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The Dark, Sad Life of Boogie2988 | Official Documentary


He drew a lot of attention to himself, said dubious things, then had a meltdown any time someone criticized him (even in the most gentle possible way). Then people would pity and console him, he’d recover, go back to saying dubious things for attention, get mildly criticized, immediately have another meltdown, rinse and repeat.

Keep in mind that we had maybe a half dozen cycles of this in one night. It quickly became an untenable situation that was very disruptive and inappropriate, so I had to ban him. Nothing personal.

Yeah, I remember this. He was skating on thin ice for so long because of his general behavior and it just got more frequent


Sorry, I had to nope out when he pulled out his second "meat curtain."
meat beef GIF


Some middling YouTube documentary maker tries to rehab Boogie's YouTube career, post Reddit takedown destruction, by throwing in a magic mushroom epiphany in as the conclusion.

There's tales of hookers, and wasting money. There's one hooker whose identity is being hidden but you can still tell she's really ugly.
Spider Man Lol GIF

Literally me when I read the bolded.

Power Pro

One thing boogie is lucky with is maybe with his girlfriend. Oh I know most people say "she's so young, ew that's creepy" but we know she's not a gold digger, and if they are both happy, who are we to criticize. I think the thing that touched me though was how even if he goes completely broke, she'd still be with him. That's a mentality I don't see expressed much these days, and it makes me sad. A lot of people are quick to leave someone if they don't bring in money.

I guess it hits close to home for me as a 40 year old who can't find love, because I've been too busy in life being a caregiver for my father, so I haven't made a ton of money either. Now being my age and being broke, it feels like because I got no money, and even though I literally take care of my father physically, it's always "oh you leave with your parents?" So many people are so shallow, so I think I won't ever going to find love because it doesn't feel like it exists. It always becomes about what's in your bank account, and not what's in your heart. If boogie's relationship with his gf is genuine, then he is lucky as hell to meet someone who cares unconditionally like that.


One thing boogie is lucky with is maybe with his girlfriend. Oh I know most people say "she's so young, ew that's creepy" but we know she's not a gold digger, and if they are both happy, who are we to criticize. I think the thing that touched me though was how even if he goes completely broke, she'd still be with him. That's a mentality I don't see expressed much these days, and it makes me sad. A lot of people are quick to leave someone if they don't bring in money.

How old is she?

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
One thing boogie is lucky with is maybe with his girlfriend. Oh I know most people say "she's so young, ew that's creepy" but we know she's not a gold digger, and if they are both happy, who are we to criticize. I think the thing that touched me though was how even if he goes completely broke, she'd still be with him. That's a mentality I don't see expressed much these days, and it makes me sad. A lot of people are quick to leave someone if they don't bring in money.

I guess it hits close to home for me as a 40 year old who can't find love, because I've been too busy in life being a caregiver for my father, so I haven't made a ton of money either. Now being my age and being broke, it feels like because I got no money, and even though I literally take care of my father physically, it's always "oh you leave with your parents?" So many people are so shallow, so I think I won't ever going to find love because it doesn't feel like it exists. It always becomes about what's in your bank account, and not what's in your heart. If boogie's relationship with his gf is genuine, then he is lucky as hell to meet someone who cares unconditionally like that.

She comes off as having some mental issues, herself. I really hope she knows what she is getting into. I know, more-or-less, Boogie does.
He's fucking 49, and she is like 20? That's a mighty age gap. She's still in diapers, imho.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
How old is she?
Claimed 20, someone in this thread said she's really 18 and that Boogie was creeping on her when she was 17 🤷‍♂️
She comes off as having some mental issues, herself. I really hope she knows what she is getting into. I know, more-or-less, Boogie does.
He's fucking 49, and she is like 20? That's a mighty age gap. She's still in diapers, imho.
Great now I have to put "Boogie reveals diaper fetish" on my bingo card.


She comes off as having some mental issues, herself. I really hope she knows what she is getting into. I know, more-or-less, Boogie does.
He's fucking 49, and she is like 20? That's a mighty age gap. She's still in diapers, imho.
I’m still in my 30s and the idea of dating a 20 year old is just…I don’t want to say disgusting but…I dated a girl 4 years older than me then dated a girl 3 years younger than me, and let me tell you, the older girl knew what to do with my dick
I’m still in my 30s and the idea of dating a 20 year old is just…I don’t want to say disgusting but…I dated a girl 4 years older than me then dated a girl 3 years younger than me, and let me tell you, the older girl knew what to do with my dick
So you measure how compatible you are with someone through how good the girl is in bed? Seems like stupid way to determine if someone is good for you or not.


So you measure how compatible you are with someone through how good the girl is in bed? Seems like stupid way to determine if someone is good for you or not.
I wouldn’t say it’s the only metric but yes it’s definitely a factor, and that was more a commentary on the older one was mature and knew how to communicate, while the younger one was a bit of a dolt.

Not that it matters now, been married for over a decade, but hypothetically…I don’t think I’d go younger than 30


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I don’t really know who Boogie is (I’ve heard his name a bunch of times) but damn… this documentary is depressing. I’m only 20-odd minutes in and I have to take a break.


pretty interesting documentary...moreso from the directing..

k nm once i got into the health issues and the 20 year old things just went to hell. insane how he uses a gaming chair at the dining table
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That was an interesting and well-made documentary, though definitely not a feel good one unless schadenfreude is your thing.

I haven't heard Boogie's name in a while, or followed his career (and downfall) much so I didn't realize he had said and done all that dumb shit. Also thought it was bizarre he was getting on his doctors for failing to give him any further advice/treatment as if it's their job to lose weight for him. He comes across as one big pity party, though not to say I don't hope he turns it around.
Damn this was a really well put together documentary and I echo one of the comments on youtube - "Can't believe we got such a high quality documentary posted on YouTube for free, let alone one that's about Boogie2988 out of all people. Insane"

Boogie with all his problems seems to be a self aware (too self aware) genuine dude. Yeah he's a downer but he's not the first person I've noticed like that - I've been observing a lot of people in my own circles becoming downers themselves over time as we go through the wage slave life. I think everyone at some point goes through a depressive phase. Boogie is an example of someone who never got out of it - he may have finally with the psychedelics in the end. Relationship was kind of weird, I mean the girl def likes him but shes also too young and has her own issues going on - BUT they seem to be happy. I liked the ending - with ALL of his problems he is still one of the original youtube channels and definitely left a mark on the internet, still has plenty of subs, and if he didn't have those insane medical bills he'd probably be financially "okay". I remember there was some incel thread posted a few days back, boogie kind of proves anyone can find love. Good for him, I wonder with his changed attitude if he'll make a recovery. I also appreciate Boogie for being very genuine and open in this doc so we can all know and see the negatives/downward spiral if you can't break some of the bad habits in your life.
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When he lists off his medical bills, then goes on to keep drinking a mountain dew, I lost interest. This guy is literally a guy that has no self-control. His best bet is to go on a gaming level weight loss journey with VR games and eating healthy.


Watched this last night (I had scene a similar, non "official" documentary before) and I think the most telling part was when the film maker had to leave half way through to take a break because he just couldn't take anymore of Boogie's nihilism and lack of self awareness.

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
A lot of us are in pretty good shape...

Only those that post in the official "GAF show of a picture if yourself", mothafuckas be living in the gym and taking selfies 😁

...those, and DenchDeckard who also apparently lives in a gym.

8.5/10, Still in better shape than Boogie


My fantasy is that my girlfriend was actually a young high school girl.
One thing boogie is lucky with is maybe with his girlfriend. Oh I know most people say "she's so young, ew that's creepy" but we know she's not a gold digger, and if they are both happy, who are we to criticize. I think the thing that touched me though was how even if he goes completely broke, she'd still be with him. That's a mentality I don't see expressed much these days, and it makes me sad. A lot of people are quick to leave someone if they don't bring in money.

I guess it hits close to home for me as a 40 year old who can't find love, because I've been too busy in life being a caregiver for my father, so I haven't made a ton of money either. Now being my age and being broke, it feels like because I got no money, and even though I literally take care of my father physically, it's always "oh you leave with your parents?" So many people are so shallow, so I think I won't ever going to find love because it doesn't feel like it exists. It always becomes about what's in your bank account, and not what's in your heart. If boogie's relationship with his gf is genuine, then he is lucky as hell to meet someone who cares unconditionally like that.

A potential partner might think you don't have enough time for them while taking care of your parent.


Only those that post in the official "GAF show of a picture if yourself", mothafuckas be living in the gym and taking selfies 😁

...those, and DenchDeckard who also apparently lives in a gym.

8.5/10, Still in better shape than Boogie

Nah, we're ripped brah. Perhaps you were thinking of a different forum?

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
It's quite interesting to see the various different views on this. I wonder what Boogie expected the reaction to be, because I can't help but think this is more his film than the guy who recorded and edited it, and I think that's to a fault, unfortunately.

I think there's probably a good story in there, a number of them even, but too often the difficult questions don't get asked or you're left to fill in the blanks. Perhaps because of it's extended gestation, the scope feels too big - you could make an entire film about just one particular aspect of his life or events.

You could have made an entire film leading up to and the aftermath of his fight, for example. Instead that's practically breezed past. Who was he fighting? Why is he doing it? How did it come about? Who went to see the fight? What did they think? All of those things could have been very illuminating in finding out what people think of him, his attitude to an opportunity to make money, where he views his place in the world, his attitude to performance, what he thought the fight represented, etc. etc.

Overall I don't think that Boogie is necessarily a villain (but he's no hero) but I do think that he's aware of an audience and trying to work out how to appeal to it, or make himself a sympathetic character and it's not worked out so well, based on reactions here at least. His ego shines through in various moments too - most notably the skin crawling moments with his girlfriend, especially when they reveal how great their sex life is. This in a film that tells us sex with him was so revolting it made a sex worker turn her back on the job. That stood out to me as a particularly weird moment that doesn't fit with the narrative, but it does speak of someone who wants to be pitied, but whose ego won't give up some things completely.

I imagine purely in man hours that the investment in recording and editing this was significant. I'd be interested to know how involved Boogie was - did he have sign off on the final cut? I assume so.

it's a sad tale, of course. Most reactions will focus on his weight and it's impact on his life and health, I think, which gets a relatively high amount of screentime, but the most interesting things in finding out who Boogie is, basically are left to the audience to guess at.
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