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The Black Culture Thread |OT5| A Nation of Drakes Can't Hold Us Back

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release GoldenEye 007 on the virtual console.

God damn. Y'all know the Xbox Live version of Perfect Dark right? The one Rare got running in 1080p at 60 frames per second? They said they had GoldenEye DONE with the same treatment, but the name of that game, the bond license, and its source code are stuck in license limbo between all three console manufacturers and Activision I believe. Damn if they put that shit on eShop...
God damn. Y'all know the Xbox Live version of Perfect Dark right? The one Rare got running in 1080p at 60 frames per second? They said they had GoldenEye DONE with the same treatment, but the name of that game, the bond license, and its source code are stuck in license limbo between all three console manufacturers and Activision I believe. Damn if they put that shit on eShop...

why you think i mentioned 007? :p


God damn. Y'all know the Xbox Live version of Perfect Dark right? The one Rare got running in 1080p at 60 frames per second? They said they had GoldenEye DONE with the same treatment, but the name of that game, the bond license, and its source code are stuck in license limbo between all three console manufacturers and Activision I believe. Damn if they put that shit on eShop...

I'm glad that got canceled, if that's the reason we got the Wii remake.
That new instagram

White guys will never appreciate a phatty :(

My colleagues and I standing at the office balcony chatting this chick passes by and were like


white dude dude in the group "where where? Oh you mean her, but she's fat."

chat over back to work everyone! :(



When I was younger, I bought into the sales numbers and profits and so on. When I got older, I finally started to notice all the spin, and how easy it is to make a factual number look either bad or good, depending on how you expressed the number.

Part of the fun now is to see how each company spins numbers, although they all tend to use the same script. The market leader will always use totals. The middle of the pack will tend to use averages. The lower middle or third place console will use percentages. One attribute will be bigger than the other 2 or 3 or 5 competitors, even if they're a distance last. Factual, mathematically provable. But misleading.

Same thing with the higher guys using hardware sales, and the second and third place will start quoting attach rate. Seriously, people need to watch Nintendo's E32004 press conference and the last one that they busted out charts and graphs for.

Nintendo will quote that they're making a profit on downturns while not discussing total sales. Apple misleads everyone on the true sales of the iPad, iPhone and iPod lines by only quoting LTD product line sales instead of specific revision/model sales, any new hardware inherits the sales of the previous versions. Microsoft's favorite thing to do is slap as many qualifier words on the statement until they make it true, like saying Halo 4 was the fastest selling Microsoft Studios game of 2012.

Companies always find a way to not lose in a factual way. It's fun to watch, but there definitely needs to be more callouts and actual discussion on how numbers are spun, instead of wanting to point out the spin and getting "you just salty".

BHZ Mayor

So I just saw Beyonce's Partition video.

That might be the first time I've ever come close to getting hard off a music video.

Anybody here remember Patra? I don't even think I was old enough to get hard, but her music videos used to have me feeling some type of way.


If Wii U is doomed, then what is Vita in the US?


Vita's so dead John Hammond made a Vita theme park.

You see a person on the street with a Vita, Jeff Goldblum pops out and goes "life finds a way."


Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,

And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden. And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every word that is pleasant and unpleasant to the ear, but there was one word in the middle of the garden, and that word was the n-word. And in the garden he put white people, and told them to dress it and to keep it and to hold dominion over it.

And the Lord God spoke to white people, saying, All other words you may gladly say, and yet this n-word you may not speak, just the ONE word that’s off-limits. Literally just the one. Look at all the other words I have made for thee in this thy garden. Try saying all of them. There’s so many.

But the white people were sore angry and said Why can’t we say it and the Lord God said Seriously I made you a whole garden of other words and the white people said Yeah that’s great and we really appreciate but can we say it just once? What about if we’re singing along to a song and it comes on the radio and it would sound sort of weird not to say it, can we say it then? and the Lord had not expected such a question.

And the serpent – which was more subtle than all the other beasts of the field – said Seems pretty unfair there’s a WHOLE WORD you can’t use, and of the white people many nodden their heads at the rightness thereof.

I don’t understand why this is such a big deal for you, the Lord God rumbled over the garden. There are so many other words to say, I’m just asking you not to say one of them. When would you even want to USE it.

‘Unno, said the white people in response to the Lord their God. Just in case, we guess. And the white people said While we’re on the subject why is there an ENTIRE MONTH about black h– and the Lord said I’m going to bed.

Enjoy the garden, or whatever, he muttered listlessly before turning off the light behind him, and the world was plunged into eternal night, and it was evening, the seventh day.



bitch I'm taking calls.
And the white people said While we’re on the subject why is there an ENTIRE MONTH about black h– and the Lord said I’m going to bed. Enjoy the garden, or whatever.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
this dude actually said he was thinking of writing his wife an email to voice his concerns. I can't even.


this dude actually said he was thinking of writing his wife an email to voice his concerns. I can't even.

Honestly that is a nightmare scenario for me. I have two friends that were in a similar situation, one let the in-laws move in and is miserable as fuck to this day because of it. The other got out of the relationship as it quickly deteriorated since the parents were just all up in their business 24/7.
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