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The Division 2 expansion ‘Warlords of New York’ announced



Ubisoft has announced The Division 2 expansion “Warlords of New York.” It will launch on March 3 across PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and UPLAY+, and later in March for Stadia.

Here is an overview of the expansion, via Ubisoft:
While current The Division 2 players can purchase the expansion on its own, new players can purchase the Standard Edition, which includes The Division 2 base game and The Division 2 Warlords of New Yorkexpansion. The Ultimate Edition, which gives players both the game and its expansion, as well as all of The Division 2’s Year 1 content, classified assignments and unlocked specializations, will also be available. All players must be at Level 30 and have reached World Tier 5 to join The Division 2 Warlords of New York. As such, each edition of the game will come with a Level 30 boost that players can activate if they wish to do so, to immediately jump into the New York expansion. After completing The Division 2 Warlords of New York campaign, Agents can then fast travel freely between Washington DC and New York City to enjoy the entire range of The Division 2’s content.

All players pre-purchasing** the expansion will be granted a free Level 30 boost that they can use at their discretion to jump their character to Level 30 in The Division 2, ahead of the expansion’s release.

A Narrative Expansion to Discover a New Area in New York City

In Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 Warlords of New York, Division Agents will go on the ultimate manhunt for Aaron Keener, a former Division Agent who has now gone rogue. Keener, along with his network of Rogue Agents, is now a major threat to the burgeoning rebirth of civilization. To track down Keener, Agents will roam the untamed living open world of Lower Manhattan; a former Dark Zone that was recently hit by a devastating hurricane that hit New York City harder than anywhere else in the US. Agents are tasked to explore new zones, each with iconic locations such as Two Bridges, Chinatown, and Wall Street. To get to Keener, players must take down each of his Rogue Agents. Each Rogue Agent has their own unique back story and skill—which you gain once you take them down.

The Ultimate Vision of Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 Warlords of New York

After taking the time to hear and gather community feedback, core gameplay enhancements have been implemented across various topics such as build diversity, gear streamlining and even more meaningful loot.

Along with The Division 2 Warlords of New York, Title Update 8 will include an RPG overhaul, allowing players to better read and manage their gear inventory. The UI screen will be updated to always show the roll ranges for each stat on a piece of gear or weapon. The overhaul also includes the return of god rolls, improving readability and helping players make better decisions on the gear’s usefulness to their build. Additionally, players will see a more streamlined gear recalibration system, with item and stat usefulness indicators, as well as permanent attribute and stat storage at the recalibration station. This will allow Agents the flexibility to plan the perfect build.

The existing Dark Zones in The Division 2 are also being revitalized, returning to a simpler rogue mechanic. The focus is on rewarding player-to-player interaction, whether it’s fighting against each other or helping a fellow Agent against a tough Rogue player.

In The Division 2 Warlords of New York, the players’ level cap will increase from Level 30 to Level 40, but it doesn’t stop there. The Division 2 Warlords of New York is also introducing an infinite progression system, the SHD level, and 4 new skills that can be used throughout the game. Owners of the expansion will also get access to new gear and new weapons.

Introducing Seasons, including Leagues and the Return of Global Events

The expansion will also introduce a new post-launch philosophy: Seasons—a three-month-long themed endgame event with a new main target and his network to track down, introducing them at a regular pace, each with their own stories and unique rewards. The first season begins one week after the release of The Division 2 Warlords of New York. In addition to the Seasonal Manhunt, Seasons will offer new in-game activities. Leagues are a series of challenges for players with opportunities to unlock rewards based on players’ ability to complete such challenges. Players will also see the return of Global Events, time-limited in game events during which a global modifier is applied to the entire game and players will be rewarded by completing specific tasks. During each Season, players will grow their Season level to unlock various rewards by participating in the various seasonal activities or even simply playing the game. Players interested in collecting additional rewards can acquire a Season Pass. More information on Seasons and the Season Pass can be found here.

For more information on The Division 2 Warlords of New York, please visit the official website.

Available Tomorrow: Tom Clancy’s The Division 2: Episode 3 – Coney Island: The Hunt

Starting tomorrow, Wednesday February 12 for Year 1 pass holders (February 19 for all players), Episode 3 – Coney Island: The Hunt, the last episode of The Division 2’s free Year 1 post-launch content plan, will be available to play. Episode 3 serves as the prologue to The Division 2 Warlords of New York.

Episode 3 – Coney Island: The Hunt features two main missions, two classified assignments (for Year 1 pass holders), a new specialization, “Firewall, “and new rewards as part of the referral program, as well as new weapons and exotic weapon.

Cinematic Trailer

Story and Characters Trailer

Gameplay Overview Trailer

Gameplay Walkthrough



so thats later but today new TU7 with wooping 14gb size on pc. whats so big about it then ?

Ubisoft Massive has released Episode 3 today and it’s live now! Called The Division 2 TU7, console gamers will see this as The Division 2 update 1.16. Clocking in at 14GB on PC, and 10GB on PS4

in new DLC we will at last get a dogo to play with ? very cool,allways wanted to interact with those dogs in streets.
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Stadia being left for last again lol.

Division 2 is very cheap right now, I might actually pick it up because of this NY expansion.


The location was a big part of why D2 felt so bland, however, that's far from the games only issue. They need to massively overhaul the way gear and loot works (AKA basically completely re-do it from scratch) to make it worth playing. In it's current form, it's just not fun or rewarding.


How is the PS4 population? I kinda want to go back for this.

It’s not quite dead. But overall the population of the game had fallen off a cliff. The 3$ price tag definitely will do something tho as I just got it and I’m sure I’m not alone.

Being able to pet a dog... gotta admit.... that always awesome
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Just finished playing through the story mode Coney Island missions. They're very well done. Looking forward to cranking up the difficulty later tonight.

As for the expansion, it's an easy day 1 from me. A bigger sandbox, more loot, and the 3 month season approach is going to keep me busy for a looong time.
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ChatGPT 0.001
The Division always felt like a sample size for something greater, it's because Tom Clancy also has Ghost Recon, and R6 both are pretty good I understand why this DLC would be appealing, Ubi is trying to get the most out of the Division, fans should feel hyped.


Everyone getting excited for this is tempting me to re-download the base game and see what the fuss is about. Haven't touched since April something, but if an expansion gets people excited maybe the game got better.


Writes a lot, says very little
Looks good, but I think they should have went the EA route and had the DLC for the game free. They have already put the price very low, confirmed low sales and to add salt to the wound put on paid DLC. I wouldn't think much would be wrong if they made it clear they had plans to treat this title like The Division 1, but to even waste time telling folks they'll have free DLC only to charge for some DLC expansion later is a bad look.

They need some restructuring next gen. They are addressing stuff, but I feel not as fast as other publishers.


Just bought the base game and it is downloading now. Is there a thread for the PS4 users? Maybe a discord? Total noob but want to try the game with some peeps.


I still have the season pass (all 3 episodes) to play.

Maybe it's time to go back. I really digged Division 2, for my surprise it's currently the game I spent most time in this generation.


so in normal game with season pass, you done all episodes 1,2,3 done all extra islands you reached gear lvl 500 , so whats next for solo. ? is it hard on that level to survive in dark zones, as i dont care for them but for better loot maybe i would go there again solo only.

Texas Pride

so in normal game with season pass, you done all episodes 1,2,3 done all extra islands you reached gear lvl 500 , so whats next for solo. ? is it hard on that level to survive in dark zones, as i dont care for them but for better loot maybe i would go there again solo only.

The loot in the DZ isn't worth farming imo.


I stopped playing after the 1st chapter came out. Anything changed gear wise after that (besides skill req)? Or am I probably good with my current build? P416 still king (I think thats the name lol)?
I just bought the expansion yesterday for like $40.

Thing is i have a shit load of gear in my stash and on my character. Sad thing is i will have to scrap everything once the new expansion comes out because i'm sure what i have now will be very low tier.

Now i have to decide:

1. I keep all the gear and just save them to the upcoming 'bank' where you can store these things

2. Do i just scrap and sell every gear piece and mod item i have

I may just hold onto my most powerful build until the update hits so i can use that to start farming again.

Decisions decisions


ChatGPT 0.001
I just bought the expansion yesterday for like $40.

Thing is i have a shit load of gear in my stash and on my character. Sad thing is i will have to scrap everything once the new expansion comes out because i'm sure what i have now will be very low tier.

Now i have to decide:

1. I keep all the gear and just save them to the upcoming 'bank' where you can store these things

2. Do i just scrap and sell every gear piece and mod item i have

I may just hold onto my most powerful build until the update hits so i can use that to start farming again.

Decisions decisions
If you can keep it all go that route.


How's the story line? Any noticeable glitches in the gameplay?

Story wise, it's filler to bridge the gap between the base game and the upcoming xpac. A new threat (Rogue Division agent Keener) is introduced and the Cleaners resurface. Coney island is an interesting locale and a great place to wet the appetite for a return to NY. The set piece fights are in visually and strategically interesting locations, with an arcade and haunted house being the standouts for me.

No glitches in any of my playthroughs. I thoroughly enjoyed it, even though it's pretty brief. Can't wait for the expansion.


Coney island rly sweet to visit. Got my first exotic weapon chameleon which was worst then i had so duno never used it, spreads all over . Too fast rpm for me at 900 bullets ends so fast, and i got them 2 times second time from bounty

So back to college today , cant wait
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i wouldnt do it as i did , go to all those new areas at WT 4 or 5 its too high , you will get so much loot and you will use nothing because it will be all just worse then you have. i think for last 6-10 hrs of playing game im using same 2 weapons i got before and now im just getting everything worse then my gear , its some boring, so i would try do those from WT 1,2 maybe then you could get better loot at least that you could use, not 100 shotguns and SMG weapons that you never use ... i mean cmon..
Just checked with WT 1 guy first missions with copter is travel to kenly college , notthing else available yet on wt 1
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yh me too i miss first part for that and for all atmosphere around. need to rebuy D1 on pc and try on max settings to see if its better then ps4 pro version.
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wow tu8 for now without warlords, but it still getting higher gear score , new loot system, new gear , new recalibration, which i liked the most. i never used recalibration until now , but now its all new level you can just remove skills and keep them as much as you want. And i guess its time again to start new character from zero and see how loot will be different and how new skills on weapons and gear will work, they dais loot will be less but better one. ok i need to see it , but from zero , i will make one new char and try. And later maybe buy new DLC too, it could be cheaper though, i mean its just DLC and not that big one compare that most other stuff you get for free with TU8 anyway so just for new area not that big one pay 30 euros , hmm ?
wow tu8 for now without warlords, but it still getting higher gear score , new loot system, new gear , new recalibration, which i liked the most. i never used recalibration until now , but now its all new level you can just remove skills and keep them as much as you want. And i guess its time again to start new character from zero and see how loot will be different and how new skills on weapons and gear will work, they dais loot will be less but better one. ok i need to see it , but from zero , i will make one new char and try. And later maybe buy new DLC too, it could be cheaper though, i mean its just DLC and not that big one compare that most other stuff you get for free with TU8 anyway so just for new area not that big one pay 30 euros , hmm ?

It's literately a new campaign on a new fairly big open-world map. It's one of the best DLCs in the recent memory for me. Definitely worth 30 EUR., If you enjoy The Division 2, go and grab it!
Played for a few hours, the changes are amazing so far, feels like a different game. The Gear 2.0 system is MUCH better. Some people will be mad at the changes made, specially on the exotics, but things are much clearer now. Solid change IMO.
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