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The debate is tonight at 7 PM EST, from George Washington University, sponsored by the Huffington Post and moderated by Editor-in-Chief Lydia Polgreen and Washington Bureau Chief Ryan Grim.
It will be video-streamed on the HuffPost Politics Facebook page. Click here for the stream
What is the Democratic National Committee Chair and why is the position important?:
The DNC chair heads up the Democratic Party in the US and is in charge of raising money, organizing Democrats, messaging, setting the schedule for the Presidential primaries and representing the party's message on TV. Basically everything but creating policy. When the Democrats control the White House, the President appoints the DNC chair who takes orders from DC. With the Democrats completely out of power, the DNC chair is much more important. Every candidate has pledged to be a full-time chair if elected.
Who votes on this thing?:
The 447 members of the DNC, which include the chairs of every state party and other political appointees/delegates. It's pretty confusing.
Isn't this already over since Bernie, Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer, et al endorsed Ellison?
Nope, most of these 447 people care more about what affects their state & local parties than what politicians in DC or interest groups want. 400 are from outside Washington, according to Howard Dean.
Why should I care since the average person can't vote?
I find it interesting, for one. It will also make you feel better about the Democratic Party over the next couple years. Also you don't want your last memory of a political debate to be one involving Trump. There's not many debates until the 2020 primaries, so enjoy them while you can!
The contenders:
Keith Ellison
US House Representative from Minnesota since 2007. Co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus Served in the Minnesota State House from 2002-2006. Endorsed by Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Chuck Schumer as well as a bunch of others, including the AFL-CIO. One of two Muslims serving in Congress. I like Ellison, but some folks have been concerned about him as chair due to his past controversies. Ellison is an unabashed progressive, but the DNC is much more of an organizing position than a policy one.See his platform here.
Tom Perez
US Secretary of Labor since 2013. Formerly Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights in the Obama admin from 2009 and Maryland Secretary of Labor from 2007-2009. Also worked in the Department of Justice, was an adviser to Ted Kennedy, and worked in the Department of Health and Human Services under the Clinton admin. The most politically experienced candidate in the field, but some activists consider him tainted by his close ties with both the Clinton & Obama camps. See Tom's platform.
Pete Buttigieg
Mayor of South Bend, Indiana since 2011. A Lieutenant in the Naval Reserves who served a seven-month tour of duty in Afghanistan in 2014. Named "Mayor of the Year" by GovFresh.com in 2013 and called "most interesting mayor you've never heard of" by the Washington Post in 2014. Came out as openly gay in 2015 and won re-election afterwards with over 80% of the vote in a city that went 50/50 for Trump/Clinton in 2016. Harvard/Oxford grad and Rhodes scholar. Did I mention he's only 34? Dude has a bright future. See Pete's platform here.
Sally Boynton Brown
Executive Director of the Idaho Democratic Party since March 2012. I really liked what she said in the first forum over the weekend but she's a long shot for the head spot. I think she will end up being an outstanding vice chair of the party. See Sally's platform here.
Jaime Harrison
Chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party since 2013. A protege of Congressman Jim Clyburn, he previously served as floor director for Clyburn (when he was Majority Whip) and executive director of the House Democratic Caucus. Also liked his comments in the first forum in PhoenixSee Jaime's platform here.
Ray Buckley
Current chair of the New Hampshire State Party since 2007. Former state legislator for 18 years in New Hampshire, some as party whip. Receives some credit for changing New Hampshire from a red to a light-blue state. Worked on Joe Lieberman's 2004 Presidential primary campaign and drove the JoeMobile around.See Ray's platform here.
And maybe? Jehmu Greene
Former Fox News Analyst. Jumped into the DNC race late and not listed on the Huffington Post debate roster. Actually was President of Rock the Vote and has been involved with the DNC for years before that, so she's well-qualified to run. Can't find a platform for her.

Dem One Title Crawl said:Hillary Clinton has been defeated. The sinister Donald Trump has risen from the ashes of the REPUBLICAN PARTY and will not rest until President Obama's policies have been destroyed.
It is a period of civil war in the DEMOCRATIC PARTY. Senator Bernie Sanders is desperate to install Keith Ellison as DNC CHAIR and gain his help in restoring social justice to the country.
Meanwhile Clinton has sent Tom Perez on a final mission to become chair, before another candidate emerges....
The debate is tonight at 7 PM EST, from George Washington University, sponsored by the Huffington Post and moderated by Editor-in-Chief Lydia Polgreen and Washington Bureau Chief Ryan Grim.

It will be video-streamed on the HuffPost Politics Facebook page. Click here for the stream

What is the Democratic National Committee Chair and why is the position important?:
The DNC chair heads up the Democratic Party in the US and is in charge of raising money, organizing Democrats, messaging, setting the schedule for the Presidential primaries and representing the party's message on TV. Basically everything but creating policy. When the Democrats control the White House, the President appoints the DNC chair who takes orders from DC. With the Democrats completely out of power, the DNC chair is much more important. Every candidate has pledged to be a full-time chair if elected.
Who votes on this thing?:
The 447 members of the DNC, which include the chairs of every state party and other political appointees/delegates. It's pretty confusing.
Isn't this already over since Bernie, Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer, et al endorsed Ellison?
Nope, most of these 447 people care more about what affects their state & local parties than what politicians in DC or interest groups want. 400 are from outside Washington, according to Howard Dean.
Why should I care since the average person can't vote?
I find it interesting, for one. It will also make you feel better about the Democratic Party over the next couple years. Also you don't want your last memory of a political debate to be one involving Trump. There's not many debates until the 2020 primaries, so enjoy them while you can!

The contenders:

Keith Ellison
US House Representative from Minnesota since 2007. Co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus Served in the Minnesota State House from 2002-2006. Endorsed by Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Chuck Schumer as well as a bunch of others, including the AFL-CIO. One of two Muslims serving in Congress. I like Ellison, but some folks have been concerned about him as chair due to his past controversies. Ellison is an unabashed progressive, but the DNC is much more of an organizing position than a policy one.See his platform here.

Tom Perez
US Secretary of Labor since 2013. Formerly Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights in the Obama admin from 2009 and Maryland Secretary of Labor from 2007-2009. Also worked in the Department of Justice, was an adviser to Ted Kennedy, and worked in the Department of Health and Human Services under the Clinton admin. The most politically experienced candidate in the field, but some activists consider him tainted by his close ties with both the Clinton & Obama camps. See Tom's platform.

Pete Buttigieg
Mayor of South Bend, Indiana since 2011. A Lieutenant in the Naval Reserves who served a seven-month tour of duty in Afghanistan in 2014. Named "Mayor of the Year" by GovFresh.com in 2013 and called "most interesting mayor you've never heard of" by the Washington Post in 2014. Came out as openly gay in 2015 and won re-election afterwards with over 80% of the vote in a city that went 50/50 for Trump/Clinton in 2016. Harvard/Oxford grad and Rhodes scholar. Did I mention he's only 34? Dude has a bright future. See Pete's platform here.

Sally Boynton Brown
Executive Director of the Idaho Democratic Party since March 2012. I really liked what she said in the first forum over the weekend but she's a long shot for the head spot. I think she will end up being an outstanding vice chair of the party. See Sally's platform here.

Jaime Harrison
Chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party since 2013. A protege of Congressman Jim Clyburn, he previously served as floor director for Clyburn (when he was Majority Whip) and executive director of the House Democratic Caucus. Also liked his comments in the first forum in PhoenixSee Jaime's platform here.

Ray Buckley
Current chair of the New Hampshire State Party since 2007. Former state legislator for 18 years in New Hampshire, some as party whip. Receives some credit for changing New Hampshire from a red to a light-blue state. Worked on Joe Lieberman's 2004 Presidential primary campaign and drove the JoeMobile around.See Ray's platform here.

And maybe? Jehmu Greene
Former Fox News Analyst. Jumped into the DNC race late and not listed on the Huffington Post debate roster. Actually was President of Rock the Vote and has been involved with the DNC for years before that, so she's well-qualified to run. Can't find a platform for her.