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The Dark, Sad Life of Boogie2988 | Official Documentary




Some middling YouTube documentary maker tries to rehab Boogie's YouTube career, post Reddit takedown destruction, by throwing in a magic mushroom epiphany in as the conclusion.

There's tales of hookers, and wasting money. There's one hooker whose identity is being hidden but you can still tell she's really ugly. There's some other day-in-the-life bullshit.

Looks like he's currently getting a bump from post doc vids. He claims he'll stop making "I'm a sad sack" videos that nobody ever wanted to watch and hastened his channel's demise. We'll see how it goes.

I used to have Boogie subbed on YouTube. I tend to leave stuff subbed even if I don't really watch it, just to have a little more variety to pick from when looking at my YouTube subscriptions page. But I unsubbed him. I even still have Cinemassacre subbed ffs and I find that channel insufferable at this point.

Like the only other unsub I can even remember is COD stats YouTuber drift0r who went full retard and I guess is pretending he has a disease where he can't get out of bed or something?

Would have rather had a documentary on literally any one of Boogie's random Magic the Gathering friends' sad lives with maybe the exception of the girl with the hairy mole.
Lol I was baffled too about him talking about having sex with 10/10 hookers and then they're just interviewing some dog.


Gold Member
Has this been confirmed? So far we only have speculation from Destiny.
I’ve been listening to this whole ordeal closely in the background while playing games. Let me break it down for you, and bear in mind I’m keeping a long story short.

Boogie was on a stream with guys like Keemstar, Destiny, WingsOfRedemption, and Mister Metokur. They all called him out that he was lying. Boogie insisted he has a cancer called Polycythemia Vera. People asked him to post his medical records as proof. He refused to do so. Then they asked him to post his medical records to a professional third party and have them verify. He still refused.

Eventually people started offering him money to show proof of his cancer diagnosis. Proof such as medical records, a simple doctor’s note, verification from third party, or a trusted member of his fellow streamers look at it and verify. The pot started at $5,000. But eventually it climbed up to $100,000. Yet Boogie still refused, citing his medical records is the last bastion of privacy he still has, and he’s going to hold on to it.

Now keep in mind the follow benefits if Boogie accepted the money and produced proof of his diagnosis:

  • Boogie makes $100k
  • Everyone who bullied and called him out about lying about having cancer, look terrible.
  • Boogie looks good and sympathetic for a change.
  • Boogie is no longer in danger of losing his house.
  • He can use the money for his cancer treatment.
None of this was good enough for Boogie. He even outright said he’s totally fine with losing everything, becoming homeless, and being a bum, so long as he keeps the one thing that’s still private away from the internet. Nevermind the fact that he can easily show written proof of his diagnosis without producing the rest of the information on his medical record.

So why did Boogie make a monumentally retarded decision to refuse the $100k and solve most of his problems overnight? Because Boogie doesn’t have cancer.


Gold Member
It's just so goddamn bizarre how Boogie went from such a soft, measured, and nice guy, to an absolute fucking fiend. Dude was the Mr. Rogers of the youtube community back in the day. Makes you think if he was always like this and did a good job hiding it, or if the popularity and success got to his head and changed him. If it was just a case of him changing, it's the most dramatic personality shift I've ever seen.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
It's just so goddamn bizarre how Boogie went from such a soft, measured, and nice guy, to an absolute fucking fiend. Dude was the Mr. Rogers of the youtube community back in the day. Makes you think if he was always like this and did a good job hiding it, or if the popularity and success got to his head and changed him. If it was just a case of him changing, it's the most dramatic personality shift I've ever seen.

I don't think his personality has changed, more like his bank statement. He ran out of money after getting accustomed to a particular lifestyle. He has no skills or willingness to work. All that's left is to debase himself and defraud his remaining audience, I guess. Anything for an easy payday.

Sad thing is that all he needed to do was maintain trust with his viewers and put in a little constructive effort and he would've been fine, since he had (and still has) millions of subscribers. Four million, still. People would nuke a small country to have that kind of positioning.


What time is it?
I don't think his personality has changed, more like his bank statement. He ran out of money after getting accustomed to a particular lifestyle. He has no skills or willingness to work. All that's left is to debase himself and defraud his remaining audience, I guess. Anything for an easy payday.

Sad thing is that all he needed to do was maintain trust with his viewers and put in a little constructive effort and he would've been fine, since he had (and still has) millions of subscribers. Four million, still. People would nuke a small country to have that kind of positioning.

Relative to his subscriber count, his videos do poorly but still average 20-75K views per and those videos are all really low effort. If he just pumped one out a day or five a week, he could probably make a comfortable living.

The cancer stuff is weird. He created a video in Nov. of '22 about his diagnosis but still hasn't had a biopsy to confirm said diagnosis. Turning down a $70K bounty for proof of the diagnosis in the name of "privacy" seems a little fishy given his recent troubles with money and how he handles his private life. Maybe he read some test results on his health care portal and made some WebMD assumptions before talking to his doctor.
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Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
It's just so goddamn bizarre how Boogie went from such a soft, measured, and nice guy, to an absolute fucking fiend. Dude was the Mr. Rogers of the youtube community back in the day. Makes you think if he was always like this and did a good job hiding it, or if the popularity and success got to his head and changed him. If it was just a case of him changing, it's the most dramatic personality shift I've ever seen.
As long as I can remember he was complaining about his upbringing and how horrible his parents were and all that. And more importantly blaming everything on that as far as his weight and stuff. Now maybe he did have it pretty rough. But whenever I see people blaming their present on shit from 30 years ago, and acting like their problems in life are set in stone and can't be worked on, that's a huge red flag. So, I'm not at all surprised at his self-destructive trajectory, unfortunately.


At this point I think we can just conclude that he's an attention whore who doesn't care if he's being endlessly lampooned or has no dignity left so long as the internet is talking about him


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Externalizing blame, victimhood complex, manipulative behavior, pathological lying, attention seeking at any cost to dignity, frequent suicidal ideation expressed but not acted upon, self-destructive behavior, hypersexuality, etc.


As long as his livelihood is tied to a parasitic relationship with his audience, nothing is likely to change.


I was a fan years ago but I unsubscribed after he had this stomach surgery.

-He is even fatter now! How the hell? Isn't he supposed to have a tiny stomach post surgery?

-I remember him doing a video of his life describing truly awful things his family did to him. I wonder if all were lies...
That clip of him aiming a gun at a YouTuber who rang his doorbell is wild. The guy was absolutely unfazed and boogie looked like a fool.


I was a fan years ago but I unsubscribed after he had this stomach surgery.

-He is even fatter now! How the hell? Isn't he supposed to have a tiny stomach post surgery?

-I remember him doing a video of his life describing truly awful things his family did to him. I wonder if all were lies...
He simply doesn't want to change and stomach surgery doesn't guarantee you just lose it you still need to put in the work and have a complete lifestyle change which he clearly isn't. For a guy who complains about a laundry list of health problems he doesn't bother to address them because he thinks he will get sympathy he definitely has some mental issues going on for sure he definitely needs counseling. He could easily turn his career around, if he came out and said you know I wanna truly change, dropped all the "drama" bullshit most of these creators go down and made his channel about him getting healthier and changing his life around people would flock to that in a second. Just imagine if he had a "fitness journey" focus he would not only benefit health wise but if he was dedicated he would get a ton of sponsors and stuff and many people on YT have done it and people love a good success story and not to mention it would probably take care of 90% of these medical bills he claims to be bankrupting him.
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No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I spent over 12 months bedridden in a hospital due to cancer, and years of recovery after that. I have lifelong lasting effects that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

Fuck people who fake it. I have zero sympathy for this human pile of filth.


Neighbours from Hell
I saw a video from some guy Penguinz0 that talked about it the other day. Isn't that guy Moist Critical or whatever his name is? Why isn't that his Youtube handle? Is that just his Gamertag or something? I digress. I don't really follow the streamer dramas that seem to exist on a daily basis in some form, but anecdotally I see Boogie mentioned from time to time and it seems like everything he's done over the last several years has been wrong.

This isn't about Boogie speficially because I know nothing about the guy, but generally speaking... I have a hunch that a lot of streamers or popular online gamers go from having a very small friend circle and quiet unassuming life to all of a sudden having thousands or millions of followers/fans and everyone knowing who you are and I just don't think some people know how to handle it, and everything that comes with someone who's "known" destroys some of these people. And there's also probably an element to thinking you know someone based on their public persona when you actually don't know them, and naturally, some of these people just aren't going to be good guys/girls.
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CharAznable's second cousin
I saw a video from some guy Penguinz0 that talked about it the other day. Isn't that guy Moist Critical or whatever his name is? Why isn't that his Youtube handle? Is that just his Gamertag or something? I digress. I don't really follow the streamer dramas that seem to exist on a daily basis in some form, but anecdotally I see Boogie mentioned from time to time and it seems like everything he's done over the last several years has been wrong.

This isn't about Boogie speficially because I know nothing about the guy, but generally speaking... I have a hunch that a lot of streamers or popular online gamers go from having a very small friend circle and quiet unassuming life to all of a sudden having thousands or millions of followers/fans and everyone knowing who you are and I just don't think some people know how to handle it, and everything that comes with someone who's "known" destroys some of these people. And there's also probably an element to thinking you know someone based on their public persona when you actually don't know them, and naturally, some of these people just aren't going to be good guys/girls.
Basically this. Not to overgeneralize, but more often than not, fame and attention and everything that comes with it introduces a whole slew of expectations upon you that you may not be emotionally or mentally prepared for. Especially when people from different sides / expectations are wanting more from you that pulls you apart. Then you consider the type of people who often fall into the youtube / streamer scene, whether or not they were emotionally healthy in the first place, add the fact (again don't want to stereotype) but what type of people are MORE inclined to become streamers - its basically inevitable. Far more often than not, the people I sub to on youtube will have every once in awhile, "I did not want to make this video" type of things, basically sharing how they're burnt out by the work and need a few breaks off. Then you add money to the mix? Large amounts of money doesn't mean that the person is ready for it.

With that said, I watched the documentary and found it absolutely fascinating. Sad, but was really curious to the family of origin, his childhood, etc. that raised him up that way. But that's the counselor in me speaking.


He's still thinking he can lie about this even though people are posting videos of him saying he has Cancer



damn wingsoftedemption brings back memories.

elprasador another crazy cod youtuber that i remember lol
Damn El Presador! That kook used to knock over trees in the woods in the name of campers! You make me sick Infinity Ward!


Gold Member
I saw a video from some guy Penguinz0 that talked about it the other day. Isn't that guy Moist Critical or whatever his name is? Why isn't that his Youtube handle? Is that just his Gamertag or something? I digress. I don't really follow the streamer dramas that seem to exist on a daily basis in some form, but anecdotally I see Boogie mentioned from time to time and it seems like everything he's done over the last several years has been wrong.

This isn't about Boogie speficially because I know nothing about the guy, but generally speaking... I have a hunch that a lot of streamers or popular online gamers go from having a very small friend circle and quiet unassuming life to all of a sudden having thousands or millions of followers/fans and everyone knowing who you are and I just don't think some people know how to handle it, and everything that comes with someone who's "known" destroys some of these people. And there's also probably an element to thinking you know someone based on their public persona when you actually don't know them, and naturally, some of these people just aren't going to be good guys/girls.
Basically this. Not to overgeneralize, but more often than not, fame and attention and everything that comes with it introduces a whole slew of expectations upon you that you may not be emotionally or mentally prepared for. Especially when people from different sides / expectations are wanting more from you that pulls you apart. Then you consider the type of people who often fall into the youtube / streamer scene, whether or not they were emotionally healthy in the first place, add the fact (again don't want to stereotype) but what type of people are MORE inclined to become streamers - its basically inevitable. Far more often than not, the people I sub to on youtube will have every once in awhile, "I did not want to make this video" type of things, basically sharing how they're burnt out by the work and need a few breaks off. Then you add money to the mix? Large amounts of money doesn't mean that the person is ready for it.

With that said, I watched the documentary and found it absolutely fascinating. Sad, but was really curious to the family of origin, his childhood, etc. that raised him up that way. But that's the counselor in me speaking.
If someone wants to be chill and make a career out of streaming to make a living go ahead. Seems like a daily slog, but hey do what you want.

Problem is the nature of being an internet celeb. Compare that to being a celeb in general (actor, singer or athlete) or anyone with a normal Monday to Friday job.

An career internet dude is his own boss, pressured to keep it going, pressured to amp up louder for attention if things trend down, and has no real customers like Walmart selling product, a factory guy making lawn mowers or an H&R Block guy doing people's taxes.

The streamer's audience is based on clicks and ad fees, which is based on popularity, not necessarily quality. An internet celeb with a million subs where it's 50/50 likers/haters is more valuable than a guy with 500k of likers. And the streamer never has to face a person streaming him, has no kind of contract or responsibility like someone supplying Walmart product.

He can lie, quit, change his channel focus to another topic, be an unhinged nutcase, BS for pity points, go ape shit if people troll him in the comments section etc.... He may know exactly what he's doing. Or he may be going over the edge because he cant handle it.

The biggest threat to streamers is other streamers taking over their space. So due to pressure, which can even include streamers badmouthing or accusing other streamers (LOL), some can go haywire trying to keep up or protect their turf. In normal jobs, if you get successful or promoted a few times, as long as you keep doing what youre doing and dont fuck it up by getting fired or demoted, nobody can suddenly just swoop in and take over your job and suddenly your pay stub gets smaller. And nobody publicly gets into pissing matches with you like in a comments section.

Popular streamers are like Hollywood folks. But the difference is one person is doing it themselves at home, while the other probably has an agent and handlers to sort shit out.
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CharAznable's second cousin
The biggest threat to streamers is other streamers taking over their space. So due to pressure, which can even include streamers badmouthing or accusing other streamers (LOL), some can go haywire trying to keep up or protect their turf. In normal jobs, if you get successful or promoted a few times, as long as you keep doing what youre doing and dont fuck it up by getting fired or demoted, nobody can suddenly just swoop in and take over your job and suddenly your pay stub gets smaller. And nobody publicly gets into pissing matches with you like in a comments section.

Popular streamers are like Hollywood folks. But the difference is one person is doing it themselves at home, while the other probably has an agent and handlers to sort shit out.
Yup and then imagine dealing with everchanging algorithms and changes in policies. Imagine whether or not you should be freaking out if your latest video got 10k less from your previous videos. Do you change it up? Do you chalk it up as a bump in the road? Do you burn yourself out more by pushing more diluted content? Ugh. Feels like trafficking in a weird way.


Gold Member
Yup and then imagine dealing with everchanging algorithms and changes in policies. Imagine whether or not you should be freaking out if your latest video got 10k less from your previous videos. Do you change it up? Do you chalk it up as a bump in the road? Do you burn yourself out more by pushing more diluted content? Ugh. Feels like trafficking in a weird way.
Ya. Lol. I didn’t even think about any of them analyzing all the data. For OCD streamers, it must be killing them trying to accurately tell why things go up or down.


Gold Member
damn wingsoftedemption brings back memories.

elprasador another crazy cod youtuber that i remember lol
Holy fucking shit

El fucking presador

His beef with Samualthegeek was so much fun. The most stupidest Ps3 vs 360 videos I've ever seen

I remember making compilation videos of him because I was such a big fan. There are a couple of videos where he shouts me out

I want to go back
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Externalizing blame, victimhood complex, manipulative behavior, pathological lying, attention seeking at any cost to dignity, frequent suicidal ideation expressed but not acted upon, self-destructive behavior, hypersexuality, etc.


As long as his livelihood is tied to a parasitic relationship with his audience, nothing is likely to change.
I don't believe you can have Narcissistic personality disorder and Borderline together, even both being from Cluster B. The symptoms cancel each other. I'm not a doctor, but I would put him in Borderline due to extreme fear of dereliction, Histrionic for obvious reasons and some type of unipolar depression or bipolar II (I don't think he goes full mania to go in I).


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I don't believe you can have Narcissistic personality disorder and Borderline together, even both being from Cluster B. The symptoms cancel each other. I'm not a doctor, but I would put him in Borderline due to extreme fear of dereliction, Histrionic for obvious reasons and some type of unipolar depression or bipolar II (I don't think he goes full mania to go in I).
Strictly speaking as far as DSM, yes, but vulnerable/low esteem NPD is recognized as a subtype. Attention seeking and lack of empathy for others et al, but trying to fish for sympathy and victimhood at all times instead of admiration.



Externalizing blame, victimhood complex, manipulative behavior, pathological lying, attention seeking at any cost to dignity, frequent suicidal ideation expressed but not acted upon, self-destructive behavior, hypersexuality, etc.


As long as his livelihood is tied to a parasitic relationship with his audience, nothing is likely to change.
Seeing this makes me so happy I got a psychologist for my BPD. Viewing this behavior from the outside just makes me wanna see my therapist more...
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What kind of karma would a person earn for faking cancer.

Normally I would say actually getting cancer, but in this case, it would probably be a boost for Boogie. I only know him through Destiny's content, but man, what a sad person he seems like.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
How I found out about Boogie besides some of those funny clips he made was that video where he talked about how his mom abused him by hitting him with a hammer and stuff. It was awful you felt so bad for the guy and he was morbidly obese so I just assumed that he has serious trauma from the abuse he grew up with.

Were those abuse stories fake??


Gold Member
I'm not joking.

What's the over/under on Boogie faking his suicide? That's the only thing I can think of that can top faking a cancer diagnosis. People say this is the lowest he's sunk, I say it's the lowest he's sunk so far.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
How I found out about Boogie besides some of those funny clips he made was that video where he talked about how his mom abused him by hitting him with a hammer and stuff. It was awful you felt so bad for the guy and he was morbidly obese so I just assumed that he has serious trauma from the abuse he grew up with.

Were those abuse stories fake??
Probably all a web of lies and distortions curated to maximize sympathy.
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