I actually don't think they need to change anything to be historically accurate or not in this situation nothing else has been changed regarding other people's culture to remain respectful regarding the other assassin's creed titles you had situations where the founders of the United States have some sort of plot to do assassination things you have other cultures where the Pope has fucking powers but magically when a black person is in Japan it must be changed to respect the Japanese a people by the way that literally are the ones that have the most content about this character
^ wow, someone better get Koei and stop them, they need to respect, well....themselves, Japan is mad at Japan over this, I mean..ummmm /s I don't see any thread questioning Koei on this or if this person really had braids or even the outfit if its culturally appropriate, I don't fucking buy anyone REALLY generally care about this topic to this degree. So did anyone here question the earrings and braids? But question the Hip Hop? Where is that same energy to look into any of that? Yet we are suppose to believe someone truly cares about this, that seem to fail to care about it with Nioh's main character? lol
^ literally made by Japan...
So I think they're free to stick to the game that they have already regardless of how anyone feels I don't think any company should be bowing down to a vocal minority who's upset about anything inside of a fucking video game, The ones that seem to magically only appear regarding this publisher which is very funny considering there is no outrage regarding this exact character existing in several other Japanese games
So I don't know how much anyone really believes that an entire culture is really offended by any of this, If the same culture that takes a lot of these individuals and changes their gender and puts them in hentai's or supposed to believe is bothered by the fucking character they put in their own damn games lol
Nobunaga and other Japanese historical figures are literally in fucking hentai where they change his gender to a female and he/she gets plowed.
(lol enjoy the google search lolz)
This is who folks are trying to say really are hurt by this character existing in a fake game.
Ya OK.