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The death of EzLink (Or: So your Christian parents find your GAF account...)

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jdogmoney said:
3. You invaded your son's privacy. Illegal and, much more importantly, immoral. Sure, he was in the wrong for smoking pot when it was against your wishes, but you were in the wrong for snooping.

The computer was in their house, and Ezlink even said they paid for it. How is it illegal to look through a computer you bought in your own home?

I'm not saying it wasn't silly for them to snoop, but let's not get ridiculous with the accusations.


Unconfirmed Member
The three tiered solution to getting EzLink back onto GAF:

1) Delete all posts by EzLink (or at the very least this thread)

2) Change his username

3) EzLink must now run Firefox with history saving turned off (or at least turn on privacy mode once in a while).

The fourth step is to stop caring what your parents think as long as you aren't hurting them, but whatev.
Damn Ezlink, well if you really are leaving, the Metal thread will never be the same(and nobody else will pay attention to my prog metal posts). Hope everything turns out ok :/



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Your parents are right, GAF is disgusting.


Crakatak187 said:
Ask a mod to change your username maybe?
Yeah, I'm sure they won't get suspicious when they can't find the user "EzLink" any more and won't try to find his posts by content.
I think it's been established in the OP that we're not dealing with rational human beings here.


Jack Flack always escapes!
I will only say this. Being economically independant and on your own is real freedom. Concentrate on obtaining that and hopefully we will be seeing you again.


Do not worry Mr and Mrs EzLink, I'm sure your son will one day be a devoted Muslim.

While I find it a shame that you abandoned your religion, it is your choice in the end and your parents should accept you for what you are. They should know that forcing someone to worship something they don't believe in is almost as bad as not believing at all. They do have a right to worry about you, but how they did it didn't sound like the best way to go about things (though your'"planned' escape was just as bad :lol )

And as many have mentioned, do you really need to leave GAF? It sounds that it was GAF that aided in your life changing so much, for what you feel has been for the better. C'mon man, don't leave :(


Your parent wrongly violated your privacy and they should be ashamed of themselves. You are an articulate and seemingly well-adjusted adult. You can choose not to subject yourself to your parents' stifling, patronizing treatment. Stay on good terms with your family, but insist on the personal freedom you deserve, and don't place yourself in any situation that will give your parents leverage on your personal life. They've demonstrated that they can and will abuse it.

Have a little self-respect, man. Leaving GAF over something like this is nothing less than capitulation to your parents' irrational expectations. You're better than that.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
geeko420 said:
Wow, your willing to take this crap for the money. I would rather be poor and live my life the way I want to then ever have to change my life to accommodate others. But to his and her own I guess.



I'd rather be restricted for a couple years and not have to deal with student loans/debt rather than "live my own life".

You've waited 21 years. You can wait a couple more.


Unconfirmed Member
Kenak said:
I'd rather be restricted for a couple years and not have to deal with student loans/debt rather than "live my own life".

You've waited 21 years. You can wait a couple more.

Pretty much this. Desire for independence is great, but so is being realistic. I'mma have to move back with my parents when I graduate in May, but while I'm pursuing my Masters I'll have very minimal expenses and be keeping my need for student loans as low as possible. Thus, when I land a teaching job in 2 years or so, I'll have a low enough amount of debt where I can start renting without fear of reprisal.


kame-sennin said:
The computer was in their house, and Ezlink even said they paid for it. How is it illegal to look through a computer you bought in your own home?

It was said earlier that, as a gift, the computer was EzLink's, and thus there's no reason for the parents to claim ownership.

Information is valuable. I'm not keyed into the specifics of information law, obviously, but I get the feeling that wiser posters than me can explain it better.


Thunder Monkey said:
I'm inclined to agree.

*gratuitous joke about sexual gratification and meat hooks*
I need only to gaze at your avatar for a few minutes and all my ills melt away. Clearly GAF isn't all bad.
Monocle said:
I need only to gaze at your avatar for a few minutes and all my ills melt away. Clearly GAF isn't all bad.
I've found nipples have that affect on humans.

I think it brings them back to their infancy, suckling on their mothers hairy tit.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
For EzLink

I'll miss you, guy. You've been honest and entertaining company despite going through a lot of personal difficulties. (EDIT: just to put this in perspective these are not grade 1 personal difficulties - you didn't shoot anyone, you're not pregnant, and you're not on heroin so far as I know. So it's probably grade 3 personal difficulties at best, no great shakes in the grand scheme of things).

Good luck.

Hope to see you back sometime. It'll be interesting to see how it all works out for you.

For EzLink's parents

Know how you feel. I've four children myself about your son's age.

While I can't condone the approach you took, I do understand why you did it. I did something very similar once (so really I can't blame you at all) and for similar reasons, though I never did the confrontation bit - I was too scared to!

You're privileged to have an insight into intimate details of your son's life that few parents get. Just don't abuse it - I've seen professionally several cases where this sort of exposure has led to irretrievable family breakdown. Sounds like you are on the ball with that and being properly loving and supportive.

Sure, it is a bit scary. But it isn't as scary as it looks - nearly everybody goes through some of this sort of thing, and Ezlink seems a pretty well-balanced guy from what I can tell. It's just most of the time their parents don't get to know.

Hope it works out for you as well.

We're not all monsters here - very few of us are. In fact, you might consider joining GAF yourselves - it's a bit uncomfortable at first, but once you get the hang of either fending off or ignoring the odd loudmouth it is a peculiarly interesting experience being able to openly discuss any subject under the sun in (almost!) complete anonymity. Just a thought. It worked for me. It's easy enough to avoid the subjects you are uncomfortable with and a whole load better than joining some forum that only has people who agree with you in it (been there, done that, got bored quickly).

Either that, or maybe consider not following his posts here. Look, if the lad needs an outlet, let him have one. He'll need it sometime.

Best wishes.

EDIT: EzLink, if you or your parents want to correspond about this I'm more than happy to if you think it will help. Just drop me a PM.


Dear EzLink's parents:

I understand the desire to steer one's children through the difficulties of a dangerous world. To have caring and loving parents is by far a much greater thing than to have parents who don't care for you, even if at times it causes friction because of differences in ideas and beliefs.

As someone who used to smoke marijuana and who subsequently quit five years ago I honestly believe your son would be better off without it. However, it was a decision I came to on my own at the time and I came to that decision on my own because I'm a smart guy and know how to assess my own situation and what is best for me. I came from parents that didn't judge but nurtured me - guiding me yes, but also allowing me to make my own mistakes and come to my own conclusions.

Perhaps you should do the same thing with your son. Marijuana isn't the devil's drug. It's just a weedy annual plant with some mild psychoactive components. It's relaxing, it makes you laugh and it makes you feel good - like drinking but with more giggles and coughing. I do believe it has some negative effects if smoked too much - just like alcohol.

NeoGAF isn't disgusting - like a lot of areas in life it has it has amazing people, ordinary people and some lowlifes; exactly the same kinda mix you would find in college, work, the church, etc.. It is true that people here express certain things more openly than they would in a mixed group, because of the perceived anonymity, but we're the same people as those you buy your groceries from, who deliver your paper or sell you laptops.

What I'm saying is this: most kids go off on a tangent at some point. It's a very small percentage that doesn't do anything their parents wouldn't approve of. Some do stupid stuff. The fact is that the good kids, the ones who have been brought up well, they always tend to come back. You should trust your son to do the same.

As for the going to hell thing - I'm afraid you can't drum faith into him and smoking or not smoking pot isn't going to make a lick of difference.


It's because of tales like these (and worse) that encourage me to be highly secretive. Password on my computer, passwords on all my "sensitive" documents (basically anything that would betray the fact that I'm no longer a believer and have some personal things I'd rather not let my parents know just yet). The only time I leave the computer logged in is if I'm in the room sleeping.

JGS said:
so why would I allow my kid, who I am smarter than no matter how much he thinks otherwise, to do whatever he wants in MY house?
What about your parents? What about theirs? How deep does this rabbit hole go?!

Jay Sosa

Sorry but :lol

Are you amish or something, we live in 2011 you can do whatever you want with you're life as long as you don't harm others. Thank god (how ironic) my parents let me decide for myself whats good for me (at a certain age, of course) instead of believing in a ancient book that is almost completely made up.

But anyway you're parents just don't know better so don't hold it against 'em.

Still.. (overly) religious people crack me up, bunch of crazy folk.

so why would I allow my kid, who I am smarter than no matter how much he thinks otherwise, to do whatever he wants in MY house?

What makes you think that? I hate when people assume they know better just because they're older. I'm 30 and now and know that there are a lot of younger folk that is way smarter than me. (of course he can't do whatever he wants in your house)


Goodbye EzLink :(

This thread has helped me appreciate how lucky I am to have a completely open & honest relationship with my non-judgemental parents.
Situations like Ez's are why I don't trust anybody. I have passwords on every device I own, phone, computer, everything. No one deserves to have their privacy violated like his was, and no one should feel ashamed for how they truly feel about religion, recreational activities in which they partake, etc.

I don't know you, EzLink. Haven't seen your handle bandied about in the same discussions as mine too much, but that doesn't mean I don't feel for you. Come back when you squared away your situation.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
SmokyDave said:
Goodbye EzLink :(

This thread has helped me appreciate how lucky I am to have a completely open & honest relationship with my non-judgemental parents.

Completely? Really? Heck, I'm probably about as good a Dad as you could get, but I'm not sure even I could cope with a relationship with my children that was that open and honest.

You either have spectacularly awesome parents or a particularly staid private life!


phisheep said:
Completely? Really? Heck, I'm probably about as good a Dad as you could get, but I'm not sure even I could cope with a relationship with my children that was that open and honest.

You either have spectacularly awesome parents or a particularly staid private life!
I am strangely open with my family (Parents & 3 sisters). They know about my smoking, drinking, marijuana (and ten years ago, other drugs) usage, I joke with them about my sex life (and theirs) and I've told them of the occasions I've contracted STD's, that kind of thing. We have good conversations regarding beliefs, my father is a Christian but I'm an atheist and we enjoy ribbing each other about how 'wrong' the other is. Our politics differ but it never causes friction. Discipline isn't really an issue now that I'm 30. I consider myself very lucky to have been born to such parents. I really ought to spend more time with them.

Edit: They have judged me twice, now I come to think of it. Once was regarding (perceived) inappropriate sexual behaviour with consenting partners
(Mum doesn't believe in threesomes, sucks to be my Dad)
and the other time was when I was being exploited by a woman and needed telling so. Obviously I was disciplined and 'told off' for many things when I was much younger, like most people.


Jay Sosa said:
Sorry but :lol

Are you amish or something, we live in 2011 you can do whatever you want with you're life as long as you don't harm others. Thank god (how ironic) my parents let me decide for myself whats good for me (at a certain age, of course) instead of believing in a ancient book that is almost completely made up.)
might be due to my ubringing, but if I have kids and I pay for them, they will do whatever the fuck I tell them too even if they are 40
now if they can live on their own with their own money under their own house, then they can do whatever the fuck they want
Also, the bit about "that chocolatey ass" had me laughing.

I am curious about all the people going "21? And you're still at home?"

Well, yeah, quite a few people are. I'm 22 and I'm at home. I value financial stability and strength more than I do living in a small shack etching out a living. I'll move out when I'm in a comfortable position to do so, not because I crossed some magic age barrier.


fucking out of order reading all your posts. thats like reading your journal.

Also, the search is fucked up on here, so as long as you change your password, they won't be able to find your posts by clicking on your username. Or just create/request a mod to change it.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
FlightOfHeaven said:
Also, the bit about "that chocolatey ass" had me laughing.

I am curious about all the people going "21? And you're still at home?"

Well, yeah, quite a few people are. I'm 22 and I'm at home. I value financial stability and strength more than I do living in a small shack etching out a living. I'll move out when I'm in a comfortable position to do so, not because I crossed some magic age barrier.
That's perfectly fine if you're allowed to be an adult at home.. but if your parents are controlling you at 21, move out.


mrklaw said:
fucking out of order reading all your posts. thats like reading your journal.

Also, the search is fucked up on here, so as long as you change your password, they won't be able to find your posts by clicking on your username. Or just create/request a mod to change it.

You can't do the find posts thing anymore at all. It's been disabled.


I read it and wow. I mean, I'm lucky my parents never obliged me to being christian or follow any other religion and I can understand that it was shock for your parents when they discovered all that about your life but going through your things without asking you was disrespectful. Anyway your 21, you have a life to live and not believing in god won't prevent you from having fun!
SmokyDave said:
I am strangely open with my family (Parents & 3 sisters). They know about my smoking, drinking, marijuana (and ten years ago, other drugs) usage, I joke with them about my sex life (and theirs) and I've told them of the occasions I've contracted STD's, that kind of thing. We have good conversations regarding beliefs, my father is a Christian but I'm an atheist and we enjoy ribbing each other about how 'wrong' the other is. Our politics differ but it never causes friction. Discipline isn't really an issue now that I'm 30. I consider myself very lucky to have been born to such parents. I really ought to spend more time with them.

Edit: They have judged me twice, now I come to think of it. Once was regarding (perceived) inappropriate sexual behaviour with consenting partners
(Mum doesn't believe in threesomes, sucks to be my Dad)
and the other time was when I was being exploited by a woman and needed telling so. Obviously I was disciplined and 'told off' for many things when I was much younger, like most people.
Sounds like me.

It's fairly cool. My dads first time was with a hooker. He wanted to bring me to Vegas if I was still a virgin by 18 and get me one. Jokes on you dad! You died when I was 17!

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