Forearm Star
Is today buffoonery day up in here?
This thread or the forum as a whole?
Edit: just peeped. Yeah I don't even know
Is today buffoonery day up in here?
Soooo about Finn sleeping?
Is today buffoonery day up in here?
I'm lost
You're a janitor or you don't have a job and sleep all day. There is no in between
Link sleeps for 100 years and Zelda is the greatest game ever.
Maria Borges redefined beauty standards when she opted to rock her natural hair in the Victorias Secret Fashion Show two years in a row. Now, the Angolan model is at the center of another groundbreaking moment as the first African woman of the century to grace the cover of Ellesince Alek Wek in 1997.
Soooo about Finn sleeping?
20 years
Link ain't black
Let a man sleep! Damn!!
Every trailer for the next four Star Wars movies is going to have a shot progressing toward Finn Van Winkle waking up. Episode VIII: Finn laying in his space bed. Episode IX: Finn's finger twitches. Episode X: Finn has a white beard and his eyes move underneath his eyelids. Episode XI: Finn's beard is down to his knees and his eyes open.
Episode XI: Finn Awakens.
Darren Brown's stuff is soooooo fakeeeeeeeee
"Matt, you're having a dreammmmmmm.... get dressed and listen to meeeeee"
I went to one of his live shows and it's even faker.
Damn thats a long time.
Evening, BCT. How goes the day for all of you?
Hey man. My day is going well. I just got my haircut so you know I'm feeling myself.
Did you go to Enigma? That one I really enjoyed (didn't see it live tho). But seeing his TV stuff, man I was impressionable af when I was 16...
Can't remember what it was. But he got a few boos, you could tell the people he picked from the audience were plants.
Oh god... I'd want my money back
I got mine free from work so it was ok, but I would have complained if I paid. They had one dude who was found out to be a extra in loads of UK films.
Enigma is/was his last show, so he probably stopped using plants towards the end of them. It's like 20% showmanship and 80% rigged, and it's only acceptable as a trick instead of using plants.. That's not very impressive.
I know for a fact he used actors in that zombie TV show he did. A guy I know was on it as a extra and he said every one was in on it.
Gonna play a fanboyperson game because I find this particular video entertaining. Let's start with Thanos playing Cable. Back in 30 with a second video..
This will be me later. Currently feeling good from the great workout
I always found her crazy eyes alluring. But not to sit through 11 minutes of that shit
Gym + haircut combo, man that's powerful. Your barber appointments or walk ins? My old barber, which was crazy expensive, only did walk ins but my new one that is closer to HU let's me schedule a slot on a 3rd party website. Such a blessing.
I did some light cardio this morning so it wasn't anything special. I hate pure cardio days.
Mornin' everyone, happy friday.
Good morning/day/night
Good morning, peoples..
Morning y'all.
Afternoon BCT.
Evening evening.Mornin' BCT.
Yeah, i'm feeling the same way.I got good money on Finn being a Jedi at the end of these and Rey being some neutral force user person.
Yep. Same.I will never not be amused with y'all and the Finn shit lol..
Me too.Loved both, personally..Rogue a little more.
You need to remember this Japanese saying.Man the persona games point out how fucked up Japanese society can be. Your brother fucking up at school can make you look bad at work.
Nobody cares about anything as long as everything is in order and you make no waves
Don't fucking post Ganguro in here please. It's borderline blackface.
I always found her crazy eyes alluring. But not to sit through 11 minutes of that shit
*glares at BCT* you lot need to stop with this fuckshit about brother Finn. It's some god-tier foolishness.
OH..listen, because the next video is gonna make the shit she spews in this ironic as fuck..
You would say that, though, John.
People need to do better with their lives
Don't fucking post Ganguro in here please. It's borderline blackface.
Don't fucking post Ganguro in here please. It's borderline blackface.
1. This is actually a thing? I thought they were pop stars of some kind
2. Why did I google this
3. Why
4. Why
Gonna play a fanboyperson game because I find this particular video entertaining. Let's start with Thanos playing Cable. Back in 30 with a second video..
Nah, Samuel ruined it for the rest of us.
Nigga got his ass electrocuted and couldn't stop Palpatine. That's when the Force said "I knew them negroes weren't cut out for the Jedi life..."
People need to do better with their lives
Yeah like shy said don't ganguro or horse pics
Hey man. My day is going well. I just got my haircut so you know I'm feeling myself.
How's your day man? Overwatch later?
Bruh, the word can even be straight-up translated to mean black-face apparently...
I'm just following the rules.Stop trying to make it all about you
It is more like punk or gothIt really isn't. I posted in jest because of how ridiculous it looks, but it isn't blackface.
Except your picture is misleading, as Ganguro is entirely a modern creation. And has no history in Noh theatre, or any other Japanese preforming arts.I don't care for defending Ganguro, I think it looks silly, but it isn't blackface nor is it about looking like a black person (well, maybe more modern representation is).