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The Black Culture Thread |OT2|


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I have never seen this...... Dear god I don't want to see this....

You've no doubt seen the after-effects though. An average looking person walking through the building, a polite guy decides to hold the door open for her (not even thinking about trying to get at her or anything), and she walks through with a Omarosa stinkface.


You've no doubt seen the after-effects though. An average looking person walking through the building, a polite guy decides to hold the door open for her (not even thinking about trying to get at her or anything), and she walks through with a Omarosa stinkface.

I got this when I moved over in my seat on the bus to let a girl sit down. She starts going off to this dude she got on with. Dude was just looking at her like "Dafuq?"
You've no doubt seen the after-effects though. An average looking person walking through the building, a polite guy decides to hold the door open for her (not even thinking about trying to get at her or anything), and she walks through with a Omarosa stinkface.

So that's how the game is viewed now? Dudes holding doors to get pussy? What if I just don't want the door to hit her in the face?


Hope y'all voted today.
Hope y'all are voting today.

If you've voted, good job.
If you're still waiting, don't give up - stay in line. Don't leave, no matter what.


An ex pornstar I grew up with posted this on facebook: " Like my status if you think Im cute, doesnt matter if you are single". Have you ever witnessed simping in real time on facebook? It was fucking amazing, dudes getting in facebook beefs over this female....

Name, now.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
So that's how the game is viewed now? Dudes holding doors to get pussy? What if I just don't want the door to hit her in the face?



Naw, that's not what I'm saying really. I'm saying that some people ie men and women in general get their image blown up to the point where their ego is entirely out of hand due to false praise, simping, and general bullshittery - or just a lack of any kind of honesty for a baseline. And as a result, they look at certain social interactions as advances or attempts. Sometimes they take even the most harmless of gestures completely out of proportion.

A dropped cell phone, a door held open (which is common as fuck in the south. it means nothing), an offering of a business card, asking the time, etc - this shit can make some people go off the wall.


Another non-white drives a buggy over my mother's heels and I gotta just smile.
Don't tell me this, I would appreciate a few more hours that there will be the illusion of the ability to defend ourselves.

Bob Beckel On Fox: 'Until the Republicans can get through to Hispanics like Bush did, they can't win.'

Welcome to the United States of Mexico, a truly sickening sight:

Hey... Like it matters what zio-puppet wins.
I get that it's hard to detach from the whole republican vs. democrat thing.
It's like sports teams you're brought up to love or hate.

I'm actually asking myself wether Obamama won't actually bring the greater anti-reaction from the white population that will ultimately lead to the liberation of at least a part of North America.

Democrat politics are more overtly pro-gay, pro-infanticide, anti-marriage, anti-white and decadent.
Eventually, they will push it too far and too fast... And things will blow up.
Which is all good, because they will get their asses handed to them when white peopel decide to take up arms.
Which is pretty much the only way out for you americans, nowadays.
Your continent is too contaminated to be won back by elections.

We may get a Civil War or at least some really good riots if Romney wins.

The Blacks all believe the liberal media spin about Obama being unbeatable. This will be a huge shock to them, and they won't take it well.

Rumor has it Obama even has a new job lined up... something to do with escorts.

I clicked on that link.

With all of the black females on Fox News, for a second there I thought I was watching "Waiting to Exhale" or something.

Fun stuff.
Naw, that's not what I'm saying really. I'm saying that some people ie men and women in general get their image blown up to the point where their ego is entirely out of hand due to false praise, simping, and general bullshittery - or just a lack of any kind of honesty for a baseline. And as a result, they look at certain social interactions as advances or attempts. Sometimes they take even the most harmless of gestures completely out of proportion.

A dropped cell phone, a door held open (which is common as fuck in the south. it means nothing), an offering of a business card, asking the time, etc - this shit can make some people go off the wall.

Makes sense. I remember when I first got attention from chicks (dat ego)... Mix in rejection and it keeps you even keeled

With all of the black females on Fox News, for a second there I thought I was watching "Waiting to Exhale" or something.

Don't know why but this made me laugh.....


To my white friends,

As you guys know we are upon the eve of the 2012 election. The polls in North Carolina have closed so now I may reveal the truth to you. The contest has been extremely close and well fought. Because you guys mean so much to me I feel it is my duty to warn you. What you are about to read must stay between us as I have put my own life and the lives of my family
in danger to communicate this warning to you. If the President is no reelected tomorrow there will be a black revolution of which the world has never seen. The streets will run red with the blood of white families caught unaware as my people descend upon their unsuspecting houses.

It is too late to warn your loved ones as their fates have already been sealed. I've made arrangements for a few of you to be protected. If Romney wins those of you who are under my protection will receive an email or text at 1 pm tonight with instructions on how to get to the promised land of Canada. Darric has already followed my instructions and is safely out of the country. Those who do not get the email... I wish you the best of luck as no mercy will be shown in the uprising. Withers and Jeremy you know what you did. At this point you can only pray that Obama wins and this is all avoided. All unprotected white people will have to face the bleak future. Your women will be bred, your children will be reeducated and you will be forced into hiding or worse. That's right the Neo-Nazis were telling the truth. How did this all start you ask?

As I'm sure many of you have suspected I have been a plant among you. 15 years ago I was a homeless black man living on the streets of the inner city when a democratic pollster recruited me. They got me off the streets, trained me to integrate white society and gave me a new identity. Operation Silent Darkness was initiated as we were introduced to our Kenyan Muslim leader through a series of community "organizing events". We learned hand to hand combat, weapons training and job interview skills. Our goal was to take the country's highest office covertly or in cases like tonight... by force.

Through a series of drunken conversations about politics I have tried to get as many of you to vote for Obama as I could. I didn't expect to get any but the few confirmed votes that I did convert will be noted. I have been measuring which of you have slowly gotten into the NBA, hip hop music and The Boondocks or Black Dynamite. Your street credit ratings will be taken into account when the emails are sent tonight. In the new America, which we have tentatively dubbed "America X" there will be no room the white man. If Romney wins this will be the last communication any of you receive from me, Chill Will or Zoom. For Cross you will also no longer hear from Joe. I think that's all the black people you know so that should suffice for now. However in the event that Obama wins please disregard this email. Good luck gentlemen. I can't say it was a pleasure infiltrating your circle of whiteness but it has been interesting.

Sincerely Yours,
Jamal Montgomery


They hate black people so much they want to eliminate a large part of us while getting some of our "good genes" and breeding out the rest.

The fact that black Africans are the only ones who didn't mate with Neanderthals makes me wonder if there really is some subconscious wantin' and gettin' trying to get done. Mother nature's unfinished business. Gene groups that haven't quite been introduced. Try and keep them apart, and you will only be destroyed.

Genetic directives are powerful things. Got KKK b's writing out manifestos and shit. "To destroy the black man(hate him) we must engage the black cock and receive it over and over again. And only when we have been made enormously pregnant will we know the true feeling of victory. White power." Something something breed with the black man. The old plan will get kind of hazy after her new boyfriend starts keeping her busy.


bitch I'm taking calls.
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