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The Black Culture Thread |OT X| Thread's Up, Don't Lurk

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NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
BCT I need to pick to two good movies to watch with this girl tomorrow night. She is house sitting for a friend and invited me over. Any ideas? *horse_drinking.jpg* But nah I do too.

the hobbit 1 and 2

some boring shit that will ease the transition to fucking in her friend's house

yal shameless


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
DoJ not getting the evidence for a civil rights case in Ferguson is lol

maybe had they not a coverup run unabated for months they could've found something

also, france police was complete fuckery like i thought


bitch I'm taking calls.
the hobbit 1 and 2

some boring shit that will ease the transition to fucking in her friend's house

yal shameless


I was thinking something that was still good even if you don't pay attention the whole time. I'm never watching the Hobbit movies again though, I'd rather watch Schindler's List twice.
Girl 6 and Missippi Burning.
You date the fuck out of yourself with these picks, Slay.
Watch horror movies, and bring a scary mask with you to put on while she's in the bathroom or something.
The Notebook and Juno.
Hell nah, we aren't in an official relationship so I refuse, not in my contract.
Stardust and Cabin in the Woods
These are pretty good picks, Cabin in the Woods is a great pick and I've known a lot of girls that liked Stardust.
Girl 6 and Mississippi Burning.

We had a mean discussion about Mississippi Burning in class. I fuck with you real hard for that Girl 6 recommendation. My god Theresa Randle was looking good as fuck.

If you haven't seen it Slayven watch She Hate Me. Got me feeling in a particular fashion.
DoJ not getting the evidence for a civil rights case in Ferguson is lol

maybe had they not a coverup run unabated for months they could've found something

also, france police was complete fuckery like i thought

Considering the type of evidence you need to get a civil rights case this was less likely than the grand jury


bitch I'm taking calls.
Thread devolved into trolls and FUD real quick too. People posting that fake picture of Wilson on "accident". I want to discuss this more than just in BCT but when you have people right out the gate comparing people upset with the outcome to 9/11 truthers, welp.


Its' getting to a point where some Gaffers in those sorts of threads are pissing me off more than the news that inspires the relevant threads. Maybe its because I've come to expect some of these outcomes (and for what the DoJ was looking for the burden of proof was super high) whereas I'm still taken aback by some of the dumbassery I see here. I don't associate with complete morons/ignoramuses in real life so having to deal with that online is still disconcerting :/


It went from vaguely asian to white woman.

It's crazy malleable. PSO2 is just as good
(I mean, breast shape and nipple direction are actual sliders)

These are pretty good picks, Cabin in the Woods is a great pick and I've known a lot of girls that liked Stardust.

My recommendations are basically the thing I take most pride in as well as a think I'm legitimately really good at, so it's a bit more obvious why I get pissy when people say I have bad taste. I don't like all the same things as everyone all the time, but I know how to pick for people.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Its' getting to a point where some Gaffers in those sorts of threads are pissing me off more than the news that inspires the relevant threads. Maybe its because I've come to expect some of these outcomes (and for what the DoJ was looking for the burden of proof was super high) whereas I'm still taken aback by some of the dumbassery I see here. I don't associate with complete morons/ignoramuses in real life so having to deal with that online is still disconcerting :/

Kharvey running with "what is self defense really?" again irks me to no end.

its when i see the same people bringing up arguments that literally got them banned in similar threads that just makes no want to engage people anymore.


Kharvey running with "what is self defense really?" again irks me to no end.

its when i see the same people bringing up arguments that literally got them banned in similar threads that just makes no want to engage people anymore.

That's his game. Argue tangentially-related semantics until the thread is derailed.


Thread devolved into trolls and FUD real quick too. People posting that fake picture of Wilson on "accident". I want to discuss this more than just in BCT but when you have people right out the gate comparing people upset with the outcome to 9/11 truthers, welp.
Dudes rush in mighty quick to defend a killing.
Kharvey running with "what is self defense really?" again irks me to no end.

its when i see the same people bringing up arguments that literally got them banned in similar threads that just makes no want to engage people anymore.

That hyper rational wishy washy shit gets my nerve so hard


Kharvey running with "what is self defense really?" again irks me to no end.

its when i see the same people bringing up arguments that literally got them banned in similar threads that just makes no want to engage people anymore.
I mean, some people earn their tags.
CC > 4-year institution?

Yeah, first was community, now I'm at a university. I've mingled with classmates and I've gotten back in touch with a bunch of people going here that were part of my class in collegiate and the collegiate kids especially are nice as hell now. Everyone gets along from what I can tell, but I think it mainly has to do with dumb high school drama shit not existing and everyone growing up.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Jackben you bout to fuck with Schindler's list in the background?
"Ayy lmao those guys sure had it hard, speaking of hard..."

Negative, I was just super saiyan that I would rather watch that twice than see the Hobbit films again. I even went with my mom's to a marathon of all 3 movies when the last one came out because she is a super fan. I'll never watch them again, what a nightmare that was.
Yeah, first was community, now I'm at a university. I've mingled with classmates and I've gotten back in touch with a bunch of people going here that were part of my class in collegiate and the collegiate kids especially are nice as hell now. Everyone gets along from what I can tell, but I think it mainly has to do with dumb high school drama shit not existing and everyone growing up.
I know exactly what you mean by high school drama spillover. This gives me hope for going to a real university or 4-year eventually. Sick of the fuckery that comes with community college mentality sometimes.
Vaping can be the weirdest shit ever. A friend of mine is now a vaper...but he doesn't even smoke. Apparently you can buy vapers that basically allow you to inhale juice with no nicotin or anything....like bruh why don't you just buy a fucking gallon of juice and drink that shit like normal people?


I don't know how people do Graphic Design as a living. As a hobby? It's fun as hell, but my current job has soured me on ever contemplating doing it for a living.

I work for a non-profit, and like most non-profits, we don't have much expendable cash. I've been doing a lot of outreach and I'm embarrassed to pass out our marketing materials - cause they legit look like some stuff thrown together in Word. So I voluntarily took some of my free time to cook up some flyers, brochures, etc in Photoshop and Illustrator. Considering I did this on my own time FOR FREE, and they look a trillion times better/more professional than what we have now, I thought they'd keep the amount of kickbacks to a minimum. But naw.

I've been working on this bullshit for months now. It took me a few nights at home to complete the templates, and get a proof of concept into their hands. And in the 3-4 months since then, they've been kicking my work back with the most ticky tack bullshit changes known to man - made worst by the fact that every high up wants to have some input.

I've changed the photos, layout, wording, etc more than I can remember at this point. Shit's fucking ridiculous. It's like... now ya'll have some fucking standards regarding this shit? How the hell do some of ya'll do this on the daily.

I created a website too, but there's no way in hell I'm moving forward with that - cause I'll have some grown ass kids by the time they approve it. I should have known better than to do extra work for free. It won't happen again.


Yeah, first was community, now I'm at a university. I've mingled with classmates and I've gotten back in touch with a bunch of people going here that were part of my class in collegiate and the collegiate kids especially are nice as hell now. Everyone gets along from what I can tell, but I think it mainly has to do with dumb high school drama shit not existing and everyone growing up.
Sounds like you're suffering from Grass Is Greener syndrome. As someone who went to a 4-year institution after high school and is currently in grad school, there are immature people who love to start drama no matter where you go.
I don't know how people do Graphic Design as a living. As a hobby? It's fun as hell, but my current job has soured me on ever contemplating doing it for a living.

I work for a non-profit, and like most non-profits, we don't have much expendable cash. I've been doing a lot of outreach and I'm embarrassed to pass out our marketing materials - cause they legit look like some stuff thrown together in Word. So I voluntarily took some of my free time to cook up some flyers, brochures, etc in Photoshop and Illustrator. Considering I did this on my own time FOR FREE, and they look a trillion times better/more professional than what we have now, I thought they'd keep the amount of kickbacks to a minimum. But naw.

I've been working on this bullshit for months now. It took me a few nights at home to complete the templates, and get a proof of concept into their hands. And in the 3-4 months since then, they've been kicking my work back with the most ticky tack bullshit changes known to man - made worst by the fact that every high up wants to have some input.

I've changed the photos, layout, wording, etc more than I can remember at this point. Shit's fucking ridiculous. It's like... now ya'll have some fucking standards regarding this shit? How the hell do some of ya'll do this on the daily.

I created a website too, but there's no way in hell I'm moving forward with that - cause I'll have some grown ass kids by the time they approve it. I should have known better than to do extra work for free. It won't happen again.

Well your first problem was doing it for a nonprofit.
Second problem was taking on the assignment/doing it out of charity/pity.
Third problem was doing it without a proposal and contract in place to avoid the exact type of creep you're speaking about.
Fourth problem was being such a pushover and letting them control and dictate how you should design and ignore your input despite the fact...you're the designer. Learn to put your foot down or you'll kill yourself eventually.

It's why I never applied for jobs as an in house designer for a company that doesn't care/know anything about design. It's just a waste of time and headache.
Sounds like you're suffering from Grass Is Greener syndrome. As someone who went to a 4-year institution after high school and is currently in grad school, there are immature people who love to start drama no matter where you go.

Part of the trouble with collegiate high is that your social circles mostly consist of high schoolers (which suck), and college students that haven't grown up and still hang out with high schoolers (which also suck). Everyone's just doing their own thing now.

I'm an art major who hasn't touched a business / "primary" prereq course since 2013, though. Part of the reason I've been in good company is because I'm mostly around fellow artsy types who are actually taking classes they enjoy now. I don't doubt all sorts of fuckery goes on at this campus, but I'm really good at managing my social network when the right kind of people are around. It's awesome because I can cut the middleman and just be friends with people who want to be friends with me, rather than wade through the water of "in crowd" social circle bullshit that plagued collegiate high. I just don't give people who wouldn't be mutually beneficial to have around (not in a use them way, in a "don't start no shit, there won't be no shit") the time of day anymore.

Well your first problem was doing it for a nonprofit.
Second problem was taking on the assignment/doing it out of charity/pity.
Third problem was doing it without a proposal and contract in place to avoid the exact type of creep you're speaking about.
Fourth problem was being such a pushover and letting them control and dictate how you should design and ignore your input despite the fact...you're the designer. Learn to put your foot down or you'll kill yourself eventually.

It's why I never applied for jobs as an in house designer for a company that doesn't care/know anything about design. It's just a waste of time and headache.

lol, where were you when I was signing up for my last job

8 months of pure "no i don't like that, let's keep it all blinding default red at hue 0 on white, and go back to times new roman"


Well your first problem was doing it for a nonprofit.
Second problem was taking on the assignment/doing it out of charity/pity.
Third problem was doing it without a proposal and contract in place to avoid the exact type of creep you're speaking about.
Fourth problem was being such a pushover and letting them control and dictate how you should design and ignore your input despite the fact...you're the designer. Learn to put your foot down or you'll kill yourself eventually.

It's why I never applied for jobs as an in house designer for a company that doesn't care/know anything about design. It's just a waste of time and headache.

I don't mind doing it for a non-profit, because we do great stuff working with at-risk kids - something I'm pretty passionate about and love doing. So I was interested in pushing the organization forward, since we're pretty small and still growing.

I definitely agree taking on stuff for free is a bad move. I should know better than that. Although I guess I'll technically get paid for it on the back end, since they compensated me with comp time (we don't have overtime :/) - so my PTO is sittin' pretty since I haven't and won't need to use any of it for a while.

A contract would have been interesting, but I don't do this for a living - nor do I know the ins and outs of the industry. I just do it as a hobby. And believe me - I wish I could put my foot down, but I'm still in my probationary period after being hired to middle management - and it's no longer something I'm doing at home. All I can do is give my input, allude to the fact that my work time is better spent elsewhere (like browsing GAF), and hope that they finally concede.

Oh well, lesson learned.


I just found out that Spielberg licensed King's speeches for a movie project, which is why none of the speeches in Selma were the original versions.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I really need a new MMO to get into. DCUO has stagnated and I just found out my FF14 char got deleted (somehow) (again) and I'm like...

I need a safe, notsupremelyaddictive timesink right now. ME3 MP wasn't an MMO, but it was fucking amazing when it was still being supported.

I got a Vita and could probably wake my 3DS aka Fire Emblem Machine from the grave too. Any suggestions?

edit: My laptop is a steaming pile so PC gaming is basically a no-go for the next month or so and I'd actually be open to looking into Diablo 3 on consoles if one of you upstanding gentlemen could sell me on it.
I really need a new MMO to get into. DCUO has stagnated and I just found out my FF14 char got deleted (somehow) (again) and I'm like...

I need a safe, notsupremelyaddictive timesink right now. ME3 MP wasn't an MMO, but it was fucking amazing when it was still being supported.

I got a Vita and could probably wake my 3DS aka Fire Emblem Machine from the grave too. Any suggestions?

League breh


keep your strippers out of my American football
I really need a new MMO to get into. DCUO has stagnated and I just found out my FF14 char got deleted (somehow) (again) and I'm like...

I need a safe, notsupremelyaddictive timesink right now. ME3 MP wasn't an MMO, but it was fucking amazing when it was still being supported.

I got a Vita and could probably wake my 3DS aka Fire Emblem Machine from the grave too. Any suggestions?

edit: My laptop is a steaming pile so PC gaming is basically a no-go for the next month or so and I'd actually be open to looking into Diablo 3 on consoles if one of you upstanding gentlemen could sell me on it.

I love D3 on the Xbox One. It's the same game as the PC, but without the seasons. There are obvious UI changes as well, but it is the same addicting game. I started playing Marvel Heroes off and on, but that game is such a grindfest for little reward that I always have to stop. D3 sitting on my couch while I have some jams playing is a great timesink for me.
There needs to be a lootgame with like 25000 legendary items but still have that low drop rate so that I'm always getting something new. Said game should also make sure to not make the grind to max level too damn long. This ain't a fucking MMO, there's shit all to do from level 1-xx before you hit max level. The entire point of isometric loot whore games like D3 is the end game never ending grind to get...better loot.

Which coincidentally is why I'm not playing D3 right now, my Wizard, WD and DH have all the legendaries with my Wizard having all the 1% drop rate legendaries.

I have nothing to do.


I really need a new MMO to get into. DCUO has stagnated and I just found out my FF14 char got deleted (somehow) (again) and I'm like...

I need a safe, notsupremelyaddictive timesink right now. ME3 MP wasn't an MMO, but it was fucking amazing when it was still being supported.

I got a Vita and could probably wake my 3DS aka Fire Emblem Machine from the grave too. Any suggestions?

edit: My laptop is a steaming pile so PC gaming is basically a no-go for the next month or so and I'd actually be open to looking into Diablo 3 on consoles if one of you upstanding gentlemen could sell me on it.

You got a PS4, right? Warframe.


I learned that Wentworth Miller is black.
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