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The Black Culture Thread |OT13| Kimba is the New Blacked


Man it's a nice and sunny 49 right now and should be 59 later on today. I just had to break out my skateboard on my way to work.

.good chance I'll be late becuase of the bus though.


Man it's a nice and sunny 49 right now and should be 59 later on today. I just had to break out my skateboard on my way to work.

.good chance I'll be late becuase of the bus though.



Junior Member
When Obama went against McCain in the 2008 election this is pretty much what I thought. Obama is the .0001% of black people in America. McCain was the last in his class at West Point. And George W. Bush was a C student born into a political dynasty. I remember thinking, "if this man, who represents the very pinnacle of what we are in America, AND is half white, can't be president, then we will never have a black president".

So yeah, I agree with you 100%. Not only do we have to be exceptional, but we have zero margin for failure. It's fucking wrong.
Look at his legacy. Not a ton of big named items but a lot of smaller items. There was an article about how he doesn't promote his agenda as well. So, you'll have 20 years of people not giving him credit. Yeah, he can do a better job but half the country thinks he shit tier. And it takes a ton of time before presidents get proper credit.

I'm sure some are genuinely disappointed but him winning two terms, enacting Obama care, saving the country from a massive economic depression and killing Osama seems like auto points for one of the best presidents of the past 40 years. Tack on justice reform and some of his environmental actions (like it or not, being energy independent is directly tied to low gas prices and a better position to be in, although more green energy is preferable but won't happen without a cooperative Congress) and I'm having trouble not placing him into the top half of presidents, now with a high likelihood of him elevating over the next 50 years.

When we get to universal healthcare, who will you credit? I'm sure Fox will credit Romney before Obama. Black excellence treated like shit tier. Hell, low key, Bernie is already doing it. 'Eh, we'll do that the week after the election and it won't be that hard.'


when money in the bank makes you feel like you didn't earn it

Must be nice, must be nice

Didn't even bother to enter the thread. I knew it was off.


I always carry my Swords on me fam.

Gaf is a weird fucking place, in that sex and videogames thread I was surprised how many people have said they'd skipped or would skip sex for videos gamss.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I got to believe you're just trolling, because the only thing running when you pull out your anime weapon in any serious altercation is probably running all the way down your pant legs into your shoes.

Leave the swords at home son, for all our sakes.
I'm just curious how walking around with swords is perfect for when you get blindsided with pepper spray. Unless you're gonna stop and administer eyedrops or know an Esuna spell, your attacks are going to be ineffective.
I clicked on this.

Guess what ad I received before the clip? BROOKLYN BROOKLYN oh lawd

I got the ad for drugs to treat a specific disease, with a nice white lady model who has the disease.

Look at his legacy. Not a ton of big named items but a lot of smaller items. There was an article about how he doesn't promote his agenda as well. So, you'll have 20 years of people not giving him credit. Yeah, he can do a better job but half the country thinks he shit tier. And it takes a ton of time before presidents get proper credit.

I'm sure some are genuinely disappointed but him winning two terms, enacting Obama care, saving the country from a massive economic depression and killing Osama seems like auto points for one of the best presidents of the past 40 years. Tack on justice reform and some of his environmental actions (like it or not, being energy independent is directly tied to low gas prices and a better position to be in, although more green energy is preferable but won't happen without a cooperative Congress) and I'm having trouble not placing him into the top half of presidents, now with a high likelihood of him elevating over the next 50 years.

When we get to universal healthcare, who will you credit? I'm sure Fox will credit Romney before Obama. Black excellence treated like shit tier. Hell, low key, Bernie is already doing it. 'Eh, we'll do that the week after the election and it won't be that hard.'


Didn't even bother to enter the thread. I knew it was off.

And this is why Trump pisses me off. When President Obama gives a speech, we know that he and his staff worked hard on that speech. They crafted every single sentence, every paragraph. And he worked hard to deliver said speech. Trump just gets up there and spews whatever he's thinking about at the moment, and people are eating out of his hands. I swear, I worked harder on /my/ Senior speech in High School (on Kwaanza, btw) than Trump has ever or will ever work on a speech, or on anything, in his entire damn life. Also: TWO CORINTHIANS? Really? That's a first year Sunday School mistake.

Trump got to third base with nothing but walks. He's about to come to home base on a walk. And he swears he hit a home run.


when money in the bank makes you feel like you didn't earn it

Must be nice, must be nice

I actually do workshops on financial literacy for at-risk youth, and the psychology behind physical/tangible currency is a legitimate thing. When raising a kid or teen, it's often better to provide them physical currency rather than put money into their bank account/pre-paid card. They're more likely to value money, save it and ultimately be more financially conscious/frugal when there's a visual component to money being spent/diminishing - as opposed to them just swiping a card.

For an adult though? Eh. I guess everyone's different.


Old job telling me that they can't afford to keep me on. They don't even know I'm about to get a job paying more than twice as much.


Uhhhhh....please tell me that is not what he is currently using in the manga. Because that if there was one thing that Tite Kubo was good at, it was style and badass character designs. This is not a stylish badass character design.

That is when he first got it, like a year ago, and he still hasn't used it. But he has a new suit to go with it. But it is clear Tite is given up. Characters literally win fights just because nowadays



The discussion about Asians, Indians, and Latinos and how much further they have to go to get to where black people are is why I wish more non white ethnic groups were as vocal as black people when BS like this year's Academy Awards happen.

Old job telling me that they can't afford to keep me on. They don't even know I'm about to get a job paying more than twice as much.

I had this happen to me once. Got laid off the week before Christmas after I refused to take a salary decrease, meanwhile I had a job interview the same day for more money and landed it. It was vanglorious.


The discussion about Asians, Indians, and Latinos and how much further they have to go to get to where black people are is why I wish more non white ethnic groups were as vocal as black people when BS like this year's Academy Awards happen.

The problem is, other minority groups haven't had as much time in America and their populations are smaller. Also, they weren't enslaved so some of them probably feel like they shouldn't complain (which is wrong). I think that's changing though. Master of None was great at calling out Hollywood on how they treat Asians.
The discussion about Asians, Indians, and Latinos and how much further they have to go to get to where black people are is why I wish more non white ethnic groups were as vocal as black people when BS like this year's Academy Awards happen.

We tend to be point in these situations, due to population size and history of action. I get the feeling that the Latino community is about to step up. And to be honest, George Takei has been waving the flag for the Asian American community for some time. I'm also hearing rumors of a Native TV channel in the works, which would be awesome.
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