Gordon Shumway
If we talking about Civil War:
Dude. Fix that spoiler..
Numb. Edit.
If we talking about Civil War:
Ohhhh. I haven't played that game in over a year. LOL.elite: dangerous
space sim/mmo game, with little fighter ships and big space freighters and giant space destroyers, etc. Originally I was going to start an Abolitionist Starfighters Union, and travel to the part of the Galaxy controlled by the Empire (I started out as part of the Federation) to pirate slave vessels and free their captives. that...didn't pan out.
Yep yep.watched Civil War last night
Dat Black Panther triple air kick
So..after watching
trailer and the title of the movie reminding me of Prince and the Murphy's, when was the last mainstream horror movie since Candy Man with a black main baddy/ghost/monster?
Man now I got the itch to watch Iron Monkey. My early 20s were spent slapping the dogshit out of my buddies' backs with the almighty Buddha's Palm.First thing it reminded me of was Wong Fei Hung's "no shadow kick" (the character's signature move) specifically, this small shot during the end fight sequence in One upon a time china 1.
Here's a fully powered up version of the no shadow kick. From Once upon a time china 2.
Hmmm might go see that instead of Civil War.
This is not at all close to the response I was expecting lol..
Black people get enough of being the bad guy irl tyvm...I'd rather not have it in my horror movies.
All this anti-tran bill and "precautions" in North Carolina is some ol' bullshit. If one of those cops tried to make me leave the women's bathroom like that girl, they could lick this clit.
I mean, I hear that. I'm just curious. Seems like a funny omission, considering the gap. I ask because I can't think of many in the mainstream..
All this anti-tran bill and "precautions" in North Carolina is some ol' bullshit. If one of those cops tried to make me leave the women's bathroom like that girl, they could lick this clit.
So for this new job they did a round of hiring of like 16 people. Real corporate by Bryant park in NYC. My friends got me and 2 other of my friends in there. 1 Asian kid 2 whites kids worked for the company, they got me and 2 others in one, black another Asian. In the round of hiring total there's 4 black dudes (me, my homie, this old black dude, and some other kid) everyone else, the one Asian dude.. Like 10 white dudes, 2 Spanish chicks and 2 white ladies..
All the math with standing there's 16 of us.
The problem is the other black dude has been constantly fucking up since day 0.
He was late to the interview.
Late the first day, has no shame eating all the complimentary food. Even left the laptop they gave us in the conference room with all his shit everywhere like it was his crib.
Late the second day, then dipped out to get breakfast while a training presentation was going on.
Late the 3rd day and one of the bosses caught him out on the street eating an orange while he was supposed to be in training.
And today not only was he late but he said he was at the secondary site because he thought that's where we were meeting. Then when we all go to the second site they say he showed up at the original spot, in jeans, and is just sitting in a conference room with no clue where anyone is at. Mind you were supposed to dress up for work but he was in jeans because "one of the vps was in jeans" so he figured it was okay.
Like what?!
I hate to see one of my own go down but, brah I can't have you making me look bad. Me and my homie show up dumb early dressed and ready to go. I even thought the old black dude was going to drop some knowledge on the guy but nope. I hear everyone cracking jokes on this kid like "can't wait to see what he does next" even the Martha Stewart old lady was like "my husband can't wait to hear stories about Akeem when I come home."
Shits embarrassing
I've watched this dude slowly get the cold shoulder from everyone, real "yeah don't want to associate with that guy" sort of thing.
I sort of feel bad, but c'mon man smarten up.
Just wanted to vent and hear thoughts..
That all just sounds like he wants to be elsewhere. Enjoy the show, I say. Just don't get caught relying on him to participate.
I sat on it for a while. Can't think of even one. That's probably why Candy Man is still in our lexicon, cos he's literally the only one.
That all just sounds like he wants to be elsewhere. Enjoy the show, I say. Just don't get caught relying on him to participate.
Agreed (the fuck, Kid lol). That ain't on you. We are NOT a monolith. I can understand the frustration. Just do you and forget that clown shoes dude..
Things going good besides?
Yeah man so far so good. Presentations are boring and its a lot of info but I'm happy to be here.. Wish I had more free time so it looks like I'm gonna quit my GameStop weekend gig.
Good to hear, brother. If you're getting good loot, GameStop should totally be in the rearview..
I mean, I hear that. I'm just curious. Seems like a funny omission, considering the gap. I ask because I can't think of many in the mainstream..
not many times in the mainstream they'll let a black dude run around killing a bunch of white people, as the main draw to see it, lol.
God. Damn. I mean, have you seen that DOAX3 thread? It's not a lie.
So for this new job they did a round of hiring of like 16 people. Real corporate by Bryant park in NYC. My friends got me and 2 other of my friends in there. 1 Asian kid 2 whites kids worked for the company, they got me and 2 others in one, black another Asian. In the round of hiring total there's 4 black dudes (me, my homie, this old black dude, and some other kid) everyone else, the one Asian dude.. Like 10 white dudes, 2 Spanish chicks and 2 white ladies..
All the math with standing there's 16 of us.
The problem is the other black dude has been constantly fucking up since day 0.
He was late to the interview.
Late the first day, has no shame eating all the complimentary food. Even left the laptop they gave us in the conference room with all his shit everywhere like it was his crib.
Late the second day, then dipped out to get breakfast while a training presentation was going on.
Late the 3rd day and one of the bosses caught him out on the street eating an orange while he was supposed to be in training.
And today not only was he late but he said he was at the secondary site because he thought that's where we were meeting. Then when we all go to the second site they say he showed up at the original spot, in jeans, and is just sitting in a conference room with no clue where anyone is at. Mind you were supposed to dress up for work but he was in jeans because "one of the vps was in jeans" so he figured it was okay.
Like what?!
I hate to see one of my own go down but, brah I can't have you making me look bad. Me and my homie show up dumb early dressed and ready to go. I even thought the old black dude was going to drop some knowledge on the guy but nope. I hear everyone cracking jokes on this kid like "can't wait to see what he does next" even the Martha Stewart old lady was like "my husband can't wait to hear stories about Akeem when I come home."
Shits embarrassing
I've watched this dude slowly get the cold shoulder from everyone, real "yeah don't want to associate with that guy" sort of thing.
I sort of feel bad, but c'mon man smarten up.
Just wanted to vent and hear thoughts..
So for this new job they did a round of hiring of like 16 people. Real corporate by Bryant park in NYC. My friends got me and 2 other of my friends in there. 1 Asian kid 2 whites kids worked for the company, they got me and 2 others in one, black another Asian. In the round of hiring total there's 4 black dudes (me, my homie, this old black dude, and some other kid) everyone else, the one Asian dude.. Like 10 white dudes, 2 Spanish chicks and 2 white ladies..
All the math with standing there's 16 of us.
The problem is the other black dude has been constantly fucking up since day 0.
He was late to the interview.
Late the first day, has no shame eating all the complimentary food. Even left the laptop they gave us in the conference room with all his shit everywhere like it was his crib.
Late the second day, then dipped out to get breakfast while a training presentation was going on.
Late the 3rd day and one of the bosses caught him out on the street eating an orange while he was supposed to be in training.
And today not only was he late but he said he was at the secondary site because he thought that's where we were meeting. Then when we all go to the second site they say he showed up at the original spot, in jeans, and is just sitting in a conference room with no clue where anyone is at. Mind you were supposed to dress up for work but he was in jeans because "one of the vps was in jeans" so he figured it was okay.
Like what?!
I hate to see one of my own go down but, brah I can't have you making me look bad. Me and my homie show up dumb early dressed and ready to go. I even thought the old black dude was going to drop some knowledge on the guy but nope. I hear everyone cracking jokes on this kid like "can't wait to see what he does next" even the Martha Stewart old lady was like "my husband can't wait to hear stories about Akeem when I come home."
Shits embarrassing
I've watched this dude slowly get the cold shoulder from everyone, real "yeah don't want to associate with that guy" sort of thing.
I sort of feel bad, but c'mon man smarten up.
Just wanted to vent and hear thoughts..
I'm with Akeem. If the VP can wear dress jeans, so can everyone else.
unless people are going out to clients. Corporate culture mindgames are funny. As long as they keep mailing us money..
Yo, that Apocalypse choking out Mystique poster is so uncomfortable.
Luckily, she looks bored and unconvincing lol..
Does Jubilee get a poster too?
I like the cut of Akeem's jib. If you're not careful, he's going to end up running the place.Nah like the dude who was in jeans runs shit.. All our bosses come in dressed up. You can't be bottom level and say "well if the founder can wear what he wants why can't I?" On day fucking 3 no less...
Maybe if that was your only mistake, or maybe if your excuse is " I thought this was business causal" but to throw it out there like "if he can why can't I?!" C'mon man..
Hey! She won an Oscar for that bored and unconvincing acting. 😜Luckily, she looks bored and unconvincing lol..
For some reason not knowing popular people in mass media makes you cool or something.
Nah, dudes can name the most obscure game from the most obscure genre, but a rap or pop icon? They're too cool to know them brehs.
Everything about that Assassin's trailer is hot garbage including the music. The track felt out of place which is a conceptual and editing issue more than anything else.
Ok, while I'm still here: I am so goddamn tired of having to see the same goddamn posts when someone makes a thread about something in modern pop culture because these dumbasses can't use google. For example: "Birdman goes off while being interviewed on the Breakfast Club"
90% of the posts end up being:
"Birdman??? Wut? You mean like the Michael Keaton movie?"
"What's a Charlamagne????"
"Trick Daddy & Ross? Is that some new Tyler Perry show?"
"I thought this was going to be about the Breakfast Club movie. I'm not really up to date on you new-age negroes and your hippity-hop slang culture over here in Bumfuck, Iowa."
I mean, I like this site alot, but geeeeeze.
While google is people's friend.
If they aren't in the hip hop, why would know they know who any of those people are?
But then that goes back to, google is your friend.
what's a good term for thread shitting via wilful ignorance?
thread fleeking?
what's a good term for thread shitting via wilful ignorance?
thread fleeking?
what's a good term for thread shitting via wilful ignorance?
thread fleeking?
"i don't even own a TV, i play handheld games and Wii U on the touchscreen controller."
Heh. I forgot that she was in the movie.
Hey! She won an Oscar for that bored and unconvincing acting. 😜
Night night.Gnite, peoples.
I never paid Kelly Rowland much attention when she was in Destiny Child or when she first became solo, but now I find her cute. She got better with age.
Gawd DAMN lol..
Gnite, peoples.
Gnite, peoples.