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The Division Beta Thread: Make Manhattan Great Again

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TWD the series or comic? Because show is very tame stuff when compared to source material [read: comic]. If you are talking about show and how it's creepy, depraved etc. you are in for a shock if you start reading those comics :D That said Spec Ops: The Line is where all kinds of creepy and depraved shit is at, setting and story telling in that game is something else as a whole.

I was referring to the show. I'm sure you're right about the comic, but my point is that I doubt a mass-market Ubisoft game is even going to go as far as the show. People being covered in the blood of their friends who are being eaten on top of them, having to shove knives through the eye sockets of your family members, etc.

This whole conversation is making me seem like a crazy blood lust fetishist or something.

For what it's worth I was able to open dark zone chests just now

What was in it?


Yeeeeeah but Walking Dead is willing to go for it in a way that I really doubt Ubisoft is. We're not going to see really depraved shit in The Division, more like "Oooh, these guys shot innocent people! See how bad they are? This world is so awful!"

Based off that crappy 30 min agent orgins and the echos in the beta. It seems to be going for the more this shit sucks. I doubt it will go as dark as the walking dead. But they need to do something different as the subject matter has been done a million times over
Oh, OH! I forgot to complain about this earlier, but the larger-zoom scopes are broken or disabled in the beta, correct? Because 12x scopes are the same zoom as holo sights right now.

The cover system will be useless when battle against zombie isn't it?

Yes, I suppose it would be. To me that's a good thing though. Any time you're forced out of cover is when the combat is most interesting.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Baiting people getting into rogue is pretty hilarious. People getting triggered so easily, all you have to do is just ignore it but no you shoot them in the foot and they go all rambo at you but then those are the ones who die in the end lmao.


I was referring to the show. I'm sure you're right about the comic, but my point is that I doubt a mass-market Ubisoft game is even going to go as far as the show. People being covered in the blood of their friends who are being eaten on top of them, having to shove knives through the eye sockets of your family members, etc.

This whole conversation is making me seem like a crazy blood lust fetishist or something.

I added edit to my original post;
Edit: When I was exploring metro in DZ it did give me pause when I walked into massgrave. Or Northwestmost corner where is cleaners, all kinds of creepy shit going on in there when it comes to atmosphere of the place.

I think Division has less straight out violence against innocents that is shown on the screen, but how environments are built and filled with detail tell its own story of violence, and death. Even when walking on the streets of DZ you can see frozen bodies, shot up ambulances with executed medics next to it, covered up bodies etc. everywhere and then whole mass grave located in now abandoned metro tunnels. PvE zone has cleaner and had more sense of order to it, but who knows how grim even those get as we get deeper into gang dominated areas.

Baiting people getting into rogue is pretty hilarious. People getting triggered so easily, all you have to do is just ignore it but no you shoot them in the foot and they go all rambo at you but then those are the ones who die in the end lmao.

I like to dare those baiters into pushing it too far so I could just put them down. In my experience baiters are just bunch of cowards who want to PvP, but aren't brave enough to commit into what they try to start ;)



Will blowing my mind I guess.
Like Hive mind one? Zombie who can retain all human ability, brain infestation, alien?

Virus could mutate =

Who knows. Bio weapons have endless possibilities.
Datto said chests can give 1000 DZP but I have yet to see that happen.
Can confirm. Had that 1000DZ$ multiple times.
I added edit to my original post;
Edit: When I was exploring metro in DZ it did give me pause when I walked into massgrave. Or Northwestmost corner where is cleaners, all kinds of creepy shit going on in there when it comes to atmosphere of the place.

I think Division has less straight out violence against innocents that is shown on the screen, but how environments are built and filled with detail tell its own story of violence, and death. Even when walking on the streets of DZ you can see frozen bodies, shot up ambulances with executed medics next to it, covered up bodies etc. everywhere and then whole mass grave located in now abandoned metro tunnels. PvE zone has cleaner and had more sense of order to it, but who knows how grim even those get as we get deeper into gang dominated areas.

Oh yeah I missed the edit. Good points, there is some pretty dark stuff in the DZ. Running over bodybags is something I notice and feel weird about every time.


Adding zombies would really turn me off from the game. There's already so many zombie games, having a (post) apocalyptic game without 'em is a nice change of pace.


Datto said chests can give 1000 DZP but I have yet to see that happen.
Ohhh Didn't know Datto was actually covering The Division. I know he was thinking about it, but said that alot of people unsub when there's any content other than Destiny. I'll look out for his vids.


I do like the foundation of the game. Shooting feels pretty good I like the upgrades and customization. They just really need to have a good variety of stuff do it. If I'm going to be doing the same thing for most of the game I can see it wearing thin.


Ohhh Didn't know Datto was actually covering The Division. I know he was thinking about it, but said that alot of people unsub when there's any content other than Destiny. I'll look out for his vids.

At this point I imagine people would unsub if he's still making Destiny videos. :p


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
I like to dare those baiters into pushing it too far so I could just put them down. In my experience baiters are just bunch of cowards who want to PvP, but aren't brave enough to commit into what they try to start ;)


No no, cowards are the ones who go rogue and then hide in the red area, so they get teleported to the save zone. Those are the worst.

I couldn't care less if someone shoots me once or twice, you heal yourself if you only took a few shots. Just ignore it :p


Adding zombies would really turn me off from the game. There's already so many zombie games, having a (post) apocalyptic game without 'em is a nice change of pace.

would be fine as a separate mode entirely. i don't wanna fight zombies in cover shooters.


I was referring to the show. I'm sure you're right about the comic, but my point is that I doubt a mass-market Ubisoft game is even going to go as far as the show. People being covered in the blood of their friends who are being eaten on top of them, having to shove knives through the eye sockets of your family members, etc.

This whole conversation is making me seem like a crazy blood lust fetishist or something.

What was in it?

What DZ rank are you? Anything good in it?
I'm max rank. I was opening smaller chests got green loot and the bigger ones had blue loot

Also found 2 scarfs! First time seeing any.


Datto said chests can give 1000 DZP but I have yet to see that happen.

Isn't 1000 DZP guaranteed? I have opened two of those large DZ chests, both gave that 1k. Was nice boost towards that orange AR when was just starting out in DZ.

Ohhh Didn't know Datto was actually covering The Division. I know he was thinking about it, but said that alot of people unsub when there's any content other than Destiny. I'll look out for his vids.

He has been looking into being more diverse for some time now. Being Destiny exclusive channel is kinda dead end if he wants to commit into YouTube and Twitch for his living. Gothalion kinda has that whole Destiny exclusivity corner locked down :D


Is the game confirmed to have zombies?
People keep bringing it up yet I can't find any info on it.
I honestly hope it doesn't


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
would be fine as a separate mode entirely. i don't wanna fight zombies in cover shooters.

Uh, i want to fight zombies in a cover shooter that's for damn sure and i can't wait for the sequel.


But for this game i'm not sure if Zombies would work, i think i remember a dev saying they will keep it realistic.


Isn't 1000 DZP guaranteed? I have opened two of those large DZ chests, both gave that 1k. Was nice boost towards that orange AR when was just starting out in DZ.

Can't say I've noticed getting 1000 DZP from a chest. I don't have a Caduceus and I've opened at least two of them.


I'm usually with TB and he does talk a lot of truth but man this beta video is hard to watch, shits all over it then says he doesn't generally like 3rd person cover shooter. Maybe wait for a bit more content before going all in on an extremely small beta.

His opinion and hes entitled to it 100% but he just seems to be going a bit hard on what is essentially, a test.


Can you interact with DZ chests at all if you don't meet the requirements to open them? I had a message pop up a number of times saying some chests require a certain dz level to open, but I never actually saw anything that could be interacted with or that would tell me what level was required. I ran around for quite a bit in the DZ yesterday so I assumed I would stumble on one eventually when going into an infected area.
Had a fun time with the beta. Put in some decent time, and maxed out my character. Pretty much had the best weapons and gear like the Caduceus and some high level stuff. Had a lot of fun playing with friends too. Hopefully there is a decent amount of content when this drops as well.
I have a question for the console players: When playing this in a PSN/XBL party with your friends, does the proximity chat no longer work? Do you have to use the in game voice chat for proximity chat to be a factor, basically. Because that is one of my favorite aspects of this game.


I'm usually with TB and he does talk a lot of truth but man this beta video is hard to watch, shits all over it then says he doesn't generally like 3rd person cover shooter. Maybe wait for a bit more content before going all in on an extremely small beta.

His opinion and hes entitled to it 100% but he just seems to be going a bit hard on what is essentially, a test.

I'm surprised that he even did this long and opinion filled video about beta. We are talking about person who won't cover Early Access games during EA time because how much games can change during that time, and because how content incomplete game without access to all content can't give full and realistic picture on if game is any worth. In that light having video like this about beta is little... odd to me.

He couldn't wait until full release that comes with full access to all features and content?

Off topic: Still smallest "beta", in scope and amount of content, I have played still is one they kept for vanilla Diablo 3.


Dark Zone was made for you crazy players who want stuff that's similar to DayZ/Rust. :p

It's actually funny you bring up that comparison, because I feel that's what put me off the game. DZ is a cordoned-off part of the city riddled with contamination. Initially I thought we'd be getting a portion of the city that has all been forgotten ( limited UI, no power, full contamination, unusual weather patterns). Getting back to the Rust/DayZ comparison though, in the DZ you're given a portion of the city where you're tasked with creating your own fun but are limited in doing so compared to the aforementioned games. You're also penalized for becoming hostile to such a degree it becomes pointless if you ever want to progress.
I'm usually with TB and he does talk a lot of truth but man this beta video is hard to watch, shits all over it then says he doesn't generally like 3rd person cover shooter. Maybe wait for a bit more content before going all in on an extremely small beta.

His opinion and hes entitled to it 100% but he just seems to be going a bit hard on what is essentially, a test.

"Betas" 5-6 weeks before launch are not small tests, they are demos of what you are going to be paying for. Nothing significant is going to change. Any bugs you see now are likely going to be in live, except for crashes and the like. If you don't enjoy the content in the beta its not going to suddenly morph into something completely different 10 hours further in.

Some people are going to love the PVE and/or PVP in this game, others are simply not. We saw the same things happen in Evolve and R6 and Battlefront and COD: Black ops 3, they all had betas a few weeks before launch and the game stayed exactly the same.

I like battlefront and love blops3 but can totally understand how someone would NOT like either of those games. Likewise, I'm kinda meh on Division, but can totally see how someone would love it especially the DZ stuff.

I am really glad so many multiplayer games are doing fairly wide betas nowadays, its really hard to judge whether you will like a games aesthetics and control until you actually try it out. I fell in love with blops3's controls but there would be no way to know that from twitch/youtube videos or articles, only by actually playing it. By contrast I just don't like Division's control systems at all, don't even really know why it just feels awkward to me.
I enjoyed my time with the beta, which was admittedly somewhat short. I liked it more than I did Destiny's beta, but I'm not convinced that this game is for me.

I actually like the cover mechanics and combat. I like the overall environment and theme of the game. I just don't know how much content will be available for someone like me that will probably be playing this game solo for 90% of the time.

If this game had an offline single player campaign, even if it were just 8 hours, I'd probably pick up this game. For right now, my plans are to read some reviews upon release and some impressions here on Neogaf.

I may skip this game in favor of something like Uncharted 4 that has a dedicated solo, offline campaign and multiplayer with a heavy PVP emphasis.


I enjoyed my time with the beta, which was admittedly somewhat short. I liked it more than I did Destiny's beta, but I'm not convinced that this game is for me.

I actually like the cover mechanics and combat. I like the overall environment and theme of the game. I just don't know how much content will be available for someone like me that will probably be playing this game solo for 90% of the time.

If this game had an offline single player campaign, even if it were just 8 hours, I'd probably pick up this game. For right now, my plans are to read some reviews upon release and some impressions here on Neogaf.

I may skip this game in favor of something like Uncharted 4 that has a dedicated solo, offline campaign and multiplayer with a heavy PVP emphasis.

Well, considering the Devs said they nerfed the amount of enemies wandering the streets in the Beta, I think there will be more to do in the final game.

Hell, I've put around 15 hours into a beta with only one campaign mission and I've only spent 30 minutes in the dark zone. The loot grind is addicting as hell.
So I'm wondering what platform people were on who had an absolutely terrible dark zone experience?

I was playing on PC solo 100% of the time, and I had a blast, I got back stabbed a few times for sure, and baited to go rogue a couple times, but I found it mostly to be fun but super tense.


Well, considering the Devs said they nerfed the amount of enemies wandering the streets in the Beta, I think there will be more to do in the final game.

Hell, I've put around 15 hours into a beta with only one campaign mission and I've only spent 30 minutes in the dark zone. The loot grind is addicting as hell.
Definitely. I cant wait to get off work so I can go check point hopping in the DZ to see what new loot they have.
Adding zombies would really turn me off from the game. There's already so many zombie games, having a (post) apocalyptic game without 'em is a nice change of pace.

I would like to see some stragglers becoming overly-agressive and charge at the player in waves, it would mix things up a little in the dark zone too.
I loved the Dark Zone stuff despite thinking I'd hate it. The tension of seeing someone without any contaminated goods show up to an extraction was fantastic. "What are you doing here, buddy? You don't have anything to extract! BACK THE FUCK UP WHY ARE YOU HERE"


I highly doubt the go "zombie." Virus mutation maybe.

Tom Clancy games tend to be a little closer to reality. But...they do need to make some interesting combat...so its possible.

I dunno. I run I shoot...I walk around in the snow...Worth a day 1 for me.


"Betas" 5-6 weeks before launch are not small tests, they are demos of what you are going to be paying for. Nothing significant is going to change. Any bugs you see now are likely going to be in live, except for crashes and the like. If you don't enjoy the content in the beta its not going to suddenly morph into something completely different 10 hours further in.

Yeah that can be the case but most recent Beta I had problems with was Rainbow Six Siege like 2 day's before it came out and when it was released my problems were fixed. Who knows what build this beta is.
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