Its communicating with likeminded people. Its more about cultural and background building bridges than racial.
Obviously, this thread is a reflection of that concept. But people's cultures, mindset, background and sensibilities aren't predetermined or defined by their race. This thread is also a reflection of that. Moris relates to us in a lot of those before mentioned departments, and he's Mexican. I completely understand people gravitating towards likeminded people, and I'm not saying that it's wrong for people to primarily situate themselves with people of their own ethnic background for that very reason. I'm simply saying that it's incredibly weird to live in an area that allows the opportunity to make friends with a wide variety of people, and come out of the situation with friends that exclusively match your race. You're not going to know if someone's culture, mindset, background and sensibilities are compatible with your own if you never allow the chance to find out. It's obviously annecdotal, but from what I've seen, whites who exclusively hung out with whites, asians who exclusively hung out with asians, blacks who exclusively hung out with blacks and Hispanics who exclusively hang out with Hispanics don't even make the effort to associate themselves with people of another race. There's no opportunity for forging diverse friendships, because they refuse to step outside of their bubble. I have an issue with that.
Are we talking about in colleges? Because shit, once you're there - the pool of minorities isn't even that big on any side of the spectrum.
We're talking about the demographics of
any setting. Grade school, college, your job, your neighborhood, your city, etc. I'm just saying that if your overall environment has you constantly interacting with people of a different racial background, within a climate that is ripe for friendships to blossom, and yet you somehow find yourself with friends that only correspond with your racial background, then there's a good chance that phenomenon is self-inflicted.
Obviously if you go to a Historically Black College, live in Iowa, went to an Ivy League school and now work on Wall Street, etc. then clearly those aren't overly diverse environments to begin with, so the liklihood of your friends not being diverse is heightened significantly.