You know that you can matchmake for dark zone from your map? Need to be level 8 though.
Yeh I'm lvl 7.
You know that you can matchmake for dark zone from your map? Need to be level 8 though.
You're gonna have to keeping dark zoning for that, or just buy some blues using your spare normal credits from the weapons guy in your base (Don't waste your DZ credits for blues). And so far, the only orange guns I've seen are the ones you have to buy from the DZ safe house.
if I'm not wrong, I think there's a cooldown cycle after a crate gets open by someone else.
I don't think I would be surprised if DZ is the only "end game".
There's just no chance of DZ being the only endgame content. To me DZ is where I'd go to gear up in preparation for actual endgame content.
If what they said back in 2013 still holds true then they have 8 player content planned.
I mean, why would they have classes with specific roles if they didn't intend on having PVE content that puts those skills to use?
From what someone found on Reddit in the PC version, seems the group UI can fit up to 6 people. Unclear what it really means.
From what someone found on Reddit in the PC version, seems the group UI can fit up to 6 people. Unclear what it really means.
What's the fastest way to level 8? Those random encounters seem pointless, hardly any XP
What's the fastest way to level 8? Those random encounters seem pointless, hardly any XP
Complete all side quests and do hospital mission on hard.
that Hospital mission on Hard was so annoying...every enemy takes a ridiculous amount of bullets...they always charge and flank you too throwing a grenade every few seconds...that's one of the early level missions too, I can only imagine how annoyingly difficult the higher level 'Hard' missions will be
that Hospital mission on Hard was so annoying...every enemy takes a ridiculous amount of bullets...they always charge and flank you too throwing a grenade every few seconds...that's one of the early level missions too, I can only imagine how annoyingly difficult the higher level 'Hard' missions will be
The devs said they removed a lot of NPC spawns in the DZ, like packs roaming the streets and others. Only static spawns are in right now because they wanted people to focus on PVP.
Was in a dz server tonight where someone was totally invisible and killing everyone. Had to leave and get another server. Anyone else run into this?
Any way to farm Dark Zone points? I need like 3k for the legendary weapons
Any way to farm Dark Zone points? I need like 3k for the legendary weapons
Do we have a definitive time as to when the beta finishes tomorrow? I tried googling but can only see the date mentioned along with the starting date and time.
Do we have a definitive time as to when the beta finishes tomorrow? I tried googling but can only see the date mentioned along with the starting date and time.
What's the ETA until the beta closes?
How long will the Beta last?
The Xbox One Beta will begin Thursday, January 28 at 10am CET/4am EST/1am PST and will end Monday, February 1 at 12pm CET/6am EST/3am PST. The PlayStation 4 and PC Beta will begin Friday, January 29 at 1pm CET/7am EST/4am PST and will end Monday, February 1 at 12pm CET/6am EST/3am PST.
So I just started playing, and there's 4 people doing jumping jacks blocking me from progressing through the first mission. Is there some way around them?
If it's any consolation, thats the only area I can think of them being able to do once you have been to the main base area, you can fast travel between camp hudson and other areas you have been to.
how many fast travel areas are in the beta?...I've only seen the Main Operations Base and Camp Hudson...are there any more?
Played it some, visually it looks excellent on PC and the way it controls makes me wonder if it is the model for Ghost Recon Wildlands, minus the first person shooting bits. I liked what I played but I don't think I'll buy it until it drops in price, it's fun but I feel like it will probably bore me.
Grabbed the Gold Edition for $32. Uplay only copy but I'm ok with that. Had a blast with friends playing the beta so I hope the full game is just as good.
that Hospital mission on Hard was so annoying...every enemy takes a ridiculous amount of bullets...they always charge and flank you too throwing a grenade every few seconds...that's one of the early level missions too, I can only imagine how annoyingly difficult the higher level 'Hard' missions will be
so when comparing the same weapon type, say Assault Rifle, the DMG will be the most important factor to look at or is it still a combination of all factors such as rate of fire etc making DPS the more accurate overall representation of a weapons capabilities?
And honestly, this just shows how silly the DPS stat in this game is, when they should've just used a simple "attack power" stat for the weapons, sort of like how destiny does it. Let's take the shotgun vs AR for example; your AR will constantly be missing due to recoil, but a shotgun deliver a single burst of damage that is typically hard to miss if well placed. How is DPS reflective of the actual damage you're doing then, when the shotgun is about 300DPS weaker than the AR, yet I'm killing stuff consistently better than with my lvl 4 M4?
This is one of the major things about the game that needs to be changed prior to release; instead of the DPS aggregate, just go back to showing us the base damage of the weapon.