Wouldn't surprise me if our "fan club" sent that in just for us to read it.
They going hard.
Wouldn't surprise me if our "fan club" sent that in just for us to read it.
in other words, a racist."Listen, I know that I'm a racist but I'm actually the special kind because I totally support interracial couples since I find their mixed offspring attractive."
This photo is going to get some mileage. Especially on social media.
This photo is going to get some mileage. Especially on social media.
This photo is going to get some mileage. Especially on social media.
I can see a bunch of bitter niggas post that while talking about how they don't date black women because white women treat them like the superhero they think they are.This photo is going to get some mileage. Especially on social media.
I'm having one of those days where I just can't focus on anything I need to right now. Still got baggage and shit from months ago gnawing at me and I just can't get rid of it. Ugh.
I'd rather deal with a Klansmen in full uniform than this person.
What's the story behind this?
He has earrings in. Time to bring em back.
We going to talk about how Power Girl saw Val Zod at the age of 3 and said "This one is mine"?
The DOAX3 Drama continues...
The DOAX3 Drama continues...
What now?
Tecmo Koei could have easily ended this by just saying, "It's not worth the money/resources".
But nope.
wow did you guys see that leaked merch spoiler that kylo ren is really thanos
who would have thought
Wait, how do you pierce his ear? What do you have to use?What's the story behind this?
He has earrings in. Time to bring em back.
Were you wrong about R Kelly?
Thanks, but I've just been listening to some songs on my Spotify to get my mind off of all this shit. It helps.I tend to just write out when I have days like that
Were you wrong about R Kelly?
Thanks, but I've just been listening to some songs on my Spotify to get my mind off of all this shit. It helps.
Wait, how do you pierce his ear? What do you have to use?
Wait, how do you pierce his ear? What do you have to use?
Were you wrong about R Kelly?
I think most of us know Kellz really ain't shit.
But similar to the Boondocks episode of him in court, he keeps putting out hot music people aren't gonna give a damn. Just look at his performances at the BET Awards and the Soul Train awards these past few years, people clearly don't give a fuck.
This article being two years old shows just that.
What'd he do this time?Have y'all been following the story of Trump and the Black faith leaders?
Fuck them and their overrated chicken
Well fuck. Now I feel bad for eating there when they were shitting on gay people. I just wanted them sandwiches tbh. They were my closest lunch spot too. Welp no more of that then. Should have learned the first time they were tripping.
Were you wrong about R Kelly?
Get ready for the who's who of who cares coming out for their photo ops..It'll be Christie our Palin..
he's like all the good song writers/singers (Whitney, CeeLo, Kanye, MJ, etc), he's fucked up
he's like all the good song writers/singers (Whitney, CeeLo, Kanye, MJ, etc), he's fucked up