Ahh I was looking at the wrong screen, now I'm preloading it.
I had forgotten about it and was wandering why my external hard drive was freaking out
Ahh I was looking at the wrong screen, now I'm preloading it.
Is tekken not up for preload?
I had forgotten about it and was wandering why my external hard drive was freaking out
Yo what's your psns? Dm if you wannaI'm free all day tomorrow if y'all want to play, and up to 12:00 on Saturday and Sunday.
Crap this Tekken CE doesn't come with the season pass 😒
Might just skip it and grab it digital
Hmm just me or has it been awfully still in here?
I still got a 20 gig xbox
What, now how the hell do posters even jump to that conclusion?*checks climate change thread*
*sees black people are getting blamed for Trump*
*smacks the shit out of my forehead via facepalm*
What, now how the hell do posters even jump to that conclusion?
I've got a launch XBOX that still works and has never RROD
*checks climate change thread*
*sees black people are getting blamed for Trump*
*smacks the shit out of my forehead via facepalm*
*checks climate change thread*
*sees black people are getting blamed for Trump*
*smacks the shit out of my forehead via facepalm*
You just jinxed it.
Is it usual for a special/premium edition to not include the pass?
*checks climate change thread*
*sees black people are getting blamed for Trump*
*smacks the shit out of my forehead via facepalm*
*checks climate change thread*
*sees black people are getting blamed for Trump*
*smacks the shit out of my forehead via facepalm*
You surprised?*checks climate change thread*
*sees black people are getting blamed for Trump*
*smacks the shit out of my forehead via facepalm*
Really ?Haram Post.
Evening.Afternoon ya......
finally started watching Iron Fist
the first episode is just... bland
nothing exciting, nothing overtly terrible
it's just there
Morning Magus.おはようFam.
Noice.Copped a switch.
I will be maining nobody, because i'm fucking poor and can't afford it. 😞Also copped Tekken 7 the other day. SHITS SOOOOOOOOO GOOOOD.
Who the fuck ya'll maining.
Akuma and Xiaoyu for me right now
Copped a switch.
Also copped Tekken 7 the other day. SHITS SOOOOOOOOO GOOOOD.
Who the fuck ya'll maining.
Akuma and Xiaoyu for me right now
Real talk. Ain't my job to keep the internet hate mob at Bay. You don't get no benefit of the doubt when you're spitting sus shit.So I'm talking with my girlfriend about "call out culture" and we both realized it's so weird that people and white moderates expect my response to a bigot or a racist to be a kind one because I care about that bigot.
People of color do not have to give a fuck about bigots and racists nor do we have to care about changing their hearts.
And these same people that expect people of color to be kind and nice towards oppressor will be outraged and strong with wording for when an issue they care about being attack or when they get defensive.
Yo I'm petty and I know it. I don't care about positive outcomes for bigots.
i'll stick to blaming the racists
Jason Whitlock needs to get tossed in the furthest of bushes with the most thorns.
Usually you get everything in the CE. Bonus for spending so much up front.
Oh no, blame them too.
But I have a personal bone to pick with anyone and everyone in MY community who would insult my fucking ancestors by telling another person that the solution to our problems is to just not give a fuck.
White folks get real sensitive when you try. Discussion is always over before it ever gets started. Let's see how far backwards this country goes.White supremacy is the foundation that the United States was built on. It's what makes this country so unique.
The question of why is the US the only 1st world country without healthcare.
The question of why we're one of only a handful of countries that have backed out of the Paris Agreement.
The question of how a person like Donald Trump can not only thrive, but become President of the United States of America.
All of these questions have the same answer.
You can't have an honest conversation about American politics without talking about white supremacy.
-and you can't have a nuanced conversation about white supremacy without the conversation immediately being shutdown.
How would you feel if he told folks to vote for Trump though?![]()
He wouldn't have mattered then. Because the vast majority of black people would have seen that he's in the sunken place and wrote him off.
But it's still a vote all the same though, isn't it? That's what you want, right?
i'll stick to blaming the racists
Cause based on percentages.Yeap
I get why folks want to shout at people for not getting out and voting, but the reality is they could have voted for anyone.
I place the blame on the people who saw what this dude was up to and decided "Yup! Gimme some of that!"
My ultimate point is that the whole "vote or die" mindset is just so disingenuous at this point because it's really not about voting per se, it's "vote for who I want, otherwise, fuck you just stay at home." And to keep it all the way funky...black people need to stop using their ancestors as a prop for that argument. They died for us to have to right to vote for whoever we want, for whatever reason we want, if we even want to. You should vote, if just at a local level, but if someone doesn't, that's their choice they're free to make have to live with. No sense in crucifying people just to make yourself feel good. It's just tired, my dude.
And for the record, no I didn't, nor will I ever vote for Trump.
I voted for Trump. to be fed to a shark. And then have that shark thrown into a volcano. It was an episode of Surviver.
I got plenty of people to blame, but the last on my long long list is black folk who didn't vote. Hillary is a lot further up on that list. And Hillary's people are even higher up on that list.
also extremely low on that blame list? donna brazille. you wanna fight about that we'll rumble in the jungle.
edit: also I'm goddamn motherfucking TIRED of being the democratic safety net. don't ask me how tired I am, don't ask me shit.