I'm soooo done with drunk people for a while...fuck, this weekend got totally ruined.
Went to a party with a chick i know, she's not bad looking, but we aren't interested in each other that way. And in the time i've known her, she's always been able to handle her drink. So i wan't worried. Big mistake.
She proceeded to get quite drunk at the get together before the party, so i had to try and calm her down and sober her up. Anyway, managed to get into the party, despite club management keeping an eye on her and telling her she couldn't have another drink until 2 hours after entry.
In that time, she managed to lose her iphone, piss off a few friends and faint on the club stairs. So of course, i had to fucking take her back to the hotel. End of the night for me right? Nooope!
Got back, and i briefly stepped out of the room to grab some food. When i got back, she was all packed and wanted to drive home. I didn't reach her car keys in time, so i had to block the door and wouldn't let her out. So she called the police to tell them that i was holding her hostage.
At this point, my mind switched into a higher gear. Like you over the pond, the police here don't ask questions first when a black dude is involved. Instead of calling 999, i rang the LOCAL police force number, and eloquently explained everything to them. The person on the phone managed to patch in to the other call (my friend on the line to the national police line). So at least they could establish that she was drunk and make a note of that. Anyway, they sent officers to the hotel. I went out to meet them first, and the whole "oh i didn't expect you to be black based on your accent" thing helped break the ice. The female officers were still showing hostile body language to me, so i was extra polite to them.
Long story short, they went up to the room, got the car keys off my friend, moved me to another room (cos she told them she was annoyed at me), and this morning, i made my own way back home (we originally drove up together). Police thanked me for preventing a messy situation, the chick is still not talking to me and i just needed to vent.