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The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai (XBLA) Official Thread


The Header:

What is The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai?


The Dishwasher is a 2D, side-scrolling, beat 'em up action game. Gameplay revolves around an unnamed protagonist, ostensibly a dishwasher, as he fights through waves of increasingly strong enemies until the boss fight and the end of the level. The player is given a basic starting weapon (meat cleavers) and can earn new weapons and upgrades by defeating bosses and collecting 'spirals' from defeated enemies. Weapons seen so far include the cleavers, a samurai sword, machine gun, shotgun, chainsaw, and others. Fighting is done through using either a basic attack, a strong attack, or a grab move, in combination or alone to string together chains of attacks for points. Enemies, once weakened, are susceptible to various 'finishing moves' that yield even more points and health to the player. There is also a magic system, dubbed Dish Magic, which can be bought at later levels. Also present is a guitar minigame, which can be played with the common guitar peripherals from the Guitar Hero and Rock Band series.[4]

James Silva has announced two different game modes besides the Story Mode. In Dish Challenge you must survive wave after wave of enemy attacks while attempting to score combos for points. The second extra mode is Arcade, which are short, one room levels which sometimes have certain themes or types on their own. You are locked in with two weapons and one magic ability, and must kill all enemies. In addition to the standard Story Mode, there is a ranked mode that is set at the hardest difficulty, and up to 3 extra players in co-op mode which can play through the whole story (non-ranked only).

Inspiration for The Dishwasher began in 2004 when James Silva was himself working as a dishwasher, and felt that the position earned too little respect. After pointing out to many people that Bruce Lee was a dishwasher, he began to envision a game about a dishwasher who "mercilessly slaughtered piles of extremely well trained evil minions". Several attempts were made on the game, with the first idea as a third-person shooter. This was later scrapped for a side-scrolling shooter, then a 3D side-scroller. Silva eventually settled on the current 2D design after working with XNA Game Studio Express. Work on the game proceeded for about 4 months before the eventual submission to Dream-Build-Play, and in the end had numerous levels, weapons, bosses, and thousands of frames of animation.

The Dishwasher was the winner of Microsoft's initial Dream-Build-Play game development contest in 2007. Silva received US$10,000 and an Xbox Live Arcade publishing contract.

Release Date and Price:


Former Xbox Live Community Games darling The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai is headed to Xbox Live Arcade this Wednesday, April 1. According to the game's profile on Xbox.com, The Dishwasher will go for 800 Microsoft points (about $10) when it arrives on the Marketplace tomorrow.

The Dishwasher caught a lot of attention when its short demo proved to be one of the early standouts during the Community Games preview last February. Since then, developer Ska Studios has revealed several new modes and gameplay additions -- including a co-op mode utilizing guitar controllers for special moves -- bumping the title to a full XBLA release.

James Silva Interview:


As you may have seen earlier last week, we kind of really like The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai. I gushed about it to the crew here, and it seems that everyone is about as excited as I am. The gruesome action and intense sensory overload could only have come from one dude.

James Silva, proprietor of Ska Studios.

Mr. Silva was courteous enough to spend some time with us this week as we grilled him about his upcoming Xbox Live Arcade title, The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai. If you’re interested in becoming a game developer, learning the fundamentals of the game (as well as why it’s totally friggin’ awesome) as well as some juicy details about the game’s achievements, you’ve come to the right place.

Convenient. Read on for the full interview with James Silva, or else we might have to send a demented, heartless, cleaver wielding BAMF through the internet and in to your face!

As usual, our bits will appear in the oh-so-purdy green, while our favorite new game designer (ass kissing +2) will appear in black.

First things first: Who are you, and how did you get in this room?!

Um, I’m James Silva, and I’m not quite sure myself

Fair Enough. Since you’re here, why not explain a little bit about yourself. We hear you’ve got a title on Xbox Live Marketplace?

Yes–a special trial version of The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai is now available on XBLM. Since I’m currently trapped at GDC with no 360 to speak of, I can’t try out the whole download process myself. I hear it’s a little convoluted, but I’ve been told it’s totally worth it.

You’ve been told correctly. Regardless of the process, the game is definitely a blast. Care to explain the basics for the uninformed?

Sure. The game centers around the Dishwasher, a psychotic undead samurai who cuts through wave after wave of evil cyborgs. The Dishwasher is a stylistic action platformer with fast, fluid gameplay and a unique, dark visual style.

It’s definitely a unique style - personally it reminds me of Afro Samurai, an short anime series from a year or so back. Any particular influences from specific cultures, artists or themes?

I’ve always really appreciated graphic novel styles without actually being an avid collector of comics–so I guess I’m a bit of a poser in that respect. The whole concept of stylistic art and graphic storytelling is definitely an influence.


James’ art style is, as you can see here, totally bitchin’.

The music is on the same level as the art - it’s a combination of multiple themes, and is totally awesome and still feels fresh. “Traditional” Japanese twangs and heavy metal riffs - who made all of the tunes?

I did all the music. The Japanese twangs (it’s a shamisen sound) actually were added to that track after one of my roommates bought a keyboard–which should be somewhat indicative of the Dishwasher music creation process. It was basically me playing with toys (musical instruments, some call them) until I ended up with something I liked. There are jungle influences, electronica influences, and metal influences, and I’m really happy with the final product.

The music intensifies things, pumps them up past 11. The combat is particularly intense as well, but it’s still fluid and fun. It’s also more than a button masher. When creating the fighting mechanics, what were some of the key decisions in the development?

Combat was sort of a combination of inspiration and evolution. There’s a pretty standard formula for action games–combos, juggles, etc.–seen in a lot of great works like Ninja Gaiden and [Devil May Cry], which The Dishwasher takes a lot of inspiration from.

Combat evolved into something that’s really got it’s own feel–the pace is brutal, the moves are intense, and in the hands of a skilled player, the Dishwasher can just clear rooms in no time, leaving quite the excellent trail of dead.

Combat is essentially tied to two buttons, but it’s pretty extensive. There’s also multiple weapons , and we’ve seen two slice-and-dice toys in the trial on Marketplace. What can gamers expect to see when the game launches on XBLA?

Silva: One thing that the demo doesn’t get into is the weapon upgrades–throughout the game you can beat certain challenges to earn Psycho Picks, which are exchanged to upgrades. In the trial, The Dishwasher can play with the Cleavers, Shift Blade, Kama Blades, and Arsenal–but most of those weapons will be limited to upgrade level 1. The full game has 3 levels of upgrades as well as a fourth weapon–the Chainsaw.


Working alone on a game sounds tough… You’ve got a lot of content in this game, too. What was the most difficult decision you had to make in the process of bringing this dream to life?

I got the idea for The Dishwasher about 3 or 4 years ago, and since then I’ve tried to make it as many times. After three false starts, each with fairly different game play visions, I settled on the current one.

It almost seemed like in my mind The Dishwasher was waiting for a game could stand up to the concept, and settling on the current iteration was quite the commitment.

We love achievements. Any idea what kind of, or how many of these sweet babies we’re going to earn in the process of decimating and de-limb-ifying cyborgs?

The standard for XBLA titles is 12, and I’ve spread them out between typical story-advancing ones, crazy combat ones, and one excellent obscure reference.

Enough about Dishwasher. What about you, sir? Let’s get the biggest typical, expected question out of the way: How did you become a game designer?

It was sort of a case of necessity being the mother of invention–when I was 12 my mom decided I had played too much Nintendo and banned Nintendo on weekdays, so I compensated by learning how to make text adventures in BASIC. Little did I know it then, but that marked the start of a roller-coaster career in indie development.

What advice can you offer any aspiring developers? Is there specific details or info you’d like to share regarding what to learn prior to making games these days?

Learn C#–taking a few Comp Sci classes couldn’t hurt too much.

Please don’t aspire to create an MMO or FPS–leave that to the big studios. If you start with something at a level that you’re comfortable with (think 8-bit era), you have an infinitely greater chance of succeeding than if you were to try to create something more ambitious.

Any ideas about what to do next, and will Ska Studios see an increase in staff members?

I’d like to keep doing the indie thing if I can.

Fill us in: when can we expect a release?

All I can say is: when it’s done!

Thanks James. We appreciate your time here with us, and we’re really looking forward to the game. Best of luck, and thanks!


















There are 12 achievements with a total of 200 points.
Smasher of Zombies 25
Beat the game on normal or ninja difficulty.

The Peter Moore Achievement 8
Pay homage to one of our generation's greatest rock performances ever.

Got the Hat 40
Beat the game on Samurai difficulty.

The First Encounter 10

The Black Book Achievement 11
Earn 100 million points in an Arcade level.

Smash Your TV 13

Cemetery Man 20
Complete St. Crux Cemetery using only the Chainsaw.

The Brutal Achievement 10
Do 10 wall slams in one combo.

Kill You Seven Times 14
Air juggle an enemy for 10 seconds.

Untouchable 21
Get 21 kills without getting hit once.

Master of Arcade Dishwashing 15
Complete Arcade mode.

And You Will Know Us... 13
Impale 13 freaks.

IGN XBLA Review of The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai

7.3, Decent

IGN XBLA Video Review


This is this week's game? They must have got switched around. I'm glad this game is finally coming out, it looks gloriously gruesome.


I badly want this game tomorrow but then I wont have enough for SR2 DLC in a few weeks time. I hate the really important decisions in life :(.
Been wanting to play the game for awhile, never got to try any demo, is there still any backdoor links to the old demo or will I have to wait till tomorrow and just outright buy the game :)


jam86 said:
Been wanting to play the game for awhile, never got to try any demo, is there still any backdoor links to the old demo or will I have to wait till tomorrow and just outright buy the game :)

Well, there will be a demo releasing with the game as per Microsoft regulations and I would imagine that demo would better reflect what the game has become in the last year.


IGN XBLA Review of The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai


The story makes no sense--and isn't even good in a "hey this makes no sense" sort of way. Why would anyone want to read blurry comic-book panels?
8.0 Graphics
There are some great effects and interesting designs, but the backgrounds are pretty tame. There's also a ton of tearing on the screen.
6.5 Sound
There's some decent music, but the sound effects are pretty weak.
7.5 Gameplay
A fun button-masher that includes a lot of flare, but isn't actually that exciting.
7.5 Lasting Appeal
There's plenty of game here, enough to keep you busy for a good 10 hours.

IGN XBLA Video Review
Judging by the demo I played a long time ago, I'd say if anyone has a 360, you kind of owe it to yourself to check it out, especially if you're a fan of overthetop action games.


So is the co-op gimped ala Fable where you don't actually play as another samurai dude, you play as some little floating thing that helps the main guy out?


I've been dying to play this game wont be able to till tomorrow night so GAF get with the impressions.

I loved the demo last year and now I can't wait to see and the new features along with the increase to 60fps, online co-op.


Gowans007 said:

I didnt buy it yet but I guess my impression was, god of war if it was made for the SNES back in the day hehe. Its really fun. The combat is really fun, the graphics are nice kinda hit and miss in some parts (big backgrounds, wierd art style). I will probably pick it up later today most likely, If I do ill give better impressions lol.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Fun but difficult. Haven't played much yet but definitely challenging. But I suck with these kind of games so that doesn't help :)
this game is more or less Devil May Cry in 2D. it has similar enemy patterns, a deep combo system with tons of moves per weapon, and large playstyle differences between each weapon. there's a similar RPG-lite weapon, character, and magic progression system. these upgrades are bought with "orbs" that you collect from fallen enemies. you can dash at any time with the left trigger or right stick, and you get a sword early on that lets you teleport in any direction instead of dashing. this sword effectively lets you freely fly around the levels. both these abilities give your character a huge amount of mobility and allow for a frantic combat pace. there seems to be some level of non-linear progression through each level, with exploration netting you hidden items.

i have to say, i am loving the combat. you are given a lot of options to employ in the heat of battle and the impact of everything just makes you feel like a complete badass. even fighting half a dozen enemies at once i didn't feel overwhelmed. the game really rewards avoidance of enemy attacks and smart use of your many combos.

"button masher" this is not. IGN has no fucking clue.


i've downloaded the trial (i had already played the game a year ago in the XNA thing) but i'm not fully convinced to buy it.
It's good, but there's something -i don't really know what- missing here.

I guess i'll skip, even if i usually love the genre.
Really wish he'd got someone to create better sprites, as the ones used are absolutely awful. Whole thing looks like Photoshop Filter Effects: The Game.


SecretBonusPoint said:
Really wish he'd got someone to create better sprites, as the ones used are absolutely awful. Whole thing looks like Photoshop Filter Effects: The Game.

they look fine to me. you play it or watch a video?


Love it played the CG version last year and really enjoyed it. Especially with the extra skills you get at the end of the trail.

Will buy it properly when i get in this evening.


8.0 Graphics
There are some great effects and interesting designs, but the backgrounds are pretty tame. There's also a ton of tearing on the screen.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

I even made a thread saying this, but I'll say it again. This game is just way too UGLY.


Mik2121 said:
You've got to be fucking kidding me.

I even made a thread saying this, but I'll say it again. This game is just way too UGLY.

i like the gfx/art, reminds me of facewound, which sadly is never getting finished


I picked it up, really really enjoying the combat. Pulling off a 96 hit combo was just so sick. It felt tony hawk ish a little bit.


warbegins said:
*sweet, sweet combat description*

"button masher" this is not. IGN has no fucking clue.

Have they ever had one?

Mik2121 said:
You've got to be fucking kidding me.

I even made a thread saying this, but I'll say it again. This game is just way too UGLY.



bryehn said:
Heh, I'm still stuck on the first boss, can't seem to figure him out just yet.

Just stay at the end, on top of the box thingies when he reaches the end of the level jump down and attack.
bryehn said:
Heh, I'm still stuck on the first boss, can't seem to figure him out just yet.
Just hit B or Y when he charges you, should destroy the horsie fast. Once he gets off, dodge behind him as he slashes down and pound him.

They seemed to have nerfed the fuck out of the sword you get from him since the demo. It just kinda... sucks. Also getting hit in finisher animations is kinda suck.


This game is hard as fuck.

Anyone else find the clevers better than the sword from the first boss? The Y attack on the sword is just to damn slow.


Son of Godzilla said:
Just hit B or Y when he charges you, should destroy the horsie fast. Once he gets off, dodge behind him as he slashes down and pound him.

They seemed to have nerfed the fuck out of the sword you get from him since the demo. It just kinda... sucks. Also getting hit in finisher animations is kinda suck.

yeah the shift sword blows. I just use it when i have to use the warp to get places and then back to cleavers.
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