How would you guys describe working for a school district in Japanese? We tried explaining it several times when we were there last week, but it would take a while for anyone to understand the concept of different schools being connected and conducted by a backing authority.
Also things written in kana are a lot easier to deal with. Kanji just leaves me bewildered most of the time.
Well yeah sure. But as a beginner almost any kanji would make me reach for a dictionary. It's pretty hard to try and guess the meaning/reading in context when you don't know it. More often than not even simple stuff makes no sense if you didn't study it at all.
Well yeah sure. But as a beginner almost any kanji would make me reach for a dictionary. It's pretty hard to try and guess the meaning/reading in context when you don't know it. More often than not even simple stuff makes no sense if you didn't study it at all.
Not necessarily.Sure, you'll be able to read it out phonetically, but will you understand the meaning? You'll be reaching for your dictionary anyway.
Way to jump on a guy for an off hand comment.
私三級やります-!It's actually pretty easy to get the 音 of a kanji, similar looking kanji often have the same or similar/related sounds. Takes a bit of time, but soon you will be guessing the readings of kanji you have never seen with over 90% accuracy. I recommend everyone that doesn't already have one to get a book that shows the similar reading/looking similar looking/different reading such as Pye's The Study of Kanji. It is a great asset.
Anyone attending the JLPT this Sunday?
You guys don't eat pan like the way we eat rice!?!? Shocking (; ̄Д ̄
By the way, パンて聞くと自分は食パンが一番に思い浮かぶ。
Drives me insane when my private students tell me they want to learn English conversation but not grammar. Go ahead and memorize every possible sentence combination in the present perfect as a set of words with no grammatical structure. That's a fantastic way to learn a language.
The same goes for Japanese. 文法を勉強しないと自分の気持ちを表現できなくなる。Unless your goal is to just be jōzu enough to get complimented by Japanese people, you need to learn structure, syntax etc.
Doing N2 tomorrow. Mock exams were so-so, it's probably a bit of a push after two years of studying, but I did N3 last year so nothing to do but try for N2.
It took me less than 6 months to start preferring texts with plenty of kanji rather than the kana, which is easy to read and understand if you know all the words and grammar used, but quite difficult to make sense of otherwise. Besides, having the kanji makes for much easier quick reading.
Really? Only 3?
Really? Only 3?
Shanshan; what program/school do you study at?
Incredibly late but.. in Spain we eat break like in Japan you eat rice. Hell, in my house (though I don't live there anymore) we always have bread (not the white bread like in Japan, but the normal 'french bread' that you guys call.. even if it's not only french). No matter what we're going to eat, we always have a small tray with lots of bread cut into smaller portions.
I believe it's pretty much the same in Portugal, Italy and France.
でかw。Tomorrow I'm going to Minoo to see the fall leaves.. dunno how you call it in English, but yeah. Should be fairly pretty. I will also take a bunch of photos to use as references and textures (seeing how I'm an environment artist..), so if I manage to take a nice 'artistic' photo (not quite the kind of photos I'm aiming for, though..) I will post it here tomorrow! (in about 12 hours from now, anyway).
Good night!
Incredibly late but.. in Spain we eat break like in Japan you eat rice. Hell, in my house (though I don't live there anymore) we always have bread (not the white bread like in Japan, but the normal 'french bread' that you guys call.. even if it's not only french). No matter what we're going to eat, we always have a small tray with lots of bread cut into smaller portions.
I believe it's pretty much the same in Portugal, Italy and France.
Yeah, your average sliced bread they sell on convenience stores and the like is kinda bad. I mean, it's alright for toasts or hot sandwiches (I make TONS of those), but eating it like that with some butter and jam, or a normal sandwich is kinda.. gross. But I found this one brand they sell near my supermarket that's pretty good though! Not home-made, but as you said, those are way too expensive and it's not like they have some amazing taste, just a bit above average分からないけど、It might be that more traditional "western countries" in Europe eat bread that way (and since Pan came from Portugal the Japanese got that impression), but since places like the US and Australia are built on immigration from a lot of different regions our diet more reflects that かな。。。
Also the shokupan I bought in Japan was really terrible in quality. Tasted very processed and sweet compared to the freshly baked bread I buy at home, but maybe the Japanese prefer it that way. Of course, you can get nice bread in Japan too but its insanely expensive like you say :'(
Random question, but how long has everyone here been studying and practicing Japanese for? This thread makes me realize that my journey with Japanese has only just begun. :d (And will never end, obviously.)
Random question, but how long has everyone here been studying and practicing Japanese for? This thread makes me realize that my journey with Japanese has only just begun. :d (And will never end, obviously.)
Random question, but how long has everyone here been studying and practicing Japanese for? This thread makes me realize that my journey with Japanese has only just begun. :d (And will never end, obviously.)
There are approximately 2000 characters you need to know ;pSubscribed.
Though, I must admit, it seems like a mouthful learning Kanji.
But I will follow the OP. I take it I can practice in here too with the rest of you.
PS: The next six months I am totally free, but then I start at school and work.
Oh, yeah, I know.2 years in high school + semester in Tokyo + 1 and a half years in Uni.
It really isn't about the time though, its the effort put in. One of the guys who posted in here I remember had been studying 3 years and took N1, whereas I'd been studying 4 years and went for N3. Being in the country really helps as well, or at least having some kind of practise speaking with friends etc.
wow I totally forgot about the JLPT! I'll make a reminder for the summer session
Random question, but how long has everyone here been studying and practicing Japanese for? This thread makes me realize that my journey with Japanese has only just begun. :d (And will never end, obviously.)
This thread really does help inspire me of trying to finally get off my butt and learn Japanese. I have been saying I want to learn it for over a decade, and I just haven't done it. Always thinking I need some class, or expensive way of going about it.
Even though it's not the new year yet, I have made a resolution. I am going to practice everyday and I will learn at least a basic understanding of reading, writing and speaking Japanese. I won't learn anything unless I do it, and I will do my best to try.
I find a lot of the information useful in the OT, but I guess if I were to ask for any advice, what do you guys think is the best place to start with trying to teach myself? Like, should I try to start with the writing/reading of kanji, hiragana, or katakana? or should I try to familiarize myself with words and how they're pronounced?
Any advice you folks could give to a beginner would be greatly appreciated.
Random question, but how long has everyone here been studying and practicing Japanese for? This thread makes me realize that my journey with Japanese has only just begun. :d (And will never end, obviously.)
Podcasts: I think I've mentioned before, but 池袋なお is my favourite podcast ^^ you can find it on itunes, even outside Japan.
I'm lucky enough to do work where I can fully utilize my knowledge of Japanese language and computer science at the same time - positions like these are rare.
Fun factoid because I'm bored at work: Did you know that new kanji are 'invented' all the time? Basically some person will come out of nowhere and say "this is my name. I don't see it in this computer program, but this is how you write it". There is a problem in adding new kanji because it costs the government and technology sector a lot of money to have to support them.
Started in summer 2008, so around 3 and a half years. At university I was studying computer science, and so I was self studying Japanese as a hobby up until three months ago, when after I graduated I came to Tokyo to study abroad for a year (read: screw around and have fun in Japan until I start a software job back in London). I would describe myself as fluent and can read newspapers, but I have a long way to go until I'm as good as I want to be. I took N1 on Sunday.Random question, but how long has everyone here been studying and practicing Japanese for? This thread makes me realize that my journey with Japanese has only just begun. :d (And will never end, obviously.)
Note: it's actually 池袋なう. And if you're anything like me, when you first listen to it, you will understand pretty much nothing of what they're saying. But I listened to it anyway, over and over and over again, and a couple of years later, as if by magic, I can now understand pretty much 100% of it. It's great for getting your speaking style to sound like an actual Japanese guy's, and as a source of jokes and conversation material.Thanks! I'll check it out.
This thread really does help inspire me of trying to finally get off my butt and learn Japanese. I have been saying I want to learn it for over a decade, and I just haven't done it. Always thinking I need some class, or expensive way of going about it.
Even though it's not the new year yet, I have made a resolution. I am going to practice everyday and I will learn at least a basic understanding of reading, writing and speaking Japanese. I won't learn anything unless I do it, and I will do my best to try.
I find a lot of the information useful in the OT, but I guess if I were to ask for any advice, what do you guys think is the best place to start with trying to teach myself? Like, should I try to start with the writing/reading of kanji, hiragana, or katakana? or should I try to familiarize myself with words and how they're pronounced?
Any advice you folks could give to a beginner would be greatly appreciated.