Im fucking crying laughing at the goofy ass carnage that just unfolded. These four jerkoffs get manhunt status and decide to post up at the top of the ladder in the alley where that crate is, kinda right next to the dark zone entrance. There's probably 10 people down at the base of the ladder all trying to get them. Throwing nades up there, going up in groups with the shields, trying to bait them out... Nothing is working bodies just keep getting blown off the ladder. And there's no mics at all, just randoms employing no strategy. This goes on for about 15 min and they don't lose their status cause they keep blowing people off the ladder. Finally we all stack up on the ladder. All 10-12 of us just right at the top overlapping each other. We can see them backed up against the wall back there like a firing squad. We sit for a few minutes cause no one wants to go first, I'm giggling like a school girl cause the whole thing was so dumb. Finally one guy gets on the mic he's dying laughing too. Then we all charge over the ladder like Normandy beach and you got about 14 people all annihilating each other at point blank range. Everyone went rogue, literally nearly everyone died, including the original perps, manhunt was great success.
Fucking laughed my ass off