Welcome we
C'mon son. Those lips look so bleh and you know it!
Shhh you
Welcome we
C'mon son. Those lips look so bleh and you know it!
Likes EDF, but doesn't watch anime...It's been a while since I've done this.
Where you're from - Mohawk Valley New York
Where you live - Mohawk Valley New York
What is your age? - 30
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - Caucasian Mother, Black Father
Do you know your roots - On my mother's side
Favorite musical genre - hard rock, classic rock, metal
Your profession/major/career interest - ?????? I got nothing
Your religious affiliation - none
Hobbies - video games, reading
KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - This is meaningless where I live, it's a fried chicken desert here
Marvel or DC? - DC
Favorite superhero? - Superman
Anime or Nah? - nope
Favorite sport and team? - NFL, New York Giants
What's your favorite Disney movie? - I don't have one
What's your favorite video game and genre? - EDF EDF EDF!!!!!!, FPS
Late to the spades talk but I also never played that.
But Dominoes? Now that I can fuck with even though it's Mario Kart for the non-gaming old Haitians.
It's been a while since I've done this.
Where you're from - Mohawk Valley New York
Where you live - Mohawk Valley New York
What is your age? - 30
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - Caucasian Mother, Black Father
Do you know your roots - On my mother's side
Favorite musical genre - hard rock, classic rock, metal
Your profession/major/career interest - ?????? I got nothing
Your religious affiliation - none
Hobbies - video games, reading
KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - This is meaningless where I live, it's a fried chicken desert here
Marvel or DC? - DC
Favorite superhero? - Superman
Anime or Nah? - nope
Favorite sport and team? - NFL, New York Giants
What's your favorite Disney movie? - I don't have one
What's your favorite video game and genre? - EDF EDF EDF!!!!!!, FPS
Fuck her. Fuck her for essentially killing Emmet Till. Fuck her for taking all this damn time to confess, even though we all know she lied. Fuck her for prospering all this time. And Fuck her for making it difficult for the actual victims of rape when the perpetrator is black (see Cosby, Nate Parker, R Kelly, etc).
Nope. Not in my bedroom. You can take that fantasy and shove it up your ass.
Good morning BCT
I came in with greetings and love.
Alright said my two cents gonna back to being inconito but before I go be happy and stay safe. xoxo
Got the keys to my house yesterday. I'm beyond thankful. Furniture costs too much though. Need y'all to support my GoFundMe
Damn y'all boys ballin huh
Dune.Welcome welcome. What's your favorite book?
I used to love it back in the day (Dragonball, Sailor Moon, Gundam, etc.) then I just kinda fell off.SENPAIatLARGE said:Likes EDF, but doesn't watch anime...
He will be the best thing the Giants have when Eli is gone in two years.Forearm Star said:Giants huh, thoughts on OBJ?
I used to love it back in the day (Dragonball, Sailor Moon, Gundam, etc.) then I just kinda fell off.
He will be the best thing the Giants have when Eli is gone in two years.
You can't talk an agent down? 👀Gotta have that hustle game on hard.Man I'm eyeing this condo that cost a smooth 1mil q__q. I'm assuming real estate is cheaper where you are in the west
I need all the help
Well if you like old school anime, may I recommend Jojo's Bizarre Adventure? Old school shobem with interesting twists.Dune.
I used to love it back in the day (Dragonball, Sailor Moon, Gundam, etc.) then I just kinda fell off.
He will be the best thing the Giants have when Eli is gone in two years.
Morning folks. I had yesterday off so I decided to do some cleaning of the kitchen, son's bedroom and my bedroom. My girl loved it so much she woke me up with an early morning delight. I hope my pull out game was on point today.
Just watched moonlight. I'm conflicted. I think its somewhat overrated. And one of those By us, but not for us movies. It could have easily been replaced with white people in poverty and had the same effect for me.
Great acting and camera work though.
Sneak preview of the BHM 2017 logo
One thing about the film did disappoint me though...
Mahershala Ali is in the movie for like five minutes then he's just abruptly killed off screen.
It means 12 pages of good luck
Love it.
Viktor is a damn liar.
Thanks. I was worried it might be too subtle, but it ain't that hard to google the meaning.
Sneak preview of the BHM 2017 logo
We ain't that close here.
Told y'all we wasn't even gonna make BHM.
Will we ever do better?
👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽Sneak preview of the BHM 2017 logo
That's dope 🙌🔥Sneak preview of the BHM 2017 logo
Sneak preview of the BHM 2017 logo
I gotta break that out again. But idk if I still have a TV that plays my PS2.Dragon Quest 8 is still really good, so that's cool.
We almost at that new page
That shit pissed me off. Y'all ain't got nooooooo problem with Loli dragons or Loki's with giant tits, but two men having a time traveling baby, THATS where you draw the line? Come on, the game is designed for the kids to be based on the dad's anyway.So.
I wanna make a thread about how a series with 1000 year old dragons that look and act like prepubescent children, marriages that result in instant time traveling adult offspring, and characters that literally hop in your game from different parts of the franchise somehow still finds a gay couple that results in a child breaking suspension of disbelief. You mean to tell me in a game where the main character literally turns into a goddamn dragon to fight another dude that also turns into a goddamn dragon, a child born of two of the same sex is a bridge too far?
But I'm 10000% certain that I know how that thread goes down. And let's not even start with how there are no black people in this fantasy realm. "But it's made in Japan" motherfucker Nintendo knows blacks exist. Look at Pokémon, ffs.
Also, my phone autocorrects Pokémon with the accent and everything. GJ apple.
I'm referring to Fire Emblem btw. I just remembered that some people might not have excellent taste in games.
Know what doe? Avoiding floppy dicks is a good reason to 50ppp.This has to stop. We represent the best and brightest of GAF yet some of us still use 50ppp.
Everyday we stray further from god's light
That shit pissed me off. Y'all ain't got nooooooo problem with Loli dragons or Loki's with giant tits, but two men having a time traveling baby, THATS where you draw the line? Come on, the game is designed for the kids to be based on the dad's anyway.
Also fuck you Nintendo release the special edition more I ain't t paying $200 for it off a scalper.
I gotta break that out again. But idk if I still have a TV that plays my PS2.
Monthly reminder if you have even the slightest interest in narrative focused games Kentucky Route Zero is an absolute must. And the soundtracks for the different Acts are available on Bandcamp.
@ me when Act V releases, I refuse to play it before then aside from the first two acts that I already completed.