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The Black Culture Thread |OT2|


Kreed your trying to logic out racist bullshit.... Its not worth the brain cells.

What's noteworthy is out there in the wilderness that is America is a white woman whose justification for loving the BBC is she wants to breed us out of existence....

it boggles the mind contemplating that part alone....

Thank you, I thought I was the only one that saw that.

"I suck this dick in the name of White Power."

In election news, the state of Georgia has a law that employers have to give people 2 hours on election day to vote. You just have to bring them a voting certificate. The more urban members of the community found this out, and already making plans.
This might be a plan for a comic book, but in real life?

1) Racist would just move the goal posts/lighten the shade of the paper bag test aka 1 drop rule.

2) Most of these children are going to identify themselves as black. Heck even now, most black people in the US are "mixed" somewhere down their family trees and don't identify as anything other than black.

3) I'm assuming this plan probably didn't include Africans, Haitians, etc... that come over to this country?

4) This plan completely undermines the whole point of stormfront. How racist do you expect you and your offspring to be if you're sleeping/marrying/having children with your "arch enemies"? And what sort of message are you sending to your fellow racists if you're trying to keep racism alive and well?

5) Does some sort of indoctrination/brain washing happen in this plan that forces all black people in the US to only date white people and the resulting offspring from the white and black parents to only have children with white significant others (the Obama/John Punch situation)? Because if not, this is some hilarious level stereotyping here that every black person is going to want to date a white person over all other ethnic groups.

6) Does this plan also brain wash all involved into being faithful with their significant others/not have children with anyone other than the significant other of the other ethnic group?

7) How does this plan "provide" a white person for every black person? Are people drafted as single men/women into prearranged couples? What if the drafted person finds their drafted partner unattractive?

8) What about childless black couples that adopt/have children through artificial means? Does this plan include "white washing" their children?

Now her plan is even less of a plan.

9) Did her plan include killing off all black women/making them infertile? What would stop black women from going out and having children?

10) What would stop white men from dating anyone other than white women? Especially the many childless black women that would be the result of this plan?

I'm stopping here, because until I find out what sorcery is going to be used to fix just these 10 problems there's no point going any further.

cacs!? *wtf face*
well, i did my part!


that was waaaaaay faster than Brooklyn... almost no line!


bitch I'm taking calls.
I was about to post that. Also Fox news special reports going on right now about Black Panther intimidation techniques at polling locations.



bitch I'm taking calls.
Not sure how many are already in the other poli threads. If you don't want reposts let me know, but I'm just cherry picking the funny ones.



Black folks in my neighborhood came out of the woodworks to vote today. I've never seen black people outside of my own family around here, and I swear the neighborhood is 99% white, but that polling center was packed with them.


Black folks in my neighborhood came out of the woodworks to vote today. I've never seen black people outside of my own family around here, and I swear the neighborhood is 99% white, but that polling center was packed with them.

Ain't been much press about it, but there has a big black turn out. Especially early voters. Maybe 4 years ago jump started some shit.

Didn't hurt that every other ad on local urban, and gospel radio channels was not only telling folks to vote, but info on getting registered, etc.
This might be a plan for a comic book, but in real life?

Yeah there is no logic to it so I can't even seriously address most of your points/questions. I wish someone could find the original post though (I searched last night), it was pretty long and fairly detailed.

7) How does this plan "provide" a white person for every black person? Are people drafted as single men/women into prearranged couples? What if the drafted person finds their drafted partner unattractive?

She was saying there was enough trailer trash/unsavory white women to satify the negras while keeping the 'pure' ones for white men.

2) Most of these children are going to identify themselves as black. Heck even now, most black people in the US are "mixed" somewhere down their family trees and don't identify as anything other than black.
Not sure if I agree with this. The reason this hit home for me is that my sister and brother and black/italian. My brother had a child with a white girl and the kid looks straight white/maybe hispanic. Of course I don't know how he will look when he is grown but no one mistakes him as black at all and when has a white person ever identified as black by choice?

I'm stopping here, because until I find out what sorcery is going to be used to fix just these 10 problems there's no point going any further
I agree..we would have to sit down and workout the particulars with her....lol.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Voted, there were a bunch of people just loitering around talking nonsense outside the polling place. And yeah, there were quite a few first time voters there. People announcing who they are voting for, reading the books before receiving their ballots. And some chick actually asked what party obama is apart of. I almost voted for roseanne when I heard that shit.
Voted, there were a bunch of people just loitering around talking nonsense outside the polling place. And yeah, there were quite a few first time voters there. People announcing who they are voting for, reading the books before receiving their ballots. And some chick actually asked what party obama is apart of. I almost voted for roseanne when I heard that shit.

God stuff like that irks me to no end, just plain ignorance. Just take the time to educate yourself on the process, you can take the time to log on facebook to bitch about haters but you can't even read up on who you are voting for? Jesus Christ we got to do better.


It's building. After 5 when folks are home and nothing better to do? They will lose their goddamn minds.

People were going in this morning. A buddy of mine couldn't take it and logged off for the day. I'm just laying in wait for when I get off work.

Still amazed at people openly posting their ballots. Can't we do anything in this generation without needing to share it with the whole fucking world?


Ain't been much press about it, but there has a big black turn out. Especially early voters. Maybe 4 years ago jump started some shit.

Didn't hurt that every other ad on local urban, and gospel radio channels was not only telling folks to vote, but info on getting registered, etc.

Obama called almost every urban radio station here in South Florida. I would be surprised if the black turnout beats 2008 though, but it is good to hear regardless.

Yeah there is no logic to it so I can't even seriously address most of your points/questions. I wish someone could find the original post though (I searched last night), it was pretty long and fairly detailed.

She was saying there was enough trailer trash/unsavory white women to satify the negras while keeping the 'pure' ones for white men

Not sure if I agree with this. The reason this hit home for me is that my sister and brother and black/italian. My brother had a child with a white girl and the kid looks straight white/maybe hispanic. Of course I don't know how he will look when he is grown but no one mistakes him as black at all and when has a white person ever identified as black by choice?

I agree..we would have to sit down and workout the particulars with her....lol.

I was almost tempted to see if I could hunt that plan down, but like another poster said, it's a waste of brain cells.


The physical form of blasphemy
I don't get it. People are so fucking attached to their cellphones, that they can't follow simple ass instructions. I can understand if you're sick, have kids at home, or maybe running a business. I saw simpletons playing angry birds and fucking around with their cameras at the polls. :| Grown ass men and women. How many times does someone have to tell you it's illegal? smh...


Neo Member


bout to try to head for the polls

looking at this voter's guide the league of women voters puts out (basically lists all the major candidates for the election and asks a few questions on issues relating to each office)

goddamnit texas

why do you have so many local elections

there's like 12 different judges I'm supposed to vote for or something in addition to like two railroad commission seats and sheriffs and county attorney which is different from district attorney and commissioners and like ten bond elections and Y'ALL CAN TOTALLY APPOINT SOME OF THIS STUFF COME ON
I don't get it. People are so fucking attached to their cellphones, that they can't follow simple ass instructions. I can understand if you're sick, have kids at home, or maybe running a business. I saw simpletons playing angry birds and fucking around with their cameras at the polls. :| Grown ass men and women. How many times does someone have to tell you it's illegal? smh...

So many people are just not taught any sort of class or retain it.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Yeah there were ten different judges here in MO that we had to vote on if they should stay appointed and beyond recognizing two or three names I was like "uh". I voted to keep them all.


I have a feeling if obama loses (going to use the n word which i dont do) Im sure were going to here "Im sure gald we got the nigger out of the white house. The white house is for whites only"

Thank you!

Oh man this is good stuff!

White Female Supremacy by DerKosmonaut1972 said:
This was written by a White Female. The language is harsh so please brace your self for it.

WF=White Female
WM=White Male
BM=Black Male
BF=Black Female
IR = Interacial

Many reader will no doubt be perplexed how IR Sex is a form of white
supremacy. After all doesn't white supremacy forbid IR Sex and all
relations between whites and blacks? Isn't IR Sex the worst nightmare
for white supremacists? The answers will surprise not only the IR Sex
Community but white supremacists as well.

IR Sex more than anything else will solve the Nigger Question once
and for all. More than civil rights and race equality legislation,
more than affirmative action does IR Sex sort out the Nigger Question.
First IR Sex is the best method to appease niggers. The biggest
manifestation of racism is the lack of access of BM to WF. If every BM
in North America and Europe are given at least one WF, BM will be

Second, racism has created a self hatred among BM that is
unsurpassed by the most ardent white racist. The only thing BM is
proud of is his Nigger cock, Nigger balls and Nigger semen. Everything
else about himself he despises. IR Sex is the ultimate _expression of
Nigger self hatred. BM hates his race so much that he refuses to fuck
and mate with BF.
This will be further elaborated in the essay.
Finally, sex is the second tool after political/social repression of
domination. Britain France, Spain and Portugal conquered colonies
first with deception, second with military force and finally through
sex. In the past it was the WM that dominated and conquered with the
WF herself subservient to WF.

Fortunately time has passed and society more progressive. Niggers
have been granted formal equality. WF are independent and no longer
seen as the property of WM. Still white supremacy is perfectly intact.
Whites still have all the money, property and political power. There
is a noticeable decline of the power of WM. Though WM still controls
the wealth, information and power, his social weakness is obvious.
For the past 15 years, WM has been the subject of ridicule and
derision. Jokes about his lack of sexual potency are mocked and
jeered. It is popular to blame all of the world's problems on the WM.
WM them selves express their sex hatred. Witness the best selling
success of Michael Moore's book Stupid White Men. This was unheard of
20 years ago.

It has been stated that BM has more culture and sexual potency than
WM. WM is now a joke. Still white supremacy is firmly intact.
Enter WF. WF hates WM. The first part of the manifesto explained why
this is so. More and more WF reject WM. However, while WF may hate WM,
WF is all too aware of her whiteness. The WF will fuck and breed with
Niggers but she is well aware of her whiteness. WF sees herself
superior to BF. Indeed WF knows that her power of BM is her white
skin. WF knows that if she didn't have white skin, BM would not be
interested in her. In Part 1, we discussed how WF can fuck Niggers and
still be racist. WF knows that she is superior to everyone else
because she is white. She's superior to BM because she is WF.
WF will submit to Nigger cock. She will admit that Niggers are
superior to her sexually but she knows that her white skin gives her
social and special privileges. WF can be a white supremacist and fuck
Niggers at the same time. Many WF hate BM but love Nigger cock. WF has
the psychological and sexual advantages over BM that WM could never

With the social decline of WM for reasons mentioned above, WF has
more trust and credibility among BM than WM does. BM loves WF. BM
lusts and desires WF. They are natural mating partners. WF can get
away with racism and racial oppression without arousing the anger and
bitterness in BM that WM do.

WF is in the last stages in her war with WM. WF are better educated
than WM. While WF finishes off WM she is in no way ready to give up
her white supremacy. The sexual and political rise of WF over WM must
happen through her conquest and dominance of BM. This is how feminism
meets white supremacy a al IR Sex.

WF engaging in IR Sex is White Supremacy With a Human Face. To fend
off any threat to WF hegemony, my must dominate niggers sexually.
How does IR Sex lead to racial genocide? Let's take a look at
Canada. Whites conquered the First Nations natives first by
encouraging them to fuck and breed with whites. When First Nations
natives refused to do so, Canada created the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police to attack them and defeat them militarily. The main purpose of
the Canadian army is to conquer the Canadian Indian.

Canadian WF are keen to have Indian kids. It's cheaper to have and
raise a Native child than a non-native child. All Canadian Indians are
given Native Status Cards. That means that they don't have to pay
taxes. Canadian WF who want children realize the advantages of having
native babies. Food, clothes and other goods are tax free making them
15% cheaper. As well all persons in Canada with Native Status can go
to University for free. The children of WF and Native fathers grow up
white. Most of them go on to marry whites and in turn their kids are
white. Canada can say that there's no racism against Natives as most
white Canadian have Indian blood themselves. First Nations natives in
Canada are given two choices of extermination: The bullet or white

Canada is less harsh with its Niggers. Canada is the best country
for IR Sex. Niggers are encouraged to marry whites. The most sought
after men by Canadian WF in the mulatto. When Mulattos marry and have
sex with whites then their kids turn out white who in turn marry and
breed with whites until the black is erased.

What is the WF role? Her role is to steal the sperm of Niggers. The
WF role is the prevent BM form breeding with BF. Other WF steal Nigger
semen to prevent BM from reproducing at all. This is done most
effectively through oral sex. There is a saying: "Once you go white,
you know you've been licked right."
Hardcore racist WF that don't want Nigger cock in her cunt but want
to prevent Niggers from reproducing engage in oral sex. This
accomplishes two things: First it satisfies and pacifies Niggers
sexually. Second, when she drinks Nigger sperm her stomach acids kill
it. This is also why many WF prefer anal sex with Niggers. Again
Nigger semen goes inside the anus of WF where it drips or get shitted
Finally IR Sex acts as another form of birth control. WF that love
Nigger cock and semen in her cunt can go on the pill. Niggers fuck and
pump semen inside them but reproduction is prevented. This is the best
form of White Supremacy. Niggers fuck WF in the cunt and ejaculate but
no more Nigger babies. Also just having Niggers fuck WF is a form of
birth control in of itself.
Now we come to the importance of BI-racial children for the White
Supremacy Project. First lighter babies are produced. The children of
BM/WF will be educated to hate blacks. They will be raised in
all-white settings. The children will date and fuck whites. Finally
these children will marry and have kids with whites. Their offspring
will turn white.

From the BM perspective IR Sex is a form of racial suicide. Most BM
have a deep seated hatred and resentment towards their BF mother. They
don't mind coming from Nigger sperm but detest the fact that they come
from a Nigger egg and come out between the black legs of Nigger cunt.
BM wants to impregnate WF to give their kids the privilege they could
never have: A white mother.
Moreover, BM does not want his children to face racism and
discrimination. BM desires to have white kids. He knows that's
impossible but wants to have white grand children and white

Finally for BM, IR Sex is a desperate attempt to be white. The
closest he can come to being white is by having his Nigger cock inside
white cunt. His ejaculation inside white cunt is a desperate attempt
to expel blackness out of his body. to expunge niggerness out of him.
Still, no matter how many WF he fucks, no matter how much semen and
sperm he pumps into a white cunt, he remains a Nigger to the day he
His attempt to do so is simply a from of racial suicide.
Why must White Supremacy embrace IR Sex? The fatal flaw of past
white supremacy was segregation and Apartheid. By outlawing and
preventing IR Sex, it led to more pure blacks being bred. Separating
whites did not erase Niggers.

When WM prevented WF from fucking niggers, WM set up his own
downfall. WM preserved white supremacy but debased his own standing.
By confounding racism with his sexism against WF, WM painted himself
into a corner. WM was always ready to deal with resistance from
Niggers but unprepared to confront the rebellion by WF. By banning IR
Sex it all but guaranteed that Niggers would not die out.

Whites have no idea how much Niggers love them. The only reason why
Niggers haven't risen up and wiped out whites is because of BM love
and devotion to WF. This is coming back to haunt WM. Letting BM fuck
WF will once and for all end all bitterness and resentments BM has
against whites.
It will also reduce the crime rate. Most BM crime is economic but
also comes from sexual repression. BM violence and aggression is due
to a lack of proper sex outlets. BF will never be able to satisfy BM.
sexually. By giving each BM in North America and Europe a WF, the
crime rate among BM will go into free fall.

In North America and Europe whites greatly outnumber Blacks. There
are enough WF for every Nigger with plenty left over for WF/WM sex and
This is already happening in the UK. According to
statistics for the year 2003 over 60% of BM in the UK live with or are
married to a WF. The UK can easily accommodate 90% of BM(leaving out
the 10% of BM that are gay) marrying and breeding with WF not to
threaten white supremacy. Having the children of these unions bred
with whites will ensure the existence and survival of the white race.
Here is a table of the total population of the UK, Canada and the US
with the total number of BM and WF.

UK Total Pop.=60,000,000
BM Pop.=1,350,000
WF Pop.=20,250,000

Canada Total Pop.=30,000,000
BM Pop.=750,00
WF Pop.=8,500,000

USA Total Pop.=300,000,000
BM Pop.=17,500,000
WF Pop.=84,000,000

As the table above shows, it is possible for all BM in those 3
countries have sex with WF and have no impact on the decline of the
white population too much. When the kids of IR unions are bred by
whites then the numbers will be regained.

Here is The Final Solution for White Supremacy. Society needs to go
to the opposite extreme of past segregation and Apartheid. Here are
some legal solutions:
1. Ban and outlaw BM for dating, marrying and having sex with BF.
2. Have a law that requires all WF by the age of 18 to lose their
virginity to BM.
3. Have laws forbidding the children of WF/BM for dating marrying and
having sex with Niggers.

I have included additional safeguards to ensure that Niggers are
still produced:

1.For all BM in prisons to only fuck and breed BF. This is very
important in regards to the Black community. Harsh sentences and
capital punishment has done little to prevent BM criminality. However,
if the penal code is changed to state that any Nigger that gets
convicted of a crime not only will they be imprisoned but the lost of
the right to WF sex will be the real deterrent to crime.
2.Have laws that prevent BF from fucking BM expect for BM convicts and
BM from Africa and the West Indies.

This will enhance and cement white supremacy and help reduce the
Nigger race in North America and Europe. Whites that have a Nigger
grand parent or great grand parent will be genetically stronger than
those with pure white genes.
This is the future. White Female
Supremacy forever.
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