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The Black Culture Thread |OT6| Monica Enjoys Being Black


Junior Member
I think I'm gonna need to read a book on these events when it's all over. I didn't even know what housing discrimination was until I walked into these last few pages, though I admit I've never had to buy a house before.

I think I'll just log back into ArmA for right now.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
Riri glams it up in photos but imo without make up and PS she's barely above average face wise. Nice T&A though.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Man, the coon train is filling UP.

I think this Sterling debacle is going to teach a whole spectrum of people about cuckolding.

How can he be racist if he fucks minorities and doesn't care if his girl is either doe...

Oh you poor naive souls.
The South is just as soft

"Inch of snow, everything close"

To be fair, it don't snow much for Southerners to know how to drive in the snow

It's not the snow in the south that gives us a problem. It's the ICE.

And from my experience westerners can do pretty good with cold weather, but when they see a storm cloud it's like the Apocalypse. Especially the folks from Oregon and Washington I know who've moved here to Raleigh


As someone who hasn't closely followed the NBA in over a decade I admit to not being aware of the past transgressions of Sterling. I'm just surprised/glad something at all was done even if something should have been done years ago.

I'm not sure why some are celebrating this article. My response would basically be the same as the below:

What the fuck is this bullshit?

No, Donald Sterling does not get a pass because he's a product of a larger white-dominant culture. On what fucking planet does even IMPLYING that make a shred of fucking sense?

That's like saying we should pardon a murderer because he grew up in a bad neighborhood with no access to quality education and is just a "product of his environment."

In an ideal world we'd attack both racist dumbfucks and the power structure that allows them to accrue unspeakable amounts of money from the very people they fucking despise, but you don't let off one in favor of attacking the other. Poor Donald Sterling got hung out to dry by a scorned mistress, and now this nigga is mad because people are calling for his head instead of what? Yelling at a cloud about the "larger issues" but ultimately doing nothing? We can still yell at that fucking cloud WHILE dragging this racist piece of shit through the mud.

Regardless of the larger forces undoubtedly at play here, the fact remains that Donald Sterling's the one that got "caught out there." He deserves all the hate he gets.

In a bit of good news (?) today, the following happened with a coworker today:

Me: Hey can I ask you a question? What are you doing not this coming Saturday but the next one?
Her: I need dates
Me: The........10th
Her: I'm not sure, I think there is a concert a group of of us were thinking of going to. I'll let you know what's up if things pan out.
Me: Oh that's cool. Keep me posted. That being said, I was trying to ask you out on a date.
Her: *Sighs in relief* I'm sorry but to be honest, I'm going to be super busy until Comps are over.
Me: Those happen at the end of June
Her: Yes
Me: No apologies needed, I'll just again after you succeed
Her: *Blushes* Thank You
Me: Have a Good Night
Her: You too

I kind of lingered a bit after work to try to get a chance to speak to her alone (which I assume she noticed or pieced together afterwards) and I doubled checked she would be around for a while in an earlier conversation (which probably looks obvious in retrospect after I asked her) but otherwise, as far as I can tell, I did all the right things. Did I make some major faux pas? Am I correct/incorrect in thinking I have a shot?
Where you're from- Charlotte Amalie, US Virgin Islands
Where you live- Atlanta, GA
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy- Both Parents hail from the Caribbean (Barbados and Antigua)
Do you know your roots- They're buried somewhere in the West Indies
Your Age- 22
Favorite musical genre- EDM/Classical/Heavy Metal (LOL)
Your profession/major/career interest- Studying BusAdmin
Your religious affiliation- Christian
Hobbies- Reading, Cooking, Piano-ing, Being Black, etc

Sup Monicas. Long time lurker here, even joined the steam group. Finally got in O.O
I kind of lingered a bit after work to try to get a chance to speak to her alone (which I assume she noticed or pieced together afterwards) and I doubled checked she would be around for a while in an earlier conversation (which probably looks obvious in retrospect after I asked her) but otherwise, as far as I can tell, I did all the right things. Did I make some major faux pas. Am I correct/incorrect in thinking I have a shot?

Advice from a old married vet:
You always have a shot unless they flat out tell you no.
A few weeks from now remind her you'd like to take her out, but don't make it too mushy, just let her know you want to get to know her better blah blah blah
Next time don't try linger around after work, and get the number. She might be too busy to go out at the moment but nobody to busy for a phone conversation....If you crazy kids still do that...?

Biggest rule of all. Don't wait around for her. Keep living your life bro. For some crazy reason girls dig that. My college years i.e my IDGAF years I got more play than I could handle when I stopped caring about whether or not chicks were into me. When I stopped caring about whether or not they cared about me they always wanted to be around me.
I don't wanna hear shit about you cats and heat. Louisiana got all y'all beat. Muggy as fuck, hot to the point where you wake up and you feel like you in a goddamn humidifier. I lived without AC for years in that shit. The kinda heat where you had to go out in the fucking sun because under a tree because its cooler then being in the house. The kinda mother fucking heat that at night you propped the window open and slept with a gun by the bed because you get either get robbed or deal with heat exhaustion.

And you motherfuckers judging Riris boobs. Fuck all that noise she on point and I know I and a lot of others would have a motherfucking field day with her. Makeup or no she would get it no question. House of Rio hath spoken.

Now back to my family time.
I hope when Guardian of galaxy comes out we get a remix of this smiley

Rocket Racoon would blast skates on Stephen

I think this Sterling debacle is going to teach a whole spectrum of people about cuckolding.

How can he be racist if he fucks minorities and doesn't care if his girl is either doe...

Oh you poor naive souls.

People trying a little to hard to apply rationale to racism.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
As someone who hasn't closely followed the NBA in over a decade I admit to not being aware of the past transgressions of Sterling. I'm just surprised/glad something at all was done even if something should have been done years ago.

I'm not sure why some are celebrating this article. My response would basically be the same as the below:
Another person missing the point

its not even about sterling. he got his, sure. but there was no 'victory' in any of this shit. dude is still raking in millions of dollars as he gets to sit back and wait to get offered near a billion dollars for his team. people are so, so ready to NOT think about how much fuckery had to go on for decades. how much had to slide and how acceptable all sorts of things are in order for things to get anywhere near this point.

the leader of the group in charge of players was the closest thing to a modern day millionaire samuel l jackson from django we'll probably ever see and not a single person is giving him shit. nobody. for being his bottom bitch for two years and even taking part in the huge public dog and pony show by wearing some cute black socks to show that he's 'not okay' with his slumlord job provider.

don't read this as 'sterling is innocent and product of his environment' and instead see it as 'sterling is guilty but the environment is the root of it all and its so set into the foundation of everything that we do that people don't even know how awful it even is anymore'

this 'im glad something got done and even though it should've happened years ago' is amazingly stupid short-sighted and lazy but its exactly how a justice hungry mob can be taken advantage of. we may as well celebrate cops getting paid administrative leave after shooting a kid holding a water gun. mob satisfied. the same owners who wanted to look the other way when he and others were doing all kinds of other fucked up shit are vindicated for the next 5 years for publicly condemning him for his awful actions.
Another person missing the point

its not even about sterling. he got his, sure. but there was no 'victory' in any of this shit. dude is still raking in millions of dollars as he gets to sit back and wait to get offered near a billion dollars for his team. people are so, so ready to NOT think about how much fuckery had to go on for decades. how much had to slide and how acceptable all sorts of things are in order for things to get anywhere near this point.

the leader of the group in charge of players was the closest thing to a modern day millionaire samuel l jackson from django we'll probably ever see and not a single person is giving him shit. nobody. for being his bottom bitch for two years and even taking part in the huge public dog and pony show by wearing some cute black socks to show that he's 'not okay' with his slumlord job provider.

don't read this as 'sterling is innocent and product of his environment' and instead see it as 'sterling is guilty but the environment is the root of it all and its so set into the foundation of everything that we do that people don't even know how awful it even is anymore'

this 'im glad something got done and even though it should've happened years ago' is amazingly stupid short-sighted and lazy but its exactly how a justice hungry mob can be taken advantage of. we may as well celebrate cops getting paid administrative leave after shooting a kid holding a water gun. mob satisfied. the same owners who wanted to look the other way when he and others were doing all kinds of other fucked up shit are vindicated for the next 5 years for publicly condemning him for his awful actions.

As much as I can agree with some points it is perpetuated by everyone who watches and feeds the machine. There is no revenue without people in seats or watching the games chock full of advertisements.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
As much as I can agree with some points it is perpetuated by everyone who watches and feeds the machine. There is no revenue without people in seats or watching the games chock full of advertisements.

and the machine is self powered now

when this came out, tons of 'respected journalists' and guys you'd think of as outspoken and straightshooting were not just quiet and avoiding questions but actively downplaying this. the vast majority of those covering this will stfu when told to. good to know.

two whole networks devoted to covering the playoffs said NOTHING the day this came out while all knowing full well of this man's history

all they're doing now is giving around the clock props to the owners for giving themselves hypocrites of the year awards by casting down sterling to the bowels of (paid) (billionaire) hell. its a joke.
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