what in the world are they facing that direction for?
also did you pick up any (wo)men?
They're looking at the old fart at the podium toward the left of the second picture. The event primarily consisted of a bunch of guys saying variations of "we're not racist."
I did not pick anyone up as the pickings were not very good and I am currently off the market. Otherwise, I totally would have been down for some, uh, hate-fucking.
They look just about like I imagine people supporting that stupid shit would look. Even the slightly pudgy kid with the folder.
Yeah. Pudgy Richard Spencer Jr there instigated the one moment that got heated. There was a protester with a sign that said "Veteran Against Ignorance." When Lil Richard saw the sign he demanded to see the dude's DD-214 form. Dude lol'ed, asked who the fuck carries that around, and said it was at home in his desk. Tubby blathered on, saying we were dishonoring real veterans, so my buddy, a marine, jumped in echoing his incredulity at the request, pointing out that he and I were veterans, too. Then a confederate biker said he carries his DD-214 around. My buddy called bullshit and said show it. Biker was like no. My buddy then says he can easily show his own veteran's card if they want to see it. Things unraveled from there, bikers surrounded tubby and it seemed like it was about to come to blows until a few cops intervened.
Very amusing how they're the ones calling others "snowflakes" when they are the ones catching their feelings all too often.
It is very amusing, but not for the reason you are imagining. Compare my profile pic to the guy holding the snowflake sign. Fwiw, we called this adventure "Operation Snowflake."
I approve. What was the general reaction to your presence?
I fear the white flag might have confused them. "whats wrong with a white flag? looks good to me."
When we arrived on scene, the event was already underway. We strode up confidently and with purpose. Just as we were about to breach the perimeter of the main cluster of losers, an open-carrying biker steps in our path and says something like "That's far enough." A bunch of heads turn and a few of the losers come up to take our picture. A couple even posed for selfies with us. There were palpable looks of disgust from the majority. I just gave them all my best million-dollar smile.
There was a group of black college kids watching the proceedings who seemed pretty happy to see us. One of them took our pics and said he appreciated my BLM shirt.
There were a couple of other protesters, including the aforementioned veteran, who were also glad to see us. Together we spent much of the time providing MST3K-style comedy and commentary as the idiots at the podium droned on.
Behind us were locals who seemed visibly distressed by the rally. I overheard one woman ask one of the higher-ranking cops "Why are they doing this to our town?"
He sighed and said "I don't know. They could have said no." I assume he meant whoever signed off on the permit. It was good to see that the locals and the cops were not pleased by the rally.
And at the very edge of the park, sorta blocked off by cops, was a very energetic and loud protester holding a sign with "Confederate flag = treason." He was shouting pretty much the entire time. Had excellent timing, and would drop zingers whenever there was a lull in the speech from the podium.
EDIT: Shit, after typing all of that out, maybe this was thread-worthy after all. Lol.