Who got the link to the beef story when he got robbed at gunpoint while playing Pokemon emerald?
I've told this story on GAF a couple times before, but never with Coli faces.
A few years ago, I was chilling in bed watching Conan and playing Pokemon LeafGreen (aka the best version), and someone came into my room wearing a ski mask and holding a gun. I looked up at him, figured it was a friend of my cousin's, then went back to the game.![]()
He said in a deep voice "where's the safe?" I figured it was a prank, so I looked at him like
and ignored him. He then walked up to me, pointed the gun in my face and asked again. This time, I looked at the gun in my face, and I noticed the barrel of the gun was a bright neon orange.![]()
I laughed, then went back to my game. He tried to push the gun closer (not actually hitting me or anything), and I went "c'mon man, that ain't funny" and I pushed the gun to the side. I could actually tell the dude was shook because his eyes were wide open at this point. Straight
status. So he looks around my room to see if there was anything worth taking, backs out, then heads back downstairs.![]()
About 10 minutes later, my cousin scrambles up to my room and starts asking if I'm alright.
Me: "Yeah, I'm good. Why, what's going on?"
Cousin: "WE JUST GOT ROBBED!!"![]()
Me: "...nuh-uh"![]()
He grabs my arm and drags me downstairs, and sure enough there's cops taking statements from everyone.There were two guys who came into the house. One went upstairs to my room, and the other dude was downstairs. He tied up my uncle with the A/V cables from his Xbox (Uncle was
because he saw that the gun was fake, but only after he got tied up). Then he went into my cousin's room and took his DVDs, video games (even the copy of Viewtiful Joe that we were borrowing from a friend
), and even the gotdamned change from his change jar.![]()
In the end nobody was hurt, which is what we were all thankful for. We all got over it and in general made sure to take precautions against that sort of shit. I told the story to some of my friends, and of course the story got out of control. Made it seem like I wrenched the gun out of the dude's hand, cracked him with it, then shoved him down the stairs. Even at work recently, when I told my coworker about it, it got out of control in record time. The store manager walked up to me in the break room later that day and was like "...so I heard something about you beating up a robber at your home. Is that real?" I'm just like![]()