Banana and jelly hate?
Fuck wrong with y'all
I don't hate banana, I just hate it and most fruits in a sandwich
Banana and jelly hate?
Fuck wrong with y'all
What a weird boyI don't hate banana, I just hate it and most fruits in a sandwich
What a weird boy
Not even my weirdest experience with fruit: when I was 12 my mom got on a health kick and made me eat pears and milk.
In the same bowl.
Like I was eating Rice Krispies or something
Y'all some weird boysNot even my weirdest experience with fruit: when I was 12 my mom got on a health kick and made me eat pears and milk.
In the same bowl.
Like I was eating Rice Krispies or something
Lemme clear this up right quick:What flavor? Or do you hate all jelly??
I need answers
Same to you mister
Welcome Crash.
What's your favorite video game soundtrack?
Fuck him.
Welcome Crash.
I don't know anybody that doesn't have an iPhone. I loved my iPhone 5C, but it's getting old and slow. Once the iPhone 7S/8come out I'll upgrade to a 6/6Cmakes no sense. How do you announce both the 7S and 8 at the same time?
Welcome! Can't even call you new blood bc I might be the youngest to frequent the thread
hi people
Can you guys recommend me a shaver that's safe for black skin?
This is peanut butter (no jelly) sandwich levels of struggle
Not even my weirdest experience with fruit: when I was 12 my mom got on a health kick and made me eat pears and milk.
In the same bowl.
Like I was eating Rice Krispies or something
Thank you Faustek, it's good to be here.
Interesting question I'd have to say Megaman X, which likely for nostalgic reasons (first Megaman game I ever played). More recently I'd say Dragon Age Inquisition, but my girl just got it so I've been hearing it a lot lately. What's yours?
Not much, how about you?
Thank you. How do you do?
Lol well you still have seniority.
Hey I'm the new guy.
Lemme clear this up right quick:
I'm assigning you to Feenix. Feenix gonna be your BCT supervisor.
Lemme clear this up right quick:
I don't even like Strawberry Jelly. Jam is less bad, but the GOAT is butter. Apple butter is good as fuck.
You don't fuck with jelly but you eating some shit called apple butter?Lemme clear this up right quick:
I don't even like Strawberry Jelly. Jam is less bad, but the GOAT is butter. Apple butter is good as fuck.
What about in biscuits?
Sad!I eat my biscuits with gravy, sausage gravy, or as a side to go with chicken. Fuck jelly.
You don't fuck with jelly but you eating some shit called apple butter?
What about in biscuits?
I eat my biscuits with gravy, sausage gravy, or as a side to go with chicken. Fuck jelly.
Strawberry jelly will save you one dayLemme clear this up right quick:
I don't even like Strawberry Jelly. y.
Syrup and gravy on biscuits what is this world coming to
SMDH at all the Jam hate. (Jelly to my US friends)
We about to throw hands over what we put on our biscuits. We need to do better.
1. I make my own goddamn biscuits. That shit is not hard.smmfh. Ok, so do you put the grape or strawberry condiment on your Popeyes biscuits?
People have started wars for less.We about to throw hands over what we put on our biscuits. We need to do better.
A wrong is a wrong.
Y'all really trying to come at biscuits and gravy? Are you even serious right now?
It really weird when white girls "imitate" white girls. Watching The Defenders ep 1 again, and Jess is asking for a trace on the call she received. She could have just spoke naturally. Odd.
Huh. I thought it was just a difference in what we called it.JAM AND JELLY ARE DIFFERENT THINGS. STOP THIS SLANDER NOW.
Fair enough. But....just because I don't like jelly doesn't mean I don't respect people who do. If y'all like jelly, jam and preserves on your biscuits, hey that's cool. Just ain't for me though.
That is all.
Imma close the void this time after I kick you in.
Huh. I thought it was just a difference in what we called it.
You learn something new all the time.
My mistake.
I've been curious about that when I first heard of it. What's it like? Who performed?
Good luck.
Nah I get it, her normal voice sounds fairly harsh and the voice she affects is a lot smoother and more personable. That helps on phones calls.
Don't need luck. You picked your side.
Y'all in agreement with a Doey Opinion. I don't think I even need an argument anymore.Nah I get it, her normal voice sounds fairly harsh and the voice she affects is a lot smoother and more personable. That helps on phones calls.
Jelly is a treasure and anyone that feels differently needs to reevaluate life.
I don't put jelly on my biscuits because I don't want to eat disappointment.Normally when people in the US say Jelly and Jam they are talking about the same thing. Meanwhile DD is being technical and STILL giving wrong answers.
It really weird when white girls "imitate" white girls. Watching The Defenders ep 1 again, and Jess is asking for a trace on the call she received. She could have just spoke naturally. Odd.
Oh it's like that....fine.
BCT: Civil War