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The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai (XBLA) Official Thread


I fired this up for a quick hour after work before decorating.

I have just learned how to grab, slam and instakill the flying robots, loving stringing them together :D


The arsenal is a fucking awesome weapon (when upgraded). In fact, pretty much everything about this game is fucking awesome. I respect it for just choosing the most awesome thing for every situation regardless of whether it makes sense or not. Rule of cool etc.


I can't believe I just celebrated completing this on normal. I had to complete it on easy this afternoon just to upgrade myself, the shift blade, kama and the chainsaw to do it in the end but it was quite a fun experience despite nearly crippling my hands. Multiplayer is a lot of fun and automatically powers you and your weapons up for the arcade challenges so everyone's on a fairly even playing field but the challenges are brutally punishing.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I beat the game on Ninja difficulty a few days ago, and damnit I gotta say it wasn't easy - I really had to work my ass off for it - and I loved that...

It could have been that it was hard for me because I didn't spam the Shift Blade, since I don't dig it that much anymore since it feels so weak compared to the GDC demo from way back (I mostly used the cleaves, the chainsaw or the kama) so I had to work a little harder...

Arcade Mode looks like it's gonna take a hell of a long time as well, gonna do that co-op for sure as it should be a blast...

Excellent game, and worth every penny as well as all that time waiting for it to come...

Jube3 said:
Do the unlocked combos carry over to other parts of the game? I havent unlocked one yet to test it.

Everything you have carries over to any other difficulty, or even if you back a level, etc.


I usually hate arcade modes et al but this one is actually pretty good, they really mix up the conditions a lot and force you to come up with new strategies for each stage.


Gawd I'm loving this game, so many combos chains. My favorite right now is cleaver air combo ,change to sword, do the big air combo which catapults them high up in the air, teleport up ,grab them and do an izuna drop ala NG2 . :D


Sorry to bump an old post but is the soundtrack for this available anywhere? I just bought the game and I'm REALLY enjoying it despite the difficulty :lol
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