Questions: So I started over from square one this month putting a lot of effort in time into this having a lot of fun. Finally got my Kana behind me so moving into Kanji
So here I am trying a whole bunch of iPhone Apps to see what is the most fun and what is helping me the most to recognize and remember Kanji but I ran into one app that kinda made me question if some of these apps don't have some serious errors which could hurt my learning
is it common to see the kana for HA when the sentence is I AM followed by the sound WA?
I was expecting to see a hiragana WA and saw a HA instead so now I am wondering is this a grammar lesson I do not know about of a plain cheap app error?
it was in the app where I was learning the kanji for (Me, I)
watashi wa gakusei desu
but above it was written in kanji+kana so I am a little lost to why I see the kana for HA where I expected to see a WA
my second question is just asking for advice on how to learn your Kanji?
I just purchased RTK book a second time since the version I had ordered before years ago in this thread was 5th edition so now I have the 6th. I have not been using the book much since my vision issues suffer more reading paper. So on my iphone apps most of them just give me the english meanings for the Kanji
I try to read the on and kun for each but I find I am not remembering them or unable to say them
so the issue is even if I know what the Kanji means in english I'll need to go back and learn how to say it in Japanese
I wish I could find an app that has the audio for each Kanji but so far I have not been able to find this
Still just knowing and remembering what a Kanji means in english has been very encouraging so far
Try different methods that fit in with your life a bit more. I just started reading the Doraemon manga, it's a fun way to pick up new words. The language is not all that simple, but it has some furigana and the pictures give useful context.
Edit - deleted link
I've been doing a little better since my post finally seeing some results in remembering