Morning. And good night.
Mornin, Forearm. How goes it?
Of course you were..EVERYONE was. Like I said, we announced every weekend and would keep popping in every 15-30 minutes to get more folks on. Either way, guess we'll be seeing you on the weekends from now on..welcome!
What's on the schedule today? Might need your help in a few hours 😁
Thought I had some appointments, but my girl just cancelled..give me a shout when you need.
Good morning.
Gonna do some stuff today to deal with that school stress. Playing some ball last night helped, got my mind off it, humble myself some. Heading Ripley's Aquarium after my exam today, people in this city seem to rave about it and I got a ticket half off through school and all, so. Seems mad tourist-y to me.
What's the day looking like for everyone?
Showing why Konami makes this crap in the first place.Bombergirl thread going as expected
BCTs Lola Bunny!
Wait and you're in school for programming?!
Hell, I used to play province wide through middle school and high school, and within school. Had I gone to another school choice, instead of staying in the city, I'd still be playing. Now I'm just lazy and I'll try for a pickup game every odd Thursday that I can. Keeps me sane.
Showing why Konami makes this crap in the first place.
Nasty people.
That water is drinkable Fresca isn't. Nastiest soda i eve rhad.
I got so many questions
In the span of 6mons every fabled game from last gen would have been released.
Unless The Agent was ever a thing 😒
Best selling game in the franchise already and ain't even out in the West yet.Persona did well correct? As in it was rated highly? Damn if Horizon does well critically that'll be 4 months of straight hits for Sony.
Whats your problem with Fresca?
Got the taste buds of a 2yr old?
Jesus christ how many more posts of "I've changed my mind, I regret voting for Trump! Please reward me!!" will we have to endure for the next 4 years.
Congratu-fucking-lation? What do you want me to do, rock you to sleep and sing lullabies about how it's going to be okay?
It's almost as bad as the posts scolding us for not rolling the fucking red carpet for them.
Morning BCT.
I have been getting a bald fade from my barber for at least half a year now, and I want to mix it up. What's a good short haircut that doesn't require me to grow at my hair too much. I'm thinking about getting an undercut atm.
Jesus christ how many more posts of "I've changed my mind, I regret voting for Trump! Please reward me!!" will we have to endure for the next 4 years.
Congratu-fucking-lation? What do you want me to do, rock you to sleep and sing lullabies about how it's going to be okay?
It's almost as bad as the posts scolding us for not rolling out the fucking red carpet for them.
It's more rough than soft for sure. When it curls, it's more hard and stiff.What kind of texture you got going on?
Happy birthdayGood morning BCT. I hope to have a wonderful birthday and for you all to have a wonderful day and night. You are all great caring individuals whom I enjoy having discussion with. I'll be heading to class now. Be safe you all.
It's more rough than soft for sure. When it curls, it's more hard and stiff.
Good morning BCT. I hope to have a wonderful birthday and for you all to have a wonderful day and night. You are all great caring individuals whom I enjoy having discussion with. I'll be heading to class now. Be safe you all.
Good night... Sweet prince
You know chillin' trying to stay a float. You see that bomber girls thread?
What's on the schedule today? Might need your help in a few hours 😁
Hey! Respect your actually eats away at his dentures.
Good morning BCT. I hope to have a wonderful birthday and for you all to have a wonderful day and night. You are all great caring individuals whom I enjoy having discussion with. I'll be heading to class now. Be safe you all.
Good morning BCT. I hope to have a wonderful birthday and for you all to have a wonderful day and night. You are all great caring individuals whom I enjoy having discussion with. I'll be heading to class now. Be safe you all.
That Bombergirl thread
Good morning BCT. I hope to have a wonderful birthday and for you all to have a wonderful day and night. You are all great caring individuals whom I enjoy having discussion with. I'll be heading to class now. Be safe you all.
Do they have fuses going into their asses?
I need to start taking internet free days
Thanks for the tipYou could always go for the ceaser taper fade, cut on the temple, faded line up, don't have to grow much on the top even though you still could if you wanted to.
Happy Birthday, stay blessed.
The home don't come with free WiFi?
So at the beginning of that thread I was like, okay this could be okay, though the way the girl in front was posed in the art was slightly questionable.
But then I kept going and
Konami ain't shit.
Some one posted your favorite video on OT