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The Black Culture Thread |OT6| Monica Enjoys Being Black

and the machine is self powered now

when this came out, tons of 'respected journalists' and guys you'd think of as outspoken and straightshooting were not just quiet and avoiding questions but actively downplaying this. the vast majority of those covering this will stfu when told to. good to know.

two whole networks devoted to covering the playoffs said NOTHING the day this came out while all knowing full well of this man's history

all they're doing now is giving around the clock props to the owners for giving themselves hypocrites of the year awards by casting down sterling to the bowels of (paid) (billionaire) hell. its a joke.

All in the game. Don't rock the boat.



and the machine is self powered now

when this came out, tons of 'respected journalists' and guys you'd think of as outspoken and straightshooting were not just quiet and avoiding questions but actively downplaying this. the vast majority of those covering this will stfu when told to. good to know.

two whole networks devoted to covering the playoffs said NOTHING the day this came out while all knowing full well of this man's history

all they're doing now is giving around the clock props to the owners for giving themselves hypocrites of the year awards by casting down sterling to the bowels of (paid) (billionaire) hell. its a joke.

protect the shield...or whatever the hell the NBA equivalent is.
Glad we getting a lot of new members, but wish there was more ladies.

Ahh man, I've disappointed Slay right out of the gate.



Another good article on the Sterling debacle. This is written more as a response to Gawker's "Black People are Cowards" article.

There is nothing more irresponsible or inflammatory than placing the burden of remedying the racism and structural inequality on which the United States was built squarely at the feet of the marginalized.

Your lectures will not save us.

I, too, would have been heartened to see the Clippers sit out of their Saturday night play off game. But their choice to stage a silent protest and play is not a disappointment to me nor does it make them "slaves" as Tavis Smiley suggested. It makes them human--as most of us are.

Even when we are exploited and degraded, Black people are not ever allowed the space to be human. If, for a moment, we are conflicted or confused about how to navigate systems designed to disempower and divide, surely our character will be called into question by "revolutionaries" who would sooner berate us for failing to display exceptional feats of courage than demand the same of the white racists who wield power.

Black people understand that we neither suffer the same costs or consequences. Clippers Owner Donald Sterling faces no punishment for his decades of documented racism. In fact, if forced to sell the team, he stands to make hundreds of millions of dollars in profit. Doc Rivers and his team chose to continue the work they begun because any action they take on or off the court would be merely a statement to a man who can buy anything (even an award from a storied civil rights organization).

Marginalized people choosing to protect our safety, security, and self-interest are not cowards. We make these decisions not because we are lazy but because we lack the safety nets that cultivate audacity. We know that the playing field is not level, and the rules could change at any moment.

The self-righteousness with which so many talk about the Clippers decision befuddles me because most of us would have done the same or less, yet we expect these men to perform the heavy lifting that we, ourselves, refuse to do.

Recognizing risk and choosing to survive is not cowardice.

I'm tired of ahistorical arguments about a Heroic Black Past. My deep appreciation for the sacrifices of my foremothers and forefathers does not prevent me from understanding that most went to work everyday to pay their debts and care for their families. A great many did not march, sit-in, revolt, or rebel. I've long heard stories of black men averting their eyes as whites passed because they wanted to stay alive. They were not cowards. They chose to survive.

I'm tired of of presumptions about the apathy of young, Black people. Black Millennials, strapped with the largest debt load in history for acquiring the education everyone told us would be the ticket to freedom, understand that risk is real. We know that if we quit our jobs, or even if we die, Sallie Mae will continue to pursue our parents' already depleted retirement funds for restitution.

Most of us do what we feel we can afford to do. I am grateful for the heroes -- the Fannies, Rosa and Ellas just as I am grateful for my mother and grandmothers -- the everyday people who made my existence possible because they survived.

We could all do more. Everyone thinks they're a revolutionary until it's time to put their own life or livelihood on the line. It's far too easy to critique what someone else should have done when you have nothing at stake.

If you believe "cooning" and cowardice to be Black America's greatest problems, then you have imbibed the toxicity of white supremacy.

I celebrate those who do the work everyday. I hope that we will all fight for liberation and pray that when those who experience oppression see opportunities to disrupt the status quo, we will take them. But before you point to someone else's inaction, be real about your own ability to make the hard decisions. Reflect honestly on what you're willing to surrender and if you have the ability to do so.

Racism is not a Black problem. We cannot dismantle it ourselves. Calling on those who have the most to lose to take the most dramatic action isn't noble. Peddling Black pathology doesn't make you a truth-teller. Chastising black people for being human doesn't make you a hero.

If you want to see a change, make it. Take the lead, but don't you dare argue that we are not free because we didn't fight hard enough. Spare us.


Another person missing the point

its not even about sterling. he got his, sure. but there was no 'victory' in any of this shit. dude is still raking in millions of dollars as he gets to sit back and wait to get offered near a billion dollars for his team. people are so, so ready to NOT think about how much fuckery had to go on for decades. how much had to slide and how acceptable all sorts of things are in order for things to get anywhere near this point.

the leader of the group in charge of players was the closest thing to a modern day millionaire samuel l jackson from django we'll probably ever see and not a single person is giving him shit. nobody. for being his bottom bitch for two years and even taking part in the huge public dog and pony show by wearing some cute black socks to show that he's 'not okay' with his slumlord job provider.

don't read this as 'sterling is innocent and product of his environment' and instead see it as 'sterling is guilty but the environment is the root of it all and its so set into the foundation of everything that we do that people don't even know how awful it even is anymore'

this 'im glad something got done and even though it should've happened years ago' is amazingly stupid short-sighted and lazy but its exactly how a justice hungry mob can be taken advantage of. we may as well celebrate cops getting paid administrative leave after shooting a kid holding a water gun. mob satisfied. the same owners who wanted to look the other way when he and others were doing all kinds of other fucked up shit are vindicated for the next 5 years for publicly condemning him for his awful actions.

Rereading it I may have misinterpreted the target for this article. Since you are talking to me specifically, I'm certainly not about to hang up some sort of "Mission Accomplished" banner across a ship. You don't need to tell me about the environment that enabled him or what housing discrimination is. I'm aware of those issues in other circumstances and when they came to light here I was in no way surprised. I'm more than willing to continue to have this conversation and fight. I'm saying BOTH "it's good this happened though it should have happened sooner" AND "let talk or devise plans of action to prevent future incidents, the further transgressions he's done and the environment that cultivated this mindset".

My issue I guess is that the overall tone of the start of the piece seemed oddly apologetic or as if the author was addressing some weird strawman (though from some of the recent excerpts people have posted from the Sterling thread it seems things have/are going to shit?). I agree with the entire last part of the article but I feel it wastes the beginning parts on what is essentially a non-sequitur in my mind. I guess I just saw everything as "no shit" even though the article was talking to white people, not me
Cotdamn did you see those prices for those Bey and Jay concert? 2 tickets damn near cost 4800
I've never been to a concert where the highest price was over $100 before bs Ticketmaster charges of course. Then again I almost exclusively go to rock concerts

Glad we getting a lot of new members, but wish there was more ladies.
Go round up the white women and give them honorary passes here

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
have you guys seen that lui rihanna cover...... shit popped up in my instagram feed when i was eating and it was so nsfw i nearly choked.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Yep, and this just in: black people have brown nipples.

I swear GAF makes me feel so alien sometimes.

wait.... when was brown nipples ever in question? Like dammit porns everywhere, even the large amount of virgins on Gaf should know what colors nipples come in.....

Edit:: just read the thread in OT.... smh at the virgins of GAF
My boy playing that Jojo's. I remember playing the other one made by Capcom(Petshop broke ass) and always been curious about the series. Is it worth hunting it down family?
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