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The Black Culture Thread |OT X| Thread's Up, Don't Lurk

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NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
You got a PS4, right? Warframe.


I learned that Wentworth Miller is black.

I was rocking with Warframe since launch. Game has made a TON of improvements and I'd recommend it to anyone.

However, their mid-game is some of the most ridiculously fucked grinding out right now.



best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I was rocking with Warframe since launch. Game has made a TON of improvements and I'd recommend it to anyone.

However, their mid-game is some of the most ridiculously fucked grinding out right now.


i should go back to warframe. i havent picked it up in a while. the last time i played, everyone i was in a room with would race to the end and take everything along the way


Once he admitted he was black AND gay, his career was done. America was in love with dude because of Prison Break, but when America found out he was two things they hate, they were like "naaawww".

Dude's doing pretty well as a screenwriter. Although he did pen his first screenplay, Stoker, under a pseudo name Lol.


I was rocking with Warframe since launch. Game has made a TON of improvements and I'd recommend it to anyone.

However, their mid-game is some of the most ridiculously fucked grinding out right now.


Yeaaaah they really need to fix that.

I hope that Dirty Bomb comes to next gen consoles.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I'm really feeling the idea of giving D3 another shot. tomorrow is the PSN sale too, correct?
i should go back to warframe. i havent picked it up in a while. the last time i played, everyone i was in a room with would race to the end and take everything along the way

That still happens. Even more since they fixed the controls and tightened up the melee commands lol
DY did you ever try Planetside or Planetside 2?

Loved Planetside 1. (nothing will ever top tribes for me but that came damned close). Waiting on the console version of P2 though. Missed the beta sign in though.


Well your first problem was doing it for a nonprofit.
Second problem was taking on the assignment/doing it out of charity/pity.
Third problem was doing it without a proposal and contract in place to avoid the exact type of creep you're speaking about.
Fourth problem was being such a pushover and letting them control and dictate how you should design and ignore your input despite the fact...you're the designer. Learn to put your foot down or you'll kill yourself eventually.

It's why I never applied for jobs as an in house designer for a company that doesn't care/know anything about design. It's just a waste of time and headache.

I've seen Graphic Designers get undiscovered forms of brain cancer over this shit.
I've seen Graphic Designers get undiscovered forms of brain cancer over this shit.

Yea shit is crazy. I dealt with one client on that kind of bullshit and vowed never again. To this day that branding project is the bane of my career. Every time I see it I die a little inside.


This Bill Cunningham guy be instigating everything.

Way worse than Maury.

Man you should listen to his radio show. He's every conservative radio host trope rolled into one and amplified by 30. Dude is a major cunt. I heard him one time saying that white people literally need to start killing Mexicans because they are stealing not only our jerbs, but our land and that's the only way to stop them.


I just found out that Spielberg licensed King's speeches for a movie project, which is why none of the speeches in Selma were the original versions.
Some guy told me that before the movie came out and I thought that he was just making shit up. It's crazy that you can license a speech and even crazier that a white man owns the rights to MLK's speeches.
I just found out that Spielberg licensed King's speeches for a movie project, which is why none of the speeches in Selma were the original versions.

The fuck? Can't even own our speeches? lmao, I can't even be mad at this.

I can only imagine some indie crew gets a cease and desist letter for making a short film reenacting MLK's pivotal moments because the speech is owned by Spielberg.


343...making...a tribes game?


Speilberg cut the check. If you recall, the museum was having financial problems some years ago, so I guess this helped them out. I think he only has it for movie rights, and if you can pay the fee, you can use it, but he's sitting on them for his big King Oscar winner.
lmao, dude on twitch just spazzed on Vanille while playing FFXIII. Called the character a "fucking, cannon fodder piece of shit worthless cunt bitch"

Like wow...someone has some deep seeded issues.

They don't have to do anything but add art and some netcode and we're golden

They didn't really have to do too damn much to MCC (because everyone else did all the actual work...) and look how that ended.

Nah, I'd rather get someone else.

MLK's family did it.

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