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The Big Ass Superior Thread of Learning Japanese

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I think writing it with kanji makes it easier to read:


Gacha-pin is correct (not that you need further confirmation after a native has given you the answer :3)

In other news, Christmas in Japan sucks. I had McDonalds and then went to a club on Christmas day, ugh.

Hey! Christmas is about as good or bad as you make it! :p


Disaster. I moved to Seville last week, and my Anki reviews simply stopped due to the lots of things I had to do. I had literally no time at all to do the reviews. I tried to do a few, and I managed to do 10-20 a day (I slept between 4-6 hours a day, so I didn't want to screw up more). Now I'm back home for holidays, and I had to review 2XX kanjis. It's a nightmare, my failure percentage is about 40%-50%, and I will have to review a lot in the following weeks to cover up.

Conclusion: Never, ever, stop reviewing with anki if you can. I had forgotten most of the kanji that I had to review early last week, because instead of remembering them 5 days (or whatever) after the last review, I'm trying to remember them after 12 days. And of course, I don't remember most of them, so I have to start again (somewhat). I don't have this problem with some easy kanjis, or kanjis that I had already failed and I'm re-remembering now, or very old kanjis that are due in 2-4 months, but still, it's very discouraging.

But well, at least the reasons are good: I have a job, it's a very good one, I moved to another city with my girlfriend and we already found a house to live in (and in a very good place), so I'm not complaining!

My anki revision shot up once I put the thing on my smart phone. but then again, I use a lot of public transport.

Find ひいらぎ with red berries
Bring ひいらぎ with red berries
You have to find ひいらぎ with red berries

I think something like these

Thanks guys. I understand.

I need help getting my head around this:


It's the title of one of the episodes of Planetes.
Thank you.


Hey! Christmas is about as good or bad as you make it! :p
Yeah, you're right. New Year's on the other hand was awesome as fuck; was in the craziest crowd ever in Shibuya for the countdown, and then eleven of us decided on a whim to get the train down to the beach at Kamakura, chill out and watch the sunrise.



Thanks guys. I understand.

I need help getting my head around this:


It's the title of one of the episodes of Planetes.
Thank you.

Sore yue means like "and so..." or "then there was"

I can't translate it exactly without knowing a little context...it sounds like "And then he appeared" or "And this is how it ends for him" or something like that. You don't really use that in spoken Japanese that much so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
I have a question. When using し and だし to list reasons for multiple states of being (implying there are more), do you end the sentence with し/だし or do you just end it with だ(if na-adj or noun)/nothing if it's i-adj?

Edit: Thanks!


Thanks guys. I understand.

I need help getting my head around this:


It's the title of one of the episodes of Planetes.
Thank you.

Maybe something like "him for that reason" or "his reasoning".

I have a question. When using し and だし to list reasons for multiple states of being (implying there are more), do you end the sentence with し/だし or do you just end it with だ(if na-adj or noun)/nothing if it's i-adj?

You end the sentence normally, be it i-adj, da, datta etc. It can end in -shi in some cases, but it's when you leave a sentence unfinished for the other side to finish it for themselves. E.g. declining an invitation with あしたは用事があるし、…


I have a question. When using し and だし to list reasons for multiple states of being (implying there are more), do you end the sentence with し/だし or do you just end it with だ(if na-adj or noun)/nothing if it's i-adj?

It's kind of flexible...if you just trail of after a "shi" then it's like ending with ellipsis "Well it was loud, and busy ..." otherwise you would say "Well it was loud, and busy, so we left" but if you end with da it would be like ending with a period.


paid requisite penance
Anybody enjoying the
osechi-ryori ?

Tell me about it. I was in Japan last 2010 and had to endure it. Zoni with yuzu is awful. How many mochi can the Japanese eat? Seriously, I'm stuffed after like 2, and the yuzu gives the whole thing an awfully bitter taste. Yuck.

It's kind of flexible...if you just trail of after a "shi" then it's like ending with ellipsis "Well it was loud, and busy ..." otherwise you would say "Well it was loud, and busy, so we left" but if you end with da it would be like ending with a period.

What he said. It's even more flexible than that. You could very well say "da shi ne" and end the sentence right there. It works well if you're piling on what somebody said, indicating them that you know what they mean and you understand what the situation they describe is like.


I just stayed the whole night awake (it's 6:20am) and I'm going back to Osaka in a couple hours (going to the airport in 20 minutes). It will be a 3 hours long flight to Frankfurt, and from there a 11 or 12 (always forget) hours flight to Osaka. I will stay awake during the first flight and the first few hours of the second one, then go to sleep and wake up (hopefully) just as I arrive.

I will be actually missing a whole day, because my flight leaves at 9:15am of today, and arrives at 8:55am of tomorrow (including time difference, so it isn't really 24 hours in the air).

Oh well.. at least I only have to wait 2 hours at Frankfurt, and not 6 like when I came from Osaka :/

So yeah, cya guys in a ton of hours! :p


With the new year started, I've been trying to make good on my resolution and have been actively working learning Japanese. I still don't really have a solid strategy in place as well as I'd like. I did as a lot of you folks have suggested, and asked for some books for Christmas. Seeing as how everyone recommends the Heisig method, I've been starting with that, and my folks actually bought me 2 of his books for me to work on. Remembering the Kana, and Remembering the Kanji.

I've started working on the Remembering the Kana book, because it just made sense to me that I should start with Hiragana. Japanese children supposedly start with this, so it just makes sense that a beginner like me should do that as well. I've been going over a lesson from the book 1 day at a time, and working hard to get the symbols of Hiragana imprinted in my head. Does this sound like a good first step?

I'm committed to devoting a part of my day every day to some form of study of Japanese. I still would greatly appreciate some advice on how to progress. I'm still not sure if starting with hiragana was the best way to go, and if it is, what I should focus on next.

One thing I haven't quite figured out how to go about myself is, once I start memorizing the symbols and can read them without guidance, what should be some tools I should look into about actually translating and understand the words I hear/read? Like I said before, I don't really have much of a strategy just yet beyond being committed. I'd like to have an idea of what direction I should go, so that I'm always progressing.

One last thing I wanna mention is that, since I've made this decision to start learning, I'm doing everything I can to stay active with it. I've often been a person who will start a project and never see it through to the end. I don't want that to happen here. I've made up a blog that no one's probably gonna read, but it's something I decided to make to help keep me active with it socially. If anyone's interesting in keeping up with my progress, here it is: http://yuripaw.blogspot.com/ Hope you don't mind me posting that here.


paid requisite penance
Been out of college since the late 90s.

Now I will be the old man in the class. What if my Depends leak?

Oh, I see. You don't sound that old though. Chances are other students won't mind you. Plus you're a GAFfer, you're probably cool. Just make sure you don't act like some those old farts (which you're not) who slow down classes to a crawl with their obnoxious comments and questions. I know their brains don't work as well and they've got a longer life experience than everybody else, but that doesn't give them any rights to disrupt the class and drag other down to their level.

English is not my native language: what is this "Depends" thing you're talking about?
Been out of college since the late 90s.

Now I will be the old man in the class. What if my Depends leak?

Nah, you'll be fine. I was actually surprised about the number of people who didn't come straight from college (All of the men in my Korean class are over 28). If you have anything to worry about its probably getting back in the study zone, but I reckon its shouldn't be too hard.

Welcome to the club :D


Been out of college since the late 90s.

Now I will be the old man in the class. What if my Depends leak?

It's cool. Older people in language classes are fine. I only ever disliked old people in my classes when they held it up, like in anth classes and they would stop the professor every 10 minutes to discuss the merits of evolution. If you don't understand the basics of evolution, and your religious beliefs interfere with your comprehension of it, what are you doing taking classes in the anth dept?


頑張って! What text are you using?
It's cool. Older people in language classes are fine. I only ever disliked old people in my classes when they held it up, like in anth classes and they would stop the professor every 10 minutes to discuss the merits of evolution. If you don't understand the basics of evolution, and your religious beliefs interfere with your comprehension of it, what are you doing taking classes in the anth dept?

only older people that annoy me are the ones that relate questions they have back to their kids. "As a mother of three I'd really like to know..."


For those who use Anki...is there any way to get this program to stop saving my progress so much? I just simply want to use this program as flash cards that'll order the cards in a random order, and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. The way it keeps track of which ones I get right and wrong, I kinda hate that. I don't want to only look at the cards i got wrong. I want to look at ALL the cards, and I don't want it to bring up the cards I got wrong first, because I'll know to expect them first. I want everything in a random order, why is that such a difficult thing for this program to do?


Junior Member
For those who use Anki...is there any way to get this program to stop saving my progress so much? I just simply want to use this program as flash cards that'll order the cards in a random order, and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. The way it keeps track of which ones I get right and wrong, I kinda hate that. I don't want to only look at the cards i got wrong. I want to look at ALL the cards, and I don't want it to bring up the cards I got wrong first, because I'll know to expect them first. I want everything in a random order, why is that such a difficult thing for this program to do?

this program, it doesn't like you. but because everyone learns the same way
suck it up. have you seen the book that teaches you 20000 kanzi in 4 days? that is the only way to go. forget about studying hard, make a kanzi look like "monkey work coconut", you can master this language in like 2 or 4 years.
For those who use Anki...is there any way to get this program to stop saving my progress so much? I just simply want to use this program as flash cards that'll order the cards in a random order, and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. The way it keeps track of which ones I get right and wrong, I kinda hate that. I don't want to only look at the cards i got wrong. I want to look at ALL the cards, and I don't want it to bring up the cards I got wrong first, because I'll know to expect them first. I want everything in a random order, why is that such a difficult thing for this program to do?

I couldn't figure out how to do it, so I bought a whole bunch of these flashcards and just made up my own. Ended up working out pretty well.

this program, it doesn't like you. but because everyone learns the same way suck it up. have you seen the book that teaches you 20000 kanzi in 4 days? that is the only way to go. forget about studying hard, make a kanzi look like "monkey work coconut", you can master this language in like 2 or 4 years.

Are you that guy who really hates Japan and was trying to convince everyone to learn Chinese?

I'm not a big fan of Heisig either.
For those who use Anki...is there any way to get this program to stop saving my progress so much? I just simply want to use this program as flash cards that'll order the cards in a random order, and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. The way it keeps track of which ones I get right and wrong, I kinda hate that. I don't want to only look at the cards i got wrong. I want to look at ALL the cards, and I don't want it to bring up the cards I got wrong first, because I'll know to expect them first. I want everything in a random order, why is that such a difficult thing for this program to do?

Cram mode in random order may be what you want. It really isn't a very efficient way of doing things though, Anki works the way it does for a reason.


Ever notice that the loudest guy in class is usually the dumbest?

So what are you using for class?

And yes, that tends to be the running theme. However, that sometimes pays off for them in language classes, some dumb people did very well in my Japanese department. I attribute it to having nothing between their ears and mouth.


After about a week of studying the lessons from Heisig's Remembering the Kana book, I've finally gone over all of the ひらがな symbols. I think I've done pretty good remembering them all too. Obviously I plan to continue to practice them, so as it becomes second nature to read them. I'm so happy though, I've achieved one major goal in learning this stuff already.

I probably didn't need the Heisig book for the ひらがな, but it was still a very useful approach to learning. The lessons were set up in a smart pace, and gave me good pauses between lessons so I didn't burn out. Probably gonna make katakana my next goal to learn, but I'm gonna wait a few days before I start that. I just want to be sure I've got a good grasp on the ひらがな


After about a week of studying the lessons from Heisig's Remembering the Kana book, I've finally gone over all of the ひらがな symbols. I think I've done pretty good remembering them all too. Obviously I plan to continue to practice them, so as it becomes second nature to read them. I'm so happy though, I've achieved one major goal in learning this stuff already.

I probably didn't need the Heisig book for the ひらがな, but it was still a very useful approach to learning. The lessons were set up in a smart pace, and gave me good pauses between lessons so I didn't burn out. Probably gonna make katakana my next goal to learn, but I'm gonna wait a few days before I start that. I just want to be sure I've got a good grasp on the ひらがな

I don't especially agree with the Heisig's method, I find it in many ways backwards, obtuse, and unrewarding. That said, I think his 'Remembering the Kana' is one of the finest and quickest methods of acquiring that skill.

Congratulations on your accomplishments so far, keep at it!


I don't especially agree with the Heisig's method, I find it in many ways backwards, obtuse, and unrewarding. That said, I think his 'Remembering the Kana' is one of the finest and quickest methods of acquiring that skill.

Congratulations on your accomplishments so far, keep at it!

His method in Remembering the Kana I do really like, however I do see where you might have a problem with it for the Kanji. I do have the Remembering the Kanji book as well, and I've glanced at it. While it does seem useful in learning many different symbols, I don't like the way it doesn't tell you how to say it in Japanese. Even a hiragana translation would be nice so I can at least try and pronounce it. Knowing the meaning and the symbol without knowing how to pronounce it seems kinda weird to me, and I'm hesitant about starting those lessons.
Do you guys have any good tips on improving your kanji repotoire? I'm taking Japanese 2 this semester, and kind of want to supplement my in-class learnings.

Is it basically just repetition and finding ways to make sentences with new kanji??
Hi guys, a question for you:

how do you deal with lost of focus and interest when you study japanese?

I feel like I should really study japanese but since I have almost no connection with japanese people / culture I have on way to actually use what I have learn.


Do you guys have any good tips on improving your kanji repotoire? I'm taking Japanese 2 this semester, and kind of want to supplement my in-class learnings.

Is it basically just repetition and finding ways to make sentences with new kanji??

Pretty much, compound words (熟語), and sentences. Read something light. Write them out, pick up a game like 漢検DS3デラックス or カキトリくん something like that. For quick review when I'm feeling lazy and want to keep my recognition level up, I do a round or two in KanjiBox.

Hi guys, a question for you:

how do you deal with lost of focus and interest when you study japanese?

I feel like I should really study japanese but since I have almost no connection with japanese people / culture I have on way to actually use what I have learn.

You mix it up. Read a book, a manga, a website, watch a show, a drama, anime, variety, listen to some japanese music, learn some song lyrics, play a game, read a wikipedia article, etc. Just use it, it doesn't matter how you use it, just as long as you keep at it.
you guys helped me before I just want to know if I got this right?


as Haitian Superflat


Nico Nico seem to have translated it that way and google translate says the same but I am not sure if that is the proper way to write it

Anyone else here using Anki?

Is there a working plugin to show example sentences?

I've tried example_sentences and Tatoeba, but they don't seem to have been updated for the latest versions of Anki and so I can't get them to work. Are there any plugins that you guys manage to use successfully?


EDIT: Of course just after I posted that, I managed to get the example_sentences plugin to work! It just wasn't finding any sentences for the words I was testing it with.
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