Gordon Shumway
?I don't have the soul energy to do it like this
?I don't have the soul energy to do it like this
And now got disconnectedOh, lol..thought you were taking about that video I was quoting.
And now got disconnected
Maybe we should try later
Weren't we talking about this film like 2 months ago?
Ben Carson
Stacy Dash
Who else?
May as well just hire the entire cast of Creed.
Except Sylvester Stallone.
Still don't know why people said that was Ellie, she has a mask on, most likely her mom or new characterLOL at people now seeing that Sander's supporters are "becoming" a problem when he doesn't put them in check. LOL again at the call for him to educate them past the use of inflammatory rhetoric used to spur on mob mentality. LOL ONCE AGAIN at people thinking that he actually ever gave a fuck, had a real plan of action, was working towards our collective betterment... and was in this for anyone other than himself before he kicks the bucket.
Edit -----------------
Also, this.
Still don't know why people said that was Ellie, she has a mask on, most likely her mom or new character
Sanders been booboo since NEtrootsLOL at people now seeing that Sander's supporters are "becoming" a problem when he doesn't put them in check. LOL again at the call for him to educate them past the use of inflammatory rhetoric used to spur on mob mentality. LOL ONCE AGAIN at people thinking that he actually ever gave a fuck, had a real plan of action, was working towards our collective betterment... and was in this for anyone other than himself before he kicks the bucket.
Edit -----------------
Also, this.
El Gordon and Dai, ready for a brown person to die tonight?
El Gordon and Dai, ready for a brown person to die tonight?
Ohh. ... NVM then.I know you ain't talk about Agents. They wouldn't dare...
I'll watch it out of morbid curiosity but I'm not expecting much. There's no way in hell they'll keep some of the really out there shit from the comic in it.
What's tonight. ?
Ohh. ... NVM then.
They casting him and Daisy as Cloak and Dagger*John Boyega posts snapchat about going to a meeting*
*Kevin Feige follows John Boyega on Twitter right after*
Don't you do it Marvel.... Lawd don't you do it
*whispers* I don't know who that is. Sorry.They wouldn't dare X out Mack.
Absolutely..not confident enough to bet which, but itsa comin!El Gordon and Dai, ready for a brown person to die tonight?
LMAO*whispers* I don't know who that is. Sorry.
This castingThey casting him and Daisy as Cloak and Dagger
Riot if they doThey wouldn't dare X out Mack.
Absolutely..not confident enough to bet which, but itsa comin!It better not be Fitz or Simmons..
Hey. You gotta sec?
El Gordon and Dai, ready for a brown person to die tonight?
You've got a lot of faith lol..Riot if they do
He is too good for these people. Not enough he got bedridden twice in the last 2 eps trying to help the crazy lovers but they didn't even bother letting him in on the plan the second time. smh
those 2 are safe. Perfect time to axe them passed already. When they met tentacle head
*whispers* I don't know who that is. Sorry.
Hi all
Would be some trauma to get her in that state so based off the dlc of the first gameWould be interesting if it were. The why would Ellie need a mask question is far more appealing than random person or her mom.
Would be some trauma to get her in that state so based off the dlc of the first game
Fitz better die
*waves* Hi.Hi all
Why are people (democrats in general) only now starting to realize that Bernie supporters may need to be reigned in? They've been freaking out against random black people on twitter for 11 damn months now.
Sebastian Stan actually seems pretty cool, he's got this great flat affect.
Why are people (democrats in general) only now starting to realize that Bernie supporters may need to be reigned in? They've been freaking out against random black people on twitter for 11 damn months now.
Makes it far less likely of Bi or Pan then throw in the most brutal people in that time are male but maybe I'm putting too much real life in a possible storylineWouldn't have to be that extreme. The virus could have mutated or she might have traveled to a place that is being burnt to cleanse it. People could be using chems to combat the pathogen.
I dunno, I think there are possibilities. I don't see her first crush being a limiter on her being pregnant. Not with the state of that world and her having the gift that protects those genetics.
I see Simmons getting it before Fitz. They gloss over all of her trauma just to fast track shit anyway.
It should be Daisy. It won't be, but dammit three seasons of her bullshit is enough already. Progress a little.
The whole Civil War main cast actually seem pretty cool/funny in the interviews and press stuff that I've seen.
The whole Civil War main cast actually seem pretty cool/funny in the interviews and press stuff that I've seen.
Makes it far less likely of Bi or Pan then throw in the most brutal people in that time are male but maybe I'm putting too much real life in a possible storyline
I've wanted Fitz gone since season 1. Maybe Big Bro Joss needs to get involved and Wash Fitz
Fitz the avatar for the nerdy guys watching
Won't miss him tbh
HerI was thinking about artificial insemination to pass on the immunity to the next generation. Just because she's into women doesn't mean she might not want children.
Plus it's a natural solution towards an epidemic that explores the human condition. The social dynamics of the unprotected realizing that they need to protect and cultivate the next generation because they are sunk. Also it's something worth the survivors fighting for and a real solution that doesn't involve chopping her brain out of her skull and making pills from it.
Note- the fact that it's a dark horse comic kind of means that nothing of real significance is going to be dropped there before the game. Speculation is fun though. Yay!
Which do you think is more important to the male nerd portion of the audience? The avatar of the male nerd surviving, or the vicarious target of nerd affection surviving? Also, the reverse for the female nerd viewers.