit: Wait what? You can register on Mixi without getting invited? That didn't use to be the case back a few years ago.. :p

Edit 2: Maybe if I invite you, you don't need to register your phone mail? Or else, press the &#12300;&#12394;&#12380;&#12465;&#12540;&#12479;&#12452;&#12363;&#12425;&#30331;&#37682;&#12377;&#12427;&#12398;&#65311;&#12301; and see what it says...

Edit 3: Are you in Japan now? If so, I just saw this:


Basically you need to use a proxy to enter the Mixi site. If you do so, you won't need to put any email address. I'm in Singapore now, so if you want I can help you out. I would need to make your account, then give you the password data and then you just change it back to whatever language you wanted to use.

That, or you find yourself a proxy so you can go to mixi from overseas.


Urgh, I need to learn more Japanese. It's so frustrating to me that I can't read any of this. On the other hand I shouldn't forget that this doesn't happen in the blink of an eye. People who have managed to get to this level have put countless hours in it.

I purchased a Q2 wifi radio to listen to Japanese internet radios. I hope it helps a little bit to get the feel for the language. It's easy to use and I can take it anywhere in the house.

I've decided to abandon evening classes after 2 years. It was handy to practice speaking Japanese, but things advanced ever so slow. I'm more hungry than ever before to try and study this on my own now.
So I'm practicing sentences and Heisig on my Anki-android app during the daily commute, and in my spare time going slowly through Genki and Japanese in Mangaland. Thanks GAF for all the tips and stuff. I think in 1 or 2 years I'm going to take a shot at the JLPT (not sure which level yet) just for kicks.

Doing the Heisig method seriously made me wonder why so few Japanese classes (if any at all) use it. It seems so easy to use for adults learning Japanese. A friend of mine also had a Kanji pictograph book but that method of learning seriously conflicted with Heisig's method for me, so I stopped doing that.


Mik2121 said:
&#12381;&#12358;&#12394;&#12398;&#12363;&#12375;&#12425; :3

Mixi: After trying to do the phone registration thing yesterday and failing due to not being able to access the internet on my phone, I searched around a bit and found out that they only make you do that if you try to register with a free email account. A bit like GAF.

So if you want to register on Mixi without any hassle, just use a non-free email address (such as the one you registered on GAF with). I used my university address and everything was cool.

I tried using my university email, but I got the same result. I'm not in Japan right now. Do I need to be to register??
what's a proxy? >.<


They've changed Mixi registration? Last time we were in Japan I tried to register with a pre-paid phone, but it didn't have internet access :(


Masked Man said:



Mik2121 said:
I believe the more recent Pokemon titles have two methods of text display: Kana only (hiragana and katakana) or Kanji+Kana. But the one with Kanji doesn't have furigana. So you're stuck either just reading kana, or having Kanjis that you might potentially not understand (not many of those thankfully).

If you don't know much Japanese, the all-kana one could be helpful. But I personally don't like to use it because sometimes actually seeing the Kanji is more helpful 'cause you can better guess what they're saying (remember many Kanjis have the same pronunciation).

You can also tell from the phrase, but still, sometimes all-kana is a bit messy, and it's easier to understand if you're native, rather than foreigner.
reminds me of my childhood. Famicom didn't support kanji, it only displayed &#12354;&#12356;&#12358;&#12360;&#12362;&#12289;&#12363;&#12365;&#12367;&#12369;&#12371;.
We all grew up reading &#12381;&#12394;&#12383;&#12395;&#12288;&#12422;&#12358;&#12375;&#12419;&#12398;&#12288;&#12354;&#12363;&#12375;&#12288;&#12525;&#12488;&#12398;&#12375;&#12423;&#12358;&#12372;&#12358;&#12434;&#12288;&#12354;&#12383;&#12360;&#12424;&#12358;
Zoe said:
They've changed Mixi registration? Last time we were in Japan I tried to register with a pre-paid phone, but it didn't have internet access :(

That was my problem. Only I'm not in Japan anymore, making it even harder.

I don't understand :'( Why make it so hard to register?!? Don't they want people using their site?!
StevePharma said:
Doing the Heisig method seriously made me wonder why so few Japanese classes (if any at all) use it.
Because it doesn't teach readings. So there is absolutely no connection being formed between learning to speak and learning to read/write. For it to be taught in class you would have to learn readings anyways which kind of defeats the point of heisig.

I've been trying to learn kanji by brute force for the past week and it's been slow going. I am against Heisig method because I don't like the idea of making connections between kanji and english. But I will give it a shot anyways. Because it's too slow and too difficult to learn the meaning of kanji and one or two readings for it. You need some kind of basis or foundation to start forming associations with.

Also it would probably help out with playing games as well and being able to do that should provide a new means of learning for me.
I don't think Heisig would work for me. I'd get way too frustrated knowing all these English meanings for characters but not having a clue how to read them or what compounds meant. Sure you learn the readings later - but that's after you learn all the individual characters right? Also the way I study kanji I'm learning a whole lot of new words at the same time. Heisig doesn't teach that.

Also after a while you do get "associations". Kanji with same radicals often have the same pronunciation and similar meanings.
Trying to go through JLPT5/4 or whatever the beginner level kanji is not working out too well for me. The words that are familiar, I heard, or kind of knew before I can remember. But the ones that are new or unfamiliar, I can't remember them at all. Even if I have been reviewing some of them for half a week already. They just don't stick because I cant form any kind of associations.

And I am not even saying use heisig method to learn all the kanji. I am just starting out so it's best to get a quick run through a bunch of kanji and the ones that stick will stick and the ones that don't I can focus on later. I need some kind of a foundation to start working with. With Heisig's method they are already organized in some kind of a logical order that they can be learned in which saves me time and effort of trying to do that on my own.

Masked Man

I said wow
Gacha-pin said:




Gacha-pin said:


Lostconfused said:
Because it doesn't teach readings. So there is absolutely no connection being formed between learning to speak and learning to read/write. For it to be taught in class you would have to learn readings anyways which kind of defeats the point of heisig.

Yeah, that's why I can't see the value in Heisig. Plus, by the time I heard about Heisig, I was already well underway with my own kanji studies, and I didn't see much point in changing what I was doing when my own methods were working well enough. (I also wouldn't be able to deal with not learning the readings for characters.)


Masked Man said:




Masked Man

I said wow
Mik2121 said:








Masked Man said:


Masked Man said:
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