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The Black Culture Thread


PhoenixDark said:
I guess in a final point on defending hip hop: most modern genres include repetitive song structures. Especially electronic music. As a hip hop fan I'm never gonna lose interest in a good soul loop, but I tend to prefer more left field sampling and chopping.

I view rapping and singing differently and enjoy both as expressive art. At their heights both can be amazing, although singing definitely have more of an emotional power to it imo. So I see that as common ground between us Himu. Emotionally, hip hop can resonate with me on a lyrical level. Some songs describe parts of your past or current life so well it almost feels as if your own mind is talking to you.

Lyrically though, everything has been done before; there may be different ways to tackle a love song, but the same can be said of "I'm from the streets" type stuff. But when you add in the emotional depth of singing, instruments, etc yea I see where you're coming from and agree.

At its heart hip hop is storytelling, and if someone has an interesting story to tell I'm all for it. If you're gonna do coke rap, doing it interestingly gets my attention. If you're from the streets, I want to hear your story etc.

You just linked my favorite Fashawn track. Another song he did that I really feel/currently identify with is:

Dreamin'/ Plotting on my arrival
But reality bites/ my main focus is survival (at this time in my life)
Swear I'm my own worst rival/ Even grab the henney anytime I'm feelin' bottled

It's hard for me to pin exactly what I love when it comes to lyrics and delivery but a big part of that is that semi-uplifting struggle.

AS far as electronic goes, the darker, the better. Mezzanine by Massive Attack is one of my favorite albums ever and part of the reason is because it just oozes this bleak atmosphere. Love some Trip-Hop

Lately, I've been big into dubstep and it's offshoots:


I don't really know a whole lot of Electronic acts, I think this is because I'm very selective when it comes to electronic music. I fucks with Justice pretty heavy though. I'll have to peep some of these songs your guys are posting.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
BlackNMild2k1 said:
I got a track that I was lovin for such a long ass time and no one has probably ever heard of it.

Digital Underground - April showers

This track always got slipped into the "getting in the mood" rotation while chillin one on one with a female.
How has noone ever heard april showers? Was the digital underground only popular on the west coast or something?
Parallax said:
How has noone ever heard april showers? Was the digital underground only popular on the west coast or something?
I'm on the West Coast.

No one I know had ever heard of it and I had only stumbled upon it because I got the album for free. Digital Underground was already past their prime as far as I had known and they hadn't had a radio hit since they released that movie with the song "Same Song"** and the follow up album with "Kiss You Back" back in '91.

I only grabbed their album "Who Got The Gravy" back in '98 because it was free and I was curious what they had been doing since I hadn't heard shit from them in years. I felt like I discovered gold in that one song though because I wasn't too big of a fan of any other song on it. 2 others I think were ok, but April Showers was the only one that got constant play.

*I had to use a little wiki to get all my facts straight.

** Do you guys remember that movie. I think it had John Candy and some other names you should all recognize in it.
Count Dookkake said:
**Nothing but Trouble aka Valkenvania
I liked dubstep for a quick second, but I grew tired of it when most songs were just fart bass and WUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUB. As a side effect, though, I've grown to love Drum n' Bass music.


First 10 Minutes of Malcom X's "Ballot or Bullet" speech:

It's incredibly jarring how so much of what he's saying is JUST as relevant today, perhaps more so. And this was over 45 years ago.. Leave your God at home, and stop letting it impeed progress. Equip yourself with education. Control the 'black dollar'. The X stood/stands for Time Traveler, obviously.

Entire speech, for those interested:


"Are 20,000 black women going to a science fair? No, but when Lil Wayne gets out of jail he will sell out every stadium he performs at" :lol



Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Lebron said:
"Are 20,000 black women going to a science fair? No, but when Lil Wayne gets out of jail he will sell out every stadium he performs at" :lol

Don't worry. We have Neil deGrasse Tyson.
The man has a way with words, by the way. Some of his talks had a hand in changing me, for the better.
The Faceless Master said:

thanks, some good stuff in there :D

Dreams-Visions said:
Man, how are you gonna post Vybz and skip Rough Sex?

edit: oh, he said "new". lol.

dont make fun of me, im just a very casual listener and i enjoy dancing to it :lol


is there a beatport equivalent for reggae/dancehall? i used to go on trini jungle juice a loooooooooong time ago, but that site gives me a headache (realplayer sucks balls too). i have no idea how to keep up with the genre, since the last time i got something new music were some munga and serani tracks by chance.
On TMC West right now, there is a movie titled Diary of a Tired Black Man. It's a mockumentary of sorts detailing what "good" black men go through with their crazy black wives. Kind of like a Tyler Perry movie...lol.

It's a bit too radical at parts. Not all black women are crazy like that, but I thought you guys would be interested. One girl even said, "There are no good black men out there."

One black dude commented, "They just mad 'cause they can't get they way."

One dude made a good assed comment. "They ask 'why don't you cry ?' Because I don't want to! Then, when we do cry, we get called a bitch."

I mean, this shit could go for any race, but still, I find this interesting. :lol
why the divorce rate among general black population so high? and
in terms of family life has black population advanced or actually is in worse condition than it was in martin Luther king's time? wanted to have opinion. Impact of divorce is always huge in all the cultures so it always good to study. over all divorce rate in USA is 48% in India it is 1.1 % in sweden it is 54.5 %. Also if anyone finds stats please share. thanks.

spindashing said:
On TMC West right now, there is a movie titled Diary of a Tired Black Man. It's a mockumentary of sorts detailing what "good" black men go through with their crazy black wives. Kind of like a Tyler Perry movie...lol.

It's a bit too radical at parts. Not all black women are crazy like that, but I thought you guys would be interested. One girl even said, "There are no good black men out there."

One black dude commented, "They just mad 'cause they can't get they way."

One dude made a good assed comment. "They ask 'why don't you cry ?' Because I don't want to! Then, when we do cry, we get called a bitch."

I mean, this shit could go for any race, but still, I find this interesting. :lol
yeah, i have that movie in my netflix queue, mainly because i saw my boy Jimmy-Jean on the cover art.
The Faceless Master said:
yeah, i have that movie in my netflix queue, mainly because i saw my boy Jimmy-Jean on the cover art.

Yes! Haiti represent!

I ended up DVRing the rest. It's a pretty interesting documentary. Good for laughs, too.


crazy monkey said:
why the divorce rate among general black population so high? and
in terms of family life has black population advanced or actually is in worse condition than it was in martin Luther king's time? wanted to have opinion.
Divorce in general is high today, not really just a black thing.

As far as black population goes, we keep trying to advance, but fuckers keep bringing as back to the dark times. Chris Rock knows who they are.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
crazy monkey said:
why the divorce rate among general black population so high? and
in terms of family life has black population advanced or actually is in worse condition than it was in martin Luther king's time? wanted to have opinion. Impact of divorce is always huge in all the cultures so it always good to study. over all divorce rate in USA is 48% in India it is 1.1 % in sweden it is 54.5 %. Also if anyone finds stats please share. thanks.

Has more to do with western culture. It's easy to divorce. It won't be as easy in places as say, India, where you have dominant family values.


Veidt said:
Has more to do with western culture. It's easy to divorce. It won't be as easy in places as say, India, where you have dominant family values.
Going to be real hard to get a divorce if he just sets you on fire.
Lebron said:
Veidt said:
Has more to do with western culture. It's easy to divorce. It won't be as easy in places as say, India, where you have dominant family values.
Going to be real hard to get a divorce if he just sets you on fire.

In my old neighborhood there was an Indian or Middle Eastern of some sort couple that lived across the street from one of my boys in the "upper class" area of the neighborhood. The husband was supposedly cheating on the wife and wanted to leave her and the 2 kids to go get re-married to some other chick. Unfortunately for him, they couldn't get divorced due to traditional customs of their country or religion (I'm not gonna pretend to understand their beliefs), so he tried to do a divorce the only way he could.... by burying an axe in her skull and leaving her for dead.

His plan didn't work though, because she survived, but he didn't get caught because he fled the country and went back home and probably got re-married anyway.

It's sad for her, because now she was left to take care of two kids on her own and she ain't right in the head anymore (no jokes or puns intended).
crazy monkey said:
why the divorce rate among general black population so high?

This is news to me. I thought the problem was that not enough black people were actually going out and getting married.

Unrelated note: I've been doing a lot of research on African history on my own. My mind is being fucking blown. Did you guys know that:

-The Egypt of yesteryear was more like contemporary brasil or south Africa? a whole cornucopia of different races living together, and some of its rulers were undoubtedly black.

-The sahara was a place ripe with wildlife and thriving hunter-gatherer societies around 4-6000 years ago

-Racism didn't actually widely exist until around the time of the slave trade. Ancient greeks thought of Africans as different but not inferior, and black people were represented in renaissance art as equals?

-There was even a black knight who was a saint

pretty crazy huh? I found out most of this, and a lot more by watching this special.
Definitely worth checking out. I'm just amazed at how little I've been taught about this place. I don't understand how schools can just gloss over an entire continent.
BlackNMild2k1 said:
In my old neighborhood there was an Indian or Middle Eastern of some sort couple that lived across the street from one of my boys in the "upper class" area of the neighborhood. The husband was supposedly cheating on the wife and wanted to leave her and the 2 kids to go get re-married to some other chick. Unfortunately for him, they couldn't get divorced due to traditional customs of their country or religion (I'm not gonna pretend to understand their beliefs), so he tried to do a divorce the only way he could.... by burying an axe in her skull and leaving her for dead.

His plan didn't work though, because she survived, but he didn't get caught because he fled the country and went back home and probably got re-married anyway.

It's sad for her, because now she was left to take care of two kids on her own and she ain't right in the head anymore (no jokes or puns intended).

Lebron said:
Going to be real hard to get a divorce if he just sets you on fire.

Interesting are there any statistics about murders in south Asian community related to marriage specially? and was he indian or middle eastern? I personally do not know much about that. yes it is more of a western thing but from the debate i watched some time ago it was about how it is affecting community as a whole specially in African American in north America.
...........what the fuck. :lol :lol


I have not seen anything as ridiculous as that in all my years of n***adom. that's some bull shit. A SAINT and a KNIGHT? :lol :lol
Himuro said:


are you talking about me? Wikipedia and then follow up with google some stuff on google books that have full view options. There's also a BBC special called "lost kingdoms of Africa" that you can look up. I think its 5 episodes long, each episode devoted to a kingdom of Africa.

I even found this cool website that shows a lot of black programs that are actually educational.

its free for you to watch their full programs and documentaries. They even have this thing called "Africa open for business" that takes a look at what some people are doing to invest in African countries.

youtube channel

spindashing said:
...........what the fuck. :lol :lol


I have not seen anything as ridiculous as that in all my years of n***adom. that's some bull shit. A SAINT and a KNIGHT? :lol :lol

Here's his actual sculpture

And heres a painting from an actual cathedral in Italy



crazy monkey said:
Interesting are there any statistics about murders in south Asian community related to marriage specially?
Yeah, there's still deaths related to Dowry's, simple spousal abuse, women not giving birth to boys, etc. It really is sad. Let me try and track some down.

Back in 2008 for instance, India reported they had 8,000 dowry deaths. http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Dowry+death+toll+rises+as+women+shy+away+from+invoking+law-a0213755634

The National Crimes Bureau of India reports Dowry and bride-burning kill or maim about 25,000 innocent brides every year in India alone

You can do a Google news search and see a lot of stories in regards to husbands maiming or killing their wives over stupid shit like that. Getting a "divorce" is a unheard of concept over there it seems, since women don't really have much rights. Seems as womens rights are upheld and increased, so does the divorce rate. Funny, huh? :p
Himuro said:
I know about the Moors, that's something they didn't teach in school until University level.

But I know jack shit about Africa.

And I think that's a damn shame. We should be learning about all the different things that went on in the past and what is being done today at the high school and maybe even elementary level. If the internet didn't exist I would have a tougher time digging up this stuff and learning about my ancestors.

Another fun fact for any Muslims out there who didn't already know: One of Muhammad's close followers was an Ethiopian. He was the first Muezzin of the Islamic faith.

I strongly suggest you guys check out the BBC special about the kingdoms of Africa and some of the programs on Black Public media. I know we can have a lot to talk about because they have shows on America and Africa, shows that shed light on Black Culture

EDIT: Another Documentary you can watch is Lost civilizations: Africa a history denied.


lightless_shado said:
And I think that's a damn shame. We should be learning about all the different things that went on in the past and what is being done today at the high school and maybe even elementary level.
Eh, it's too tricky when it comes to African history. Save that for the University level. Though they could feature more American Black and Native American history for instance. You lucky if you get one chapter on the subject in your history books(at least the ones in Texas). I mean they'll briefly mention people like Frederick Douglass, MLK, and Malcom X. Anyone else after that is a luxury. Oh, and maybe the lone black guy who got shot and killed at the Boston Massacre :lol


Also, remember how the American Revolution was us straight up owning the British? Our full forces vs their full forces? Ignorance is bliss.
Lebron said:
Eh, it's too tricky when it comes to African history. Save that for the University level. Though they could feature more American Black and Native American history for instance. You lucky if you get one chapter on the subject in your history books(at least the ones in Texas). I mean they'll briefly mention people like Frederick Douglass, MLK, and Malcom X. Anyone else after that is a luxury. Oh, and maybe the lone black guy who got shot and killed at the Boston Massacre :lol

Well I don't know how it is in the states, but over here in Canada in seventh grade we covered Egypt and Rome and in 11th grade we got a chance to study MLK and the civil rights movement for just a bit. I feel that the subject of "History" or "social studies" should be global history and social studies. The focus on European accomplishments and history is all well and good if we're in the 20th century, but we're in the 21st century now.

The world is becoming increasingly interconnected. We have people who are immigrating from other countries to find work and bringing their culture with them, and we have the internet to allow us to connect with one another. Back in 1992 this forum wouldn't have existed and I, a Canadian wouldn't be having discussion with people from all over the world. I think European and North American education systems need to move forward and keep up. They're sort of doing that in Canada.

In second grade I had a whole unit devoted to Japanese culture, in sixth grade we took a field trip to China town and had some chinese food, and in my elementary school Muslim students had a class they could go to during the course of the day to learn about Islam, the Arabic language and so they could also pray. This was in a public school in Edmonton Alberta. I think that its a good sign of things to come. I just feel as though too many people are ignorant of even contemporary Africa let alone the Africa of yesteryear. People speak of it like its one giant country when its actually the second largest continent with some of the most diverse languages and customs of anywhere in the world.

In University I'm still also having a hard time finding out about Africa, but for what its worth I'm learning a lot about some black american writers in an English course I'm taking. Its a refreshing break from "Dead white men"
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