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The current state of FPS games


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Are you and nkarafo talking about new Doom or old Doom? Because he is correct that the vast majority of old Doom players leave auto aim on. Thats just how you play that game, same with Duke 3D and Blood.

If you mean newer Doom then yes you should not have auto aim on.
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You can remove autoaim in the settings of ZDoom&GZDoom... both of which count as modding i guess.

GZDoom isn't the most accurate DOOM engine though. I prefer Woof or Chocolate, though i still use GZDoom for the wads that require it. I prefer the original, authentic mechanics.


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
You do know i'm talking about the original DOOM engine game, do you? From 1993? Not the 2016 DOOM or Eternal.

I've been in the DOOM modding community for years. Played almost every good megawad that exists. And i never heard anyone modding the game to be about more precise aiming, headshots, etc. Again, it's not what the game is about.

Sure you can play with a mouse if you want and that allows for faster turning left/right and better control and timing. But even then it's not about aiming the enemy between it's eyes to kill it instantly. DOOM never worked this way. The best players don't even enable vertical aiming, for the game to be more authentic. It's about the maps and all the things i mentioned in my previous post, it's not about competition with other players, fragging, headshots, etc.
Never heard/used ZDoom/GZ Doom?
Thats just how you play that game
Not with ZDoom/GZDoom with auto aim off.
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GZDoom isn't the most accurate DOOM engine though. I prefer Woof or Chocolate, though i still use GZDoom for the wads that require it. I prefer the original, authentic mechanics.
cool, but all i'm pointing out is that its 100% possible to remove autoaim with mods.


Snake Oil Salesman
How does having someone stand still with a very restricted fov make pace of gameplay slower?
I think you answered your own question here.

FPS that are not action games work perfectly well with just having movement degrade accuracy. The idea that you can, in real life, get perfect accuracy with a sniper by using magic "quickscope" and still walk around and even jump while doing it is some nonsense. All these "realism" games that have you controlling full auto machinegun fire using magic ads and landing every shot with laser accuracy is nonsense. It is just a crappy convention that we are stuck with, makes games no better, and makes no sense.
I don't think that's an issue with AIM DOWN SIGHTS. It's an issue with gameplay design from the developers. Plenty of games that require you to ADS don't have quickscoping in them. It's all in what the devs are trying to achieve. I'm with you in generally disliking Call of Duty, but that's a different topic than ADS in general.

Going PvP only, for a lot of these games, is just straight up abandoning your roots and leaving people wondering why they care about an IP in the first place.
A might Oak tree must leave its seed stage in order to grow into the majestic power of a 100ft tall force of nature. Videogames are no different.


I don't think that's an issue with AIM DOWN SIGHTS. It's an issue with gameplay design from the developers. Plenty of games that require you to ADS don't have quickscoping in them. It's all in what the devs are trying to achieve. I'm with you in generally disliking Call of Duty, but that's a different topic than ADS in general.

A might Oak tree must leave its seed stage in order to grow into the majestic power of a 100ft tall force of nature. Videogames are no different.

Using ADS is an action game is like forcing a square peg into a round hole. It is just dumb. If you are making a hardcore mil sim for your cheeto dust beard friends, then fine, but not every FPS has to be that.

I guess if people want to kill their classic IP in the gaming industry for some nature analogy, then fine? Not my problem.


Came here to say exactly this and was shocked someone had beat me to it. Easily my favorite multiplayer FPS in recent memory.
This is my favorite online FPS ever. And I played quite a few of them.

Such a unique game, with so many best in class elements.

I will never understand how a game like that can be that "small".
This is my favorite online FPS ever. And I played quite a few of them.

Such a unique game, with so many best in class elements.

I will never understand how a game like that can be that "small".
The use of sound is so awesome. Honestly the best I’ve encountered since like the original Thief games.


People seems enjoy Battlebit Remastered

I'm not super interested in this as I loathe the artstyle but I did just add it to my wishlist the other day. I watched some gameplay and the movement/aiming looked super snappy almost CoD like.

For games that nail FPS, that have came out recently and doesn't get enough recognition, I'll go with:

Can't recommend it enough. Excellent gunplay and great feeling. Wall running, flipping, sliding, all feel intuitive. Not sure how it feels on controller/consoles though.

Another is :

Great gunplay and snappy movement/mobility options.


The use of sound is so awesome. Honestly the best I’ve encountered since like the original Thief games.
Yes, you litteraly "see with sounds".

I have almost 3k hours of gameplay and I cant get enough of that game.

It feels like a multiplayer immersive sim, the emergent gameplay and situations you encounter are absolutely insane.
Yes, you litteraly "see with sounds".

I have almost 3k hours of gameplay and I cant get enough of that game.

It feels like a multiplayer immersive sim, the emergent gameplay and situations you encounter are absolutely insane.
I was going to say it seems like a multiplayer immersive sim myself (hence the Thief comparison) but didn’t want to have to explain what imm sim meant lol.

I like your takes.

Optimus Lime

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
I bought and refunded Battlebit because I was having trouble getting into matches and didn't want it to spill over the 2 hour refund window. But, what I played seemed like fun. I don't know if it has legs. I'm kind of thinking of rebuying it because fuck it.


The problem with most modern FPS games is they're built for consoles and controllers. Aim assist, bullet magnetism, etc. are an issue that really taint the competitive experience.

As a mouse/keyboard player, I've stopped playing games with those assists altogether and focus on games where I'm competing against other people, not assists.

Matchmaking restrictions based on input method, like in Overwatch 2, pretty much nullify that altogether. If other AAA modern shooters incorporated such methods, I'd consider playing them again. Until then, there are other great FPS games to play.
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Marathon doesn't seem a high profile game coming from a well known developer, from what I saw, a bit rushed, double a, low budget title, I think Bungie studio is just the only positive side of this game, and it lacks any clue on how this will turn out to be, I think there's something fishy between MS and them happening behind the scenes like key devs working on future title with ms cause they invest much more and it's out of Sonys reach to spend that amount on games.
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Marathon doesn't seem a high profile game coming from a well known developer, from what I saw, a bit rushed, double a, low budget title, I think Bungie studio is just the only positive side of this game, and it lacks any clue on how this will turn out to be, I think there's something fishy between MS and them happening behind the scenes like key devs working on future title with ms cause they invest much more and it's out of Sonys reach to spend that amount on games.
We've seen almost nothing on Marathon so far, how can you assume it seems like it's not high profile and rushed? Sony working with Bungie will definitely be of high quality
Borderlands has the only fps gunplay that matters anymore. Everything else is garbage tier these days. (Referring to the last few years).


Original DOOM/DOOM 2 and their custom community maps on a modern source port that allows dual analog controls and uncapped frame rates, being played at 200-240fps on a high refresh rate VRR monitor.

Can't beat that feel.

The recent Quake remaster from Night Dive also comes close.
Arcane Dimensions!!

Tactical shooters are the shit too. Old school Ghost Recon and R6 (from Red Storm Entertainment), SWAT 3 & 4, Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis, Hidden & Dangerous series..

Either give me some crazy levels, secrets...going up against hordes, demons, etc or give me the actual realistic intense ass tactical shooters instead of the Hollywood imitators. It's the 'in between' stuff I can do without. (strictly talking shooters here)


Destiny 2 feels natural to me I don't think about the controls..that's a good thing. XDefiant however, I kept thinking of the controls. The floaty feel wasn't working for me
It's different but not bad, and I'm glad it's different in a unique way cause we've reached a time where it's inexcusable to have copycats.
Still after all these years no one beat Exhumed/PowerSlave for me - The most perfect level design ever seen in any FPS, its Mario IV levels of perfection. Lobotomy were GODS.

I really like to see big budget remakes of Singularity and FEAR (the best AI firefights ever). The Studio gets panned but for 'me', Halo Infinite is the best FPS I played in years and for me the game of this gen so far. Looking forward to what the team do next with Halo Infinite 2 in about 2 to 3 years


It's different but not bad, and I'm glad it's different in a unique way cause we've reached a time where it's inexcusable to have copycats.

Destiny 2 isn't different in a unique way. it's literally just worse than good modern shooters, and it uses a ridiculously extreme amount of aim assist to make the game playable.

you can make Apex feel like Destiny 2 if you're completely crazy, but thanks to the customisability of the aiming in Apex, you can copy Destiny 2's aiming very closely... and you won't hit a single shot if you do, because Apex doesn't have extreme aim assist.


Destiny 2 isn't different in a unique way. it's literally just worse than good modern shooters, and it uses a ridiculously extreme amount of aim assist to make the game playable.

you can make Apex feel like Destiny 2 if you're completely crazy, but thanks to the customisability of the aiming in Apex, you can copy Destiny 2's aiming very closely... and you won't hit a single shot if you do, because Apex doesn't have extreme aim assist.
I've played the 1st 3 seasons after the base game, the good ones, and tried beyond light for a few minutes and felt it's different and doesn't worth my precious time, I understand how many dislikes the new seasons, but I dislike more, no matter which game, where you'll eventually miss the third shot, this old trend is beyond comprehension and needs to stop, seriously "I can't pay 70 bucks on supposedly competitive online gameplay just to experience the same sequence of deaths, literally after the 3rd shot".
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It's different but not bad, and I'm glad it's different in a unique way cause we've reached a time where it's inexcusable to have copycats.
That's true, it's definitely different. Controls in a competitive FPS should never even be a thought. The second I blame a missed shot and death on the controls during a match...that's when things aren't right. I don't like having to mess with the settings because I'll drive myself insane messing with all the options.

In CoD MW2 I haven't even touched the setting and I do extremely well in that game competitively, same with Apex and Destiny.

Something just felt off in XDefiant but I'll wait for the full release to really judge. Halo Infinite is really well done as well


Gold Member
The original team that was Infinity Ward were a very talented group as well, which is why Titanfall is also quite good I guess.

Between CS2 and MW3 we’ve got plenty to look forward to…


ChatGPT 0.1
You got to have a campaign, battlefield not having one never made sense. Look at call of duty it’s incredible. Quake and Turok not having a ranking system was a major strike out.


I'm still waiting for another great Tribe-like FPS. The fantasy shooter with crazy movement (quake, tribes, etc.) went the way of the dodo and needs to make a splash again. Some have tried but they focused way too much on being an esport. We need a non-ads fps with fun movement in an unrealistic fantasy world again!


Apex/Titanfall is probably the best currently in terms of fast paced shooting/movement. I've only played the beta, but Destiny shooting felt nice.
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What time is it?
It's a genre that I grew up alongside and that I mostly don't care for these days. Every once in a while something surprises me, most recently Dusk.


Gold Member
I'm still waiting for another great Tribe-like FPS. The fantasy shooter with crazy movement (quake, tribes, etc.) went the way of the dodo and needs to make a splash again. Some have tried but they focused way too much on being an esport. We need a non-ads fps with fun movement in an unrealistic fantasy world again!

As far as movement goes, Quake Champions covers a lot of bases..


I feel like Halo Infinite is in a strange place currently, players nowadays want that twitchy gameplay like Apex and CoD.

Im really starting not to like the TTK in Cod, the kills and deaths happen far too quickly. Halo has a more skilled based TTK imo. It allows you enough time to have an actual battle.

A FPS with kill streaks, kill cam, ADS, and a TTK closer to Halo would be 🤌🏼🤌🏼
Now I'll admit I'm not expert in the genre, but I've played my fair share of FPS games across multiple consoles over the years.

With XDefiant having an open beta available now I decided to give it a shot. Almost instantly the controls felt "off" for me, I understand it's in beta so it can improve. But I started thinking of what studios nail the feel of FPS?

Infinity Ward

In my opinion, all of these studios have nailed the feel of a FPS. What studios out there have done really well and what up and comers do you feel may have a chance of breaking in to the genre?

Microsofts attempted buyout of AKB can secure them with some great FPS studios.

Sony's working with Bungie on Marathon as well as Firewalk Studios (comprised of Apex, Halo, Cod vets) on their FPS - Concord.

The future is looking very interesting for the genre. Who nails the "feel" of FPS games the best?

The only reason people even talk about Marathon is because its like some renaissance revival from the 90s title but it's gonna be just another F2P or GaaS shooter. Concord will be the same.
When u compare this generations FPS & TPS to the 7th generation Halo 3, Gears, Ghost Recon 2, Rainbow Six Vegas, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Killzone, Resistance, and all the best Cod's nowadays is a Joke.


The only reason people even talk about Marathon is because its like some renaissance revival from the 90s title but it's gonna be just another F2P or GaaS shooter. Concord will be the same.

How are you so sure about that?🤔 Marathon and Concord can be great fun FPS games, even being the top FPS games for Playstation this generation. You never know.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I feel like COD can be the best feeling FPS but not with their default controls. When I got Cold War I was really struggling and wondering if I was a washed up old man or something but then I read up on some tips to change in the options and this happened:


All FPS basically have to worry so much about people new to gaming or FPS not being able to control things properly that they put in settings that actually take control away from someone who knows what they are doing and warps it into some bizarre experience like walking on a gummy floor or something. The best developers show themselves not in what you start with but in what they allow you to adjust.
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When u compare this generations FPS & TPS to the 7th generation Halo 3, Gears, Ghost Recon 2, Rainbow Six Vegas, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Killzone, Resistance, and all the best Cod's nowadays is a Joke.
Which were all also much lamer than what came prior.

Fortune's Run just got released

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